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Campione! Matsurowanu Kamigami to Kamigoroshi no Maou
Nov 17, 2014 9:02 AM
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They were funny ^_^
Hows hyperdimension neptunia?
Now let me explain you how you affected my morning and it awesome:
I woke up after 5 hours like a clock, which is the minimum I sleep.
I thought I'll jump right into the shower, but I felt really tired after a bombardment of weird dreams one after another.
I slept again for over than an hour.
Still was tired as fuck because I dreamed yet another weird dream, so I didn't feel like taking a shower still.
Decided to open my laptop to reply to MAL comments.
Saw your comment, read your review and got aroused to the bone.
Dropped a few comments to you and others, then I killed aroused state with this Hentai.
Then I woken up completely. Taken refreshing hot long shower and then ate. The cereals were yummier than usual!
And now my morning was made, and my day aswell. Why? Because it gave me much motivation and energy for the rest of the day. Later I'm gonna cook too (I'm still a learning novice), but now I'll do it with great motivation, spirit and energy.
I thank you, MakiOnaga, for your well written Orc Hentai review.
People do not lose talents. They simply need inspiration to develop them even more.
Just Enjoyed it? I just finished watching all the H-Scenes in this hentai. I was never into bestiality in my life. But the innocent cute girls getting raped by orcs made me develop something towards this kind of thing.
I streamed it, and watched it muted completely. It was an amazing experience because the contents of the hentai were extremely breathtaking and arousing by themselves, so I didn't have to download and watch it voiced.
That nipple tweak in the end what was made this hentai jump from a 8/10 to a 9/10. Fuck, that was so arousing. Fapterpiece.
Time to take a morning shower and then eat breakfast. Accept my friend request already ;_;