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BanG Dream! Ave Mujica
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Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
Mar 11, 5:01 PM
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Imprisoned XII
Imprisoned XII
Mar 10, 4:54 PM
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Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi
Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi
Feb 20, 11:59 AM
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Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi
Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi
Feb 20, 11:58 AM
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Feb 7, 5:24 AM
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WickedFrey Oct 23, 2013 11:24 AM
Sorry for the late reply,
Nice congrats! Lol
That's dope your friends a cool friend how much he sell it to you for?
What's his new rig like?
Lol exactly....though besides frying the sun makes me very frustrated! And I hate being pissed off for no reason, while the cold just makes things gloomy but I'd rather be a bit un-lively then agitated.

LOL good they better be those high-end flea market socks and shirts this time too.
Yeah same but once I get to that point if I ever do! Travel On! And ain't no one stopping me.

Yeah I've been a picky eater since a kid I actually used to starve myself if my mom didn't make what I wanted lol which happened often, lol I am a little less conscious about food now but I can still tell if someone has changed or added an extra ingredient to the meals I like xD and I usually call people out on it hahaha

Lol your definition of wrong will be seriously twisted with that anime, try more or less fucked up xD.

What have you been up to friend? How's break? I got myself an exam at the moment I'm tackling with.
WickedFrey Oct 18, 2013 8:05 PM
Wow, that's cool though with the warranty and all!
Lol well that's what friends are for jk hahaha....yeah when I my Laptop before I got a new one my friend loaned me his Laptop for a week, so I could finish my exam and keep activity logged for this mmo I was playing lol

Lol sounds like the best weather conditions for me! Cold and not to hot!
California never really goes above 90 F but Nevada always does during the summer and the city of Las Vegas always peaks above 108 F

Lo Hahaha right there after angry birds indeed, I wasn't laughing at Santa I was laughing with Santa :) but for really though I'd like to check out Santa's Workshop, and explain to Santa himself as to why I deserve better gifts then socks and T- shirts.
Just the thought of being out of ones comfort zone and understanding is a bit of a mind boggle but to experience it and feel it would be awesome!

That's cool, I still have to add Hunter X Hunter to my to watch list, so much work so little time lol. Shows admiration that's cool! Giving things a chance is the best way to experience life...though I can't say the same for my food since I tend to be a picky eater. I'm not good at really recommending stuff but my best advice would be is to stay away from School Days and its alternate ending o.o, don't do it bro!

WickedFrey Oct 17, 2013 12:42 PM :/ which sucks, and I would prob get on my ps3 but I left it with my sisters in other state when I went off to college

Lol sorry I laughed at that at first! "I didn't get rid of windows 7, it got rid of me" ouch! How did your motherboard break, did you managed to fix it or bought a new one?
That's cool that your school would do that for you but then again it is a university for applied sciences, there bound to have something extra lol

How cold and how hot would say?
I prefer cold over hot ha lol
Got that written down lol santas workshop! SANTA hahaha
Bro the U.S. is boring lol plus my family lives here xD, the U.S. has some pretty cool places to visit but once you've seen one you've primarily seen them all and the people here are well boring, since most Americans have the same mentality, I want to see more at what this planet of ours has to offer cultural wise then what a book can tell me.

Aaahhh understandable, is there an anime that your currently watching atm that your interested in?
Do you watch animes by suggestions or just by what you find interesting by looking through lists?
WickedFrey Oct 16, 2013 11:48 AM
That's dope!
Lol lucky :/, I don't got nothing till December, and on top of everything I'm still job searching lol once I have one I'm gonna be even more stretched for time.
It does, lol exactly hahaha, I have never used team-speak or ventrilo at all but I hear they're a lot better and raidcall is fairly better too but that's pretty much all from hearsay.
Cool can't WAIT! Lol why did you get rid of windows if you don't mind me asking?

What's Finland like bro?
I would like to travel someday so if I was, where in Finland would you suggest I see friend?

Where do you generally watch your anime?
Crunchyroll or other sites perhaps?
WickedFrey Oct 15, 2013 10:46 AM
Lol such a boss collection!

What you studying? Lol as for myself I go to college part time and working on getting a job as well, been doing a lot of applications lately
I dunno I'm mostly only available on the weekends and that is if I am home. Not out drinking lol or looking for work.....especially since I'm paying for my own schooling and its quite expensive :/.
Lol well when me and you are both free count me in bro!
Cool because the steam voice chat gets extremely buggy time from time and Skype can at least quiet down background noise which helps when my dog barks :P.
WickedFrey Oct 14, 2013 11:30 AM
Lol oh my god! Hahah half-life,Red Faction,unreal tournament Goty,max Payne, GTA'S! Your awesome, just flipping awesome lol! Not to mention: Morrowind,killing floor,left4dead,TF,Dark souls,red orchestra,terraria,Falloutz and Company of Heroes lol!
I have myself ps3,2, one, psp, N64, gameboy, DS lite, Wii, and about 15 games on steam.
I'd be honored to play sometime, which will probably be when I have some more free time myself lol between college and well college...and friends lol, I have only bits of time to myself :/.

Red faction,unreal,max Payne, and the resident evils are on my hall of fame list...mentally lol!
WickedFrey Oct 14, 2013 11:15 AM
Got a Skype? Lol
Nearo78 Oct 12, 2013 9:59 AM
No problem!
Nearo78 Oct 12, 2013 7:02 AM
Welcome to MAL!
Enjoy your stay =]
WickedFrey Oct 11, 2013 10:47 AM
Welcome Madpotator! What systems and what games? :)
10makunn Oct 9, 2013 8:26 PM
Would you like to join my club?
ƸӜƷ ~*Cho Cho Empire*~ ƸӜƷ

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