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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka V: Houjou no Megami-hen
Mar 6, 5:13 AM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 102.2
Mean Score:
- Reading150
- Completed112
- On-Hold10
- Dropped24
- Plan to Read8
- Total Entries304
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All Comments (23) Comments
There's another one called Smile Precure which is a massive slapstick comedy fest. I tend to like the seasons which aren't cookie-cutter magical girl formulaic stuff. My profile pic is from League of Legends where they took elements of Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura and Dokidoki Precure to produce this outfit.
Glad someone actually noticed my Aria blog update! I hope Avvenire gives me more material. I'm doing something similar for Hyouka right now.
This week's Railgun was a true classic which finally went back to its roots. So much fun!
Well, this arc was pretty good to watch. Makes you think about the morals of cloning. Great to see Misaka grow as well. I'm really missing Kuroko + Saten + Uiharu in that order. Some great production values too. If only JC can keep this up with their other Index. :|
I wonder what the next Railgun arc is? Will it involve more ITEM since they've got that weird lab assistant girl captive? Misaki the Queen? Can't wait!
That Taiwan thing comes complete with Tsuntsun, Tsundere, Deredere/Evil and Pure Evil. I'm at 14/25 and got warned by my dad that the comedy stops towards the final third of the series.
The Taiwanese live action is called "Office Girls" in English or 小資女孩向前衝 in Chinese. I'm pretty sure there are English subs around although I understand most of the Chinese since its simple.
Summer 2013 is almost upon us and there isn't really any top priority show in there. Monogatari series does interest me somewhat due to it being Senjougahara-centric but the minus is that it is a re-telling of something that has already aired. Although if the first season is anything to go by, production values are going to be amazing. Then there's Symphogear G which is going to be guilty pleasure but too painful to follow weekly. So for now, it's Railgun S for Summer 2013. Everyone in my little MAL circle is going to be watching Faptunia Neptunia but again, I will be giving it a miss.
Non-anime wise, I've been hooked on a Taiwanese Live-Action which is basically like an anime in terms of acting and speech and it's a pretty long series with around 24 hours left to watch of that. Then there's 6-7 hours of Nana Mizuki backlog in terms of lives I've precured, but yet to watch.
So I have the problem of too much stuff to watch and I don't get how some people follow 10 series a week + marathon older series + play video games...
Go watch LB! already. :3
I am actually really enjoying ALO. They are building the world up well and I'm actually immersed in the virtual reality of ALO. If they keep this pacing up, I'll be very pleased. Although I do think the antagonist is made to look overly-disgusting and Kirito attracts a few girls too many like a magnet.
I really do not have anything to blog about at the moment. I've taken a record load in anime and am basically too busy consuming entertainment, rather than producing things! I really had an instance of OCD with Aria and a quality blog entry would need that amount of mental anguish again.
...and that Kagura is supposed to be creepy.
I did the idols thing on my profile mainly to question a MALfriend's poor taste regarding his idols. I basically copied his profile, albeit with different idols for the same categories in order to express what I thought about his taste. I mean...his favourite is Iori, which says a lot! :P Anime Haruka and Game Haruka (watched a little on YT) gives off slightly different vibes and I prefer the anime version (not Xenoglossia!). Out of all the characters, I definitely liked Haruka and Yayoi the most because of their unselfish personalities. That said, he's de-idolized his profile now and Kintama's my fav show at the moment thus time for something new.
Drama and Psychological? You should give Psycho-Pass a try this season then. Typical Urobuchi Gen so far with the grim/dark. Wonder how he will corrupt and de-construct the characters this time... I noticed you're watching Chuu2. It's awesome this week. Nibutani is too hawt. :3
If the author of SAO was that young, his consistencies are maybe due to his own chuunibyou? I've heard good things about how the author had to make an apology/confession that he knew absolutely nothing about guns.
What are your thoughts on SAO?
And why is Chihaya so perflat?