10 - Masterpiece. A show that fits all of the following criteria: a) technically and artistically competent - good directing, intelligent writing, great art and music; b) thought-provoking - literally, makes you want to think about what you saw; c) unique - offers something most other works of fiction don’t; d) huge rewatch value - can be watched 3+ times and remain fun; e) didactic - actually teaches you something about life.
9 - Great. Lacks a single quality of a masterpiece, most likely the didacticism.
8 - Good. Lacks 2+ qualities of a masterpiece, but is enjoyable otherwise. No serious flaws. Mandatory rewatch value.
7 - Fine. A show that is “generic”, or uninspiring, or flawed, but enjoyable otherwise. Low rewatch value. Shows that could’ve been a masterpiece but have some unignorable flaws also go here.
6 - Mediocre. Timekiller - you don’t regret watching it, but you’ll forget it once it’s over. No rewatch value.
5 - Guilty pleasure. Objectively it’s garbage, but there is at least one aspect that is interesting and worth watching for. Also a score for bad sequels that you watch for the sake of completion.
4 - Bad. No value that justifies not dropping it and spending time on one of the hundreds of better shows in existence. Also a score for bad adaptations of good source material and pointless OVAs.
3 - Terrible. Immersion-breaking flaws that ruin your ability to care. Something you drop in the middle of an episode.
2 - Unwatchable. Literally - it’s so bad it physically hurts to watch it.
1 - Crime against humanity. Morally and/or intellectually insulting. Whoever is responsible for it needs to get stabbed to death with rusty spoons.
I actually use a 14-point scale, some series are 14/10 in comparison to a normal 10/10 series, and I don't see a point in dropping the score of the 95% of the series just because there are select few which are massively superior.
All Comments (16) Comments
thx for the fr
At first you had my interest but now you have my congrats !
Your top 50 looks lit. And finally, someone who appreciates the Monogatari series.
FR accepted.
Hey there Mclovin! Here is your Forum set!
I recommend downloading the pictures and re-hosting it on imgur or similar sites. Enjoy!