Ohaiyo! Yup Yup! Im Joey, Im a Girl And Im addicted to animeee and musiccc :]]] I lvoe bunches of shoujo, shounen, comedy, yaoi, slapstick, slice of life and school life animeee :] I've been addicted to anime for what will be 3 years in september and i started with all the beginners like inuyasha and naruto and have grown to love alot more different animes, im mainly reading subs now because im really trying to learn japanses as my third lanuguage, i speak french and obliviouly english because that what im typing in now! :D I made this account so ramdomly, mainly i made it to keep count of what anime i watch and also an epsiode reminder so i dont lose track xDDD If i havent said it already i absoulty love animeee i think it megaly cool and totally awesome anyone who doesnt like, doesnt know what there missing! xP Im also addicted to Live Actions which i think are mega cool, at the moment im watching Boys Over Flowers the live action and its amzaing i plann on watching the anime and reading the manga afterwards to compare the difference, Another thing needed to be known about me is that im a ultra fangirl im dead serious fanigirlism is my lifee :] my friends say its an obession but i call it a passion! <3 I often switch up ever so often but i usually keep someone the same ppl if you want to see my current obession its on my favorite character, please look at it! It took me a while to decide who goes were it was soo hard, since i love all of themmmmm soo very much :]]]] well thats all for now im sop happy i found this!
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Thank u.
your banner should be under the "claim a male character" title~
welcome to MAL then ^^
how r u? ^^
i wanted to say hi, cause our compatibility is %93.2!
isn't it amazing? :D