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Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Tokyo Toritsu Jujutsu Koutou Senmon Gakkou
Jan 31, 12:41 AM
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ill welcome the series, if good or bad, all good, current scene is garbage anyway
good news indeed
The New Versions has gotten shitten on by fans, has that weird appleseed like CG which doesn't suit that medieval type of anime, the 90's version looks good though, blood and guts spraying everywhere.
Never played god of war but got literally got all the games in hd collections (except for the latest next gen one) for peanuts n also castlevania lords of shadow 1 & 2.
everyone gets sucked into hype bs, but theres some really good older games that people haven't played yet.
Reason i went for those games was cause i used to be obsessed with Onimusha and wanted something like it and those seem similar gameplay wise.
But its something ive been missing, so much shiity shows lately, even checked out fruits baskets latest season due to boredom very dumb fucking idea hahahahha.
Actually missing heaps, lots of dropped series too.
But was basically me inputting shonen/movies and 2017-2019 stuff, i last updated mostly around early 2017 on an off day.
Steins Gate 0 had good parts and was good but i think expectations and direction made it go to shit, also like the scenes with Daru being a pervert an making lots of sexual innuendos was great in season 1, which was missing, may rewatch later episodes later though was kinda turning into grey noise while i did other shit and missed the conclusion.
Currently sussing out Berserk and Claymore, Hajime Ippo while watching other currently airing shows.
All are good, berserk has dungeons and dragons esque themes but claymore is similar n good too, n hajime seems like it'd be better to watch slowly (a tad of repeat of train next opponent repeat again), like a shonen of the week type thrill ride, would have been good watching as a kid like i did dbz.
Naruto to me was a anime with good and lots of bad so im not the biggest Kishi fan, much preferred dbz and bleach, one piece to it.
So not sure if samurai 8 is gonna be good at all really. But i know for sure fans will make it popular and there will most likely be an anime adaption of it.