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Days: 122.8
Mean Score:
- Watching24
- Completed279
- On-Hold33
- Dropped11
- Plan to Watch70
- Total Entries417
- Rewatched20
- Episodes8,523
All Comments (873) Comments
Todos serão bem vindos desde que respeitem as regras e não tenham atitudes tóxicas!
Venham unir-se aos OtakusPt!! <3
You did however reply which means your here and that is better than the void ~
It has been an interesting two weeks. We saw the largest number of nominations we have ever seen and the introduction of a semi-final round which was exciting until the end. Now with all that it is time to vote for the Face of UAS for the Spring Season. With this our club will be redesigned to fit our new winner. Voting will take place 4/16 and last until 4/24 at 23:59 PST (MAL time). The winner will be announced on Monday 4/25 and the redesign will take place that week. Vote now and make your favorite the new Face of UAS!!!
For those who find these messages annoying this will be the last one for a while
The Round of 6 has officially began. This semi-final round is a first at UAS and gives a better opportunity for more titles to gain exposure in our club. Voting in the Round of 6 will take place between now and Friday 4/15 23:59 PST (MAL time). Upon completion the finals will start a few hours later and will last the usual week. Vote your favorite into the finals now! *Remember there are 6 groups to place your votes in*
Click here to vote
Well it is time for the start of the spring anime season and after taking a break for one season it is time once again for us at UAS to select a new Club Picture. In this forum thread nominate your favorite unpopular anime and/or character. Each member may make two nominations only. They may be anime/character, anime/anime, or character/character. The choice is yours. Nominations start Friday 04/01 and go through Friday 04/08 23:59 PST (MAL time). Shortly after a poll will be created using 6 selected nominations. If your selection isn't chosen worry not as we do this with every new anime season. (4 times a year) Who knows, maybe your nomination will be the new face of UAS!!!
New to the process
*Upon announcing a winner, the club page will be redesigned reflecting the character or series that wins.*
You are now an old man, you look back when you threw that one duck like a football into the hoop at the last second. Because of that you met the man of your dreams. You rock back and forth on your rickety old chair at the front porch, slowly breathing into the crisp air. You slowly start to stand up from your chair, and you proceed to walk into a Forrest, deep inside the thick and lavish greenery. Then you see a little stone that is lodged up by smaller stones. A tombstone, with writing so small you would need glasses to see what was written. But you already knew what it said, you remembered it word from word. Here lays Duckie Leah Jones. 1955-2015.You say to your self: I will not cry this time, I will be strong this time. Slowly getting up you started to walk away from the tombstone, but the farther and farther away you get away from the stone, the harder it is for you to breathe, your chest starts to tighten up, your breathing becomes heavier, and your eyes start to fill up with water. It was then you started to run with all your strength out of the Forrest, letting waterworks flow like the river, and screaming so loud every animal in the Forrest could hear your pitiful cry's. Slowing down you start to feel dizzy, and your balance is starting to deteriorate. A big thud was then heard that echoed all around. Feeling the soft grass on your pale cheeks, you flip on your back and look into the heavens....."Huh? Why is everything going dark. It's only 2 o clock. Are there clouds blocking the rays of light that come from the sun? Then accepting reality, you drop the act. Your eye lids grow heavier and heavier by the second. "Never thought it would end like this huh Duckie? hahahaha *cough* hehuh I will always remember you, in life....and in death....." As you said your last words you formed a smile upon your wrinkly face.
A smile that says: You have lived a blessed life