Heyyy Hello!
Let's all become friends! and share Anime, tell me wat you like, and maby you can tell, me whits Anime i need to she!
I really am a big Van of Lain, want to have her Bag, and other stuff i all ready have the Lain doll, if you want you can take a look at my anime list but it's not done, i forgot the most Anime so not all off the Anime thad i had seen is on the list.
Im from the Netherland's and i live in Haarlem, with my Boyfriend, and 4 cat's i like Fantasy and of cores Anime, i really like to cook, and RPG's LARP (Live Action Roll Play) RPG is a bit the same but only on the internet on a forum...
I really love the way of Wicca, and im learning a lot about it!
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