Hello there fellow weeb! I no longer post on the MAL forums and I do not share my profile with anyone. Which means that you must be one of the weeb crew I was a part of some time back or some weirdo who posts on their MALs and stalked me through them.
I like to spend my time experiencing stories. I used to go around saying everyone has shit taste, but the older I get I realize that I don't have the energy to be that elitist anymore. Enjoy what you want, king :).
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I know that my memory isn't the most reliable- I tend to forget things without fail to the point of frustration, and due to my longstanding absences (i.e., life and all the changes that I must venture into like getting married and having our daughter) I haven't been the most present friend that I know that I can be; however, I wouldn't forget those who I consider/refer to as my friends.
Toward that end, you shouldn't have to apologize to me as I don't recall a single moment where you were ever cruel, insensitive, curt, or even abrasive- in the least. You and your brother- Butch, always kept me quite entertained with the antics that would run our little group, so I must apologize for giving you the misimpression that you must have wronged me in any shape or form.
You've- and everyone else in our friend group, always been so sweet and kind to me, so I'm just happy to know that you're alive and well. That's all that I can ask for, at the end of the day, Mag.
All the same, as long as we're alive on God's Green Earth, then we'll always be maturing step-by-step, so just know that I've got your back all the way through. That's what friends are for, right?
I truly apologize if I turn out to still be a bit absent as I have a lot of matters that I have to attend to (inside and outside of my home), so may God bless you and your loved ones forever.
May you send my wholehearted regards to Butch, Mag? Tell him that I wish you both great days! <333333333333333333333
My general impression of you at that time was that you were pretty chill, so you really don't need to be apologizing for anything. But still, it's good to hear from you!