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"unhinged shit" (according to user AvragePolishMale)

Manga is political! Like any cultural production, manga is giving us a window over the society that produces it. And this society is certainly patriarchal!

Here, you will find manga reviews that focus on the feminist and political content of mostly mature titles, famous or not.

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Crazy Food Truck
Crazy Food Truck
Dec 27, 2024 11:22 PM
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Dec 26, 2024 7:09 PM
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An Element
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MichaelJackson Feb 5, 3:51 PM
BrowniesCD Jan 6, 3:44 AM
horrible literacy comprehension, it's evident you don't know what you're talking about.
Iuri-Lua Dec 22, 2024 1:40 PM
Very pathetic profile.
morgueee Jul 19, 2024 7:13 PM
real funny guy you are man
beam_mopanies Jul 19, 2024 3:06 AM
feminism score made my day im your biggest fan
AvragePolishMale Nov 29, 2023 2:15 PM
This is possibly the funniest shit I've seen in years.
Feminism score in Shounen.
Truly unhinged shit right here. Love it.

God bless you bro.
OperatorNeves03 Oct 29, 2023 6:53 PM
Get a life son.
habibisuckslol Aug 29, 2023 11:09 AM
horrible usogui review, its obvious you did not finish the series let alone could fully comprehend it.

P.S. Those girls weren't offered as "objects", it was consensual + prostitution/slavery was apparent in protos and treated as a negative aspect
sillywackygatto Aug 19, 2023 4:12 PM
i get that general consensus on kurosawa, tbh! again, sorry for the long af comments. just make sure to not get your hopes up too high if you choose to read more of his manga, the main reason im such a fan of that author is mostly personal reasoning, so you may completely disagree with my ratings! also know that fukumoto is notorious for having almost 0 women in his manga, so i really couldve put "0/10" for most of those (feminism wise).
AestheticLaifu Aug 18, 2023 11:40 AM
Its been so long since i wrote that list, im not agree with a couple of choices but in general i think was a fine approach. I've been reading a lot shit throughtout the whole year and i think some of those works you would find them interesting like

a political feudal feminist shoujo

3 kingdoms war

also the guy who wrote freesia most of his series are about the corruption of the law and the guy from shigurui its an anti japanese right wing who critize in all his works how cruel the japanese were in the war
sillywackygatto Aug 18, 2023 10:12 AM
sorry for another comment lol, but i also wanted to note:

fukumoto works (at least from what ive read) are often about "humanity". one of the biggest things i disagree about in your kurosawa review, as much as i appreciate it, is your takeaway of its purposed themes. i dont think kurosawa is meant to be, or generally is, about him "being dealt a bad hand" or "not having the place in society he deserves". kurosawa is supposed to be a weird loser, and as the story goes along that becomes increasingly clear. kurosawa at times is downright atrocious in how he acts, purposefully depicted as the bumbling fool he is. what kurosawa's character arc is about, however, is a fool finding his humanity.

i also disagree with your general takeaway on what the purpose of violence in the story is. the purpose of violence in kurosawa is one that represents kurosawa's will to try, and what that means to him. if you were to replace the fights and violence with like... baseball or something, it would still remain the same in its essence. kurosawa starts out as a loser who believes he cant do anything in the world, wielding on the small meaningless bits of hope he has (which he usually fucks up in the end). once kurosawa discovers "violence", however, he starts finding his will to try.

the main story progression of kurosawa is his search for humanity from his will to try. he starts out by fighting to protect himself, his "honor". he is still a loser despite seemingly finding the way to earn his "deserved status". however, subtly, his reasons for fighting, for trying, begin to change. the more fights and encounters that happen throughout the story, the more and more he starts to fight for the purpose of others. this reaches its peak in the final "arc" in the homeless camp. where, for the first time, kurosawa finally grasps his humanity; his will to try for others. as seen in the last few chapters, he is still insignificant in many ways, he is still a weird loser. but he tried, and he tried for others. he found his humanity. thats what made me appreciate kurosawa after my initial dissapointment!

i still think kurosawa is an absolutely flawed manga, no doubt. but, still. sorry for the long rant spawning from an old kurosawa review, i just hope this makes sense to you, you may have ways to debunk my takeaway if you want!
sillywackygatto Aug 18, 2023 6:58 AM
while i love fukumoto's manga, i think its always important to critically engage in media and i will fully admit that, politically, he is in no way amazing, despite sometimes having some really powerful commentary, characterization, and thematic writing. heres some brief ratings of my favorite works from him based off of your review system, if thats fine with you.

gin to kin (silver and gold)
story: 8/10
art: 7/10
political potential: depends, sometimes as high as 8/10
feminism: 4.5/10

story: 9/10
art: 8/10
political potential: idfk/10
feminism: literally-all-guys/10

story: 9/10
art: 7/10
political potential: 6/10? 7/10 at times
feminism: 4/10 (theres a girl character whos entire purpose is to be an "shes ugly" joke, sadly. shes cool tho so idk what he was thinking!!)

sorry if that was long, just thought it would be the best way to give u recommendations without inserting my own perspectives too much.
sillywackygatto Jun 26, 2023 11:02 AM
while i dont entirely agree with every point in your kurosawa review, i appreciate it existing. as a big nobuyuki fukumoto fan, ive been really, really disappointed in kurosawa as of current reading, and your review definitely helped me understand some of the things i dislike about it.
WizardKing999 May 18, 2023 9:51 AM
L Sun-Ken Rock review
AestheticLaifu Jan 17, 2023 10:05 PM
Eden its an endless world
Saikyou Densetsu Kurosawa
Golden Kamuy
Blade Of the immortal
Yomawari Sensei
Yamikin Ushijima-kun

i know plenty political manga
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