All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 461.4
Mean Score:
- Watching4
- Completed1,590
- On-Hold14
- Dropped0
- Plan to Watch1,066
- Total Entries2,674
- Rewatched0
- Episodes29,560
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 173.5
Mean Score:
- Reading19
- Completed125
- On-Hold329
- Dropped0
- Plan to Read65
- Total Entries538
- Reread0
- Chapters26,789
- Volumes1,759
All Comments (3) Comments
Mostly download from Nyaa for all new seasonal anime.
If I want a full anime series and don't mind using a torrent I use Bakabt
If I want to download individual episodes directly I use this website
This website has a good selection of anime to download that are compressed to 100mb per episode.
There are tons and tons of illegal streaming sites that are easy to find.
Crunchyroll is a legal streaming site, same with Funamation.
Zetsuen No Tempest
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
I'm not watching One Piece or Space Brothers though. How many episodes will Space Brothers have?