Anime Stats
Days: 90.8
Mean Score:
- Watching67
- Completed646
- On-Hold65
- Dropped250
- Plan to Watch467
- Total Entries1,495
- Rewatched42
- Episodes5,702
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Manga Stats
Days: 46.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries389
- Reread4
- Chapters2,792
- Volumes815
Last Manga Updates
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All Comments (941) Comments
Japanese: MangaZip
French: JapScan
Back to Geass, I admit that there is some questionable writing, mainly in episode 9 and the last quarter of the first season (second season is a different, worse entity altogether). In its first four episodes, I don’t see much of anything wrong with it outside of us never seeing how the plans are formulated or what goes into preparation (and that gets rectified soon enough anyway). Plus, I adore its over-the-top, theatrical presentation to bits, just like I adore its music to bits.