Well...here's my profile and...stuff
Please call me Mai.
Age: 16 going on 17 (XD)
Class: Pyromaniac
Ethnicity: Does "gamer/otaku" count?
Size: B
Favorite food: Pizza
Least favorite food: Anything with olives and/or sour cream
Favorite Season: Autumn
Favorite moon phase: Full
Favorite color: I like them all >.>
Favorite word: Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (it's so ironic that it's funny)
Least favorite word: Abrasive
Favorite weapon: Scythe (So elegant, yet so deadly)
Favorite book: What's a book? =o?
Favorite movie: A History of The World, Part 1 (No, there is no part 2)
Favorite song: "Reach For The Moon ~ Immortal Smoke"
Favorite Element: Fire
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Favorite Animal: The Phoenix (don't tell me it's not real!)
Likes: Chocolate, fire, dark corners (lol), shiny objects (I'm like a friggin' crow), nice people who have patience for me, the beach, moon gazing, video games, Fujiwara no Mokou, and Kaji Ryouji!
Dislikes: Stupid people, Annoying people, people who talk to much (thus I dislike myself v.v), and WoW.
Go ahead and leave a comment if you want...I won't bite. Unless you want me to >//.//>
All Comments (14) Comments
sorry, I have terrible memory
Maybe that....maybe the other way around ;_;
Yeah you did, just surprised to be talking to you again~
Hi, been doing good, you? It's been a while
what are you up to?
Well as you can tell, mine is Reisen