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Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen Prologue - Sakura to Futatsu no Kuma
Apr 5, 2017 7:25 PM
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All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 16.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries52
- Reread2
- Chapters1,897
- Volumes250
All Comments (14) Comments
and thanks for the friend request :)
as for Omamori himari the reason i i have mentioned it a lot recently it's because it's getting banned in a lot of sites. i really enjoy that manga but what can i do.
i can't remember where but i heard that the 3rd ova was made in an attempt to connect the 3rd ova and GXP. also the 3rd ova and GXP do not have the same writer as the original series. this is why they are so different.
have you watched tenchi in Tokyo yet?
PS. don't worry about big post. i actually enjoy taking to people about any anime or manga. so write asmuch as you want
to be honest, when i first watched tenchi muyo i liked ayeka more than ryoko but when i watched it 2 years ago i could not figure out why. i just like Ryoko so much better \. Ayrka is too bitchy for my opinion.
about the 3rd ova i kinda agree with you. they just kinda put everything together kind of fast. i do love the way they explain more on tenchi's mom and about the light hawk wings. BTW the light hawk wing are my favorite sci fi element of the series.
what about you why do you like ryoko. also what is the thing that you like about the tenchi series
by the way if you are from Brazil how do you know English
who si yuor favorite character in ranma 1/2.