All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 30.2
Mean Score:
- Watching15
- Completed124
- On-Hold19
- Dropped7
- Plan to Watch460
- Total Entries625
- Rewatched9
- Episodes1,926
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 17.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries175
- Reread1
- Chapters2,520
- Volumes306
All Comments (27) Comments
Grazie per la richiesta d'amicizia.
Thanks for accepting the fr! Pleasure to meet you too
snk review still based as always
For me, I watched it a while ago and it was one of my first shounen. I did quite like the first season. I thought it was pretty entertaining.
Yeah, I'm glad you liked it.
Oh for sure, I'm looking forward to talking about it.
Though right now, I'm house sitting for like 6 weeks so I'm going to be a bt busy. But hopefully I'll be able to watch anime.
first, I understand why people think that it is "god-tier"
I really really like the psychology behind each character. The final scene really hit. The world of Evangelion has an interesting concept. I have yet to see the movie, but I heard it was really good.
BUUUUUT, (this is where personal preference kicks in) I found it to be boring 60% of the time. It didn't get interesting until episode 17 and I always found the scenes of fan service unnecessary. I'm not really the type who's into tsunderes and wusses, so at first I didn't like Shinji, and I'm still not one for Asuka, I found her pretty annoying. BUUUUUUT, I can appreciate the development on Shinji's character.
I know Evangelion is the type of show with a deep, psychological level of understanding, it just wasn't for me because I found it pretty uninteresting 60% of the time. I got nothing against it, and I don't think it's a bad show.
Once you watch 5 episode of Attack on Titan, you can never go back x)
For me, my top three characters are Levi, L, and Erwin. I love them all and I would give you my reasons, but we'd be here all day x)
For my villains, I like Dio, for the meme x)
But I also like some other really famous shounen villains as well.
Yeah, I really like how the characters like Light and Lelouch are written, same with Eren as well. Oh, I can't wait for the final season of Attack on Titan.