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Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex
Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex
Apr 3, 2023 6:20 PM
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Appleseed Alpha
Appleseed Alpha
Mar 30, 2023 11:30 AM
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Appleseed Saga Ex Machina
Appleseed Saga Ex Machina
Mar 29, 2023 8:47 PM
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Apr 14, 2023 9:31 PM
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Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
Apr 6, 2023 4:31 PM
Completed 187/187 · Scored 6
Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo
Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo
Apr 3, 2023 6:18 PM
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cooldogmom Jan 1, 5:09 PM
amaanu01 Mar 1, 2020 3:29 AM
rip :(
playa03 May 15, 2018 1:10 AM
pulsex Jul 30, 2017 8:03 AM
I can't be bothered to write another one after they deleted my original, so Ye.
ItsBubb Jul 2, 2017 4:15 AM
Amazing school days review, I am very happy and I'm not the only one understanding its unbelivable artistic value. I commend your reviewing skills.
zaire-ebolavirus Jun 12, 2017 10:45 AM
yo, one of my good ol' friends saw your profile picture and then sent it to me. that's how I find ya
HungrySquirtle May 13, 2017 9:54 PM
I'm planning on making a few changes to appease the mods and then reposting it now that i finally have time. If it gets removed again then yeah go for it, but lets see if it stays up this time. It will probably be up some time tomorrow.
raegazel May 10, 2017 12:17 AM
Yes I agree about the DS version. I'm not a fan. The other issue with it is that Chrono Trigger just works better on the big screen as opposed to the handheld. It's an epic game and the experience just isn't the same for me when it's on a screen a few inches across. The text in the DS version also seems oddly-sized and it can be a chore to read. And then, of course, the actual new content they added was fairly mediocre.

I put ZZ on hold temporarily, I was actually thinking of watching Victory Gundam next instead. ZZ has that reputation for being kind of crap, but Victory Gundam seems really divisive and I've always wondered if it was good or not ever since I first heard about it. I picked it up on Blu-Ray so I finally have a chance to find out.

Rose of Versailles is to shoujo what LotGH is to space opera, or Akira is to cyberpunk. It is a classic in every sense of the word, I always say that newer stuff is just as good as older stuff as long as you look in the right places, but that doesn't apply to stuff like Rose of Versailles - it's the kind of sweeping epic that they really don't make anymore. I highly recommend it and if you have even a passing interest in shoujo, it is a literal must-watch. What sweetened the deal for me was seeing the visual style in it that influenced Utena, since Utena is far and away my favorite anime.
RabbytX Apr 29, 2017 12:31 AM
Glad to see someone who has similar thoughts on Berserk.
HungrySquirtle Apr 27, 2017 7:03 PM
The mod "_Ghost_" removed it and didn't provide any actual explanation for why it was removed, and said my account would be suspended if its posted again. I'm waiting on a response from him as to what exactly would need changed but I'm kinda getting the feel that he just didn't like what I had to say. But if all it takes is a few easy fixes then it will go back up. I'll send you a PM of the original text.
raegazel Apr 10, 2017 8:03 PM
Honestly that was one of my biggest issues with CCA. I didn't watch ZZ, so I don't know what Char did during that series, but going from Zeta to CCA he was like a completely different person. It wasn't that he was being a conflicted and multifaceted character, he was literally doing the complete opposite of the things he'd done in Zeta. That always really bothered me to be honest.

I picked up ZZ from RightStuf, decided to bite the bullet and watch it myself too. I've only watched the first episode so far but...yea that first episode didn't inspire confidence. But I've heard the same things about it improving, so I'll keep rolling along and give it a chance.

Awesome I hope you enjoy Cross after Trigger. Out of curiosity you playing on SNES or DS?
raegazel Apr 6, 2017 12:22 AM
I watched Zeta when I was a kid and hated it. HATED the ending. Couldn't even believe that someone was allowed to end their story like that haha. But as I got older I ended up appreciating what the ending accomplishes and over time it became one of my favorite anime endings, the more that I thought about it. One of the most pervasive themes in the Gundam franchise is that War is Hell, and honestly the last few episodes of Zeta Gundam are probably the most powerful treatment of that theme that the franchise has ever had.

You could argue that more grounded entries like 08th MS Team and especially 0080: War in the Pocket capture that theme better, but the melodrama and scale of Zeta Gundam's ending connected with me more. It felt grand and operatic, like a Greek tragedy rather than a war novel. But, as usual, it also had issues with characters doing stupid things for apparently no reason. So it's not perfect by any means.

If you move on to ZZ, let me know if that turns out any good. I've actually never watched it.
bastard_of_young Mar 31, 2017 2:15 PM
Hey buddy. Actual criticisms of Geass are valid. Intellectual grandstanding while failing to make any actual points and calling those who differ in opinion from you sheep?

That's not gonna net ya much good will. Just some friendly advice.
Someone_Random Mar 29, 2017 3:48 PM
hey,thanks for the request
black0678 Mar 21, 2017 8:18 PM
Well if Im a troll then you're a mentally retarded or the opposite... Just choose one of that two and that will solve everything without continuing this argument.. I cant argue anymore with your retarded mind
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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