Kokoro Connect <3

Animes like the above picture is what really drove me to watch anime as a hobby more than the occasional viewing. Kokoro connect was one of the very first romance anime i watched and by god it's still up there with the likes of Toradora and Golden Time. Romance anime for me is the center of why i watch anime, i love to come back and be emerced in the drama, in the love triangles, in the roller coaster of emotions. It allows me to sit back and just relax while i watch a slice of life anime and barrack for the tsundere or kuudere.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood <3
And then on the opposite side of the spectrum we have people like Ling Yao from FMA Brotherhood. Ahhh yes the action/adventure genre, the place where we are met with characters with such strong ideals they will do anything to achieve them. In fact most of my favorite characters all share this element, unlimited determination and the willingness to sacrifice themselves to attain that goal. These characters are the bread and butter of the genre alongside the cool and collected characters like Itachi (Naruto) and Nice (Hamatora, to a lesser extent). These epic characters keep me entertained and emotionally invested for as long as the series runs, and i always feel sad when it comes to an end.
Hello everyone :)
My names Jett and im a 19 year old who has recently started to watch anime more as a daily thing than a casual event. Animes that have characters that are willing to die for their ideals are right up my alley. I do like to have the occasional anime where you can just sit down and suffer from tha feels. Feel free to drop a comment and i'll reply if i see it :)
And remember children, we watch anime for the "PLOT"
All Comments (8) Comments
Aww, that feeling sucks. The only pairing I was rooting for but knew would never happen was MariyaxKanako in Mariya Holic, which I really liked for some strange reason. D:
I think I was slightly rooting for Minori at one point, but I prefer TaigaxRyuuji.
Just a word of advice: don't let the people on the forums get to you. Like, generally speaking people who post here have the best intentions in helping or giving their opinion about numerous subjects, but there are also some seriously retarded souls wandering about on MAL who are beyond help. They just spout nonsense all over the place lol. However, if you're ever looking for a good laugh visit the Casual Discussion sub-forum. Lot's of weird topics being made there. :p