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Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai
Sep 19, 2015 4:34 PM
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But yeah. It fit... oh so perfectly with all the other stuff I've been reading/watching and talking about. Like a missing piece of a puzzle I didn't realize I was fitting together. Very satisfying.
So how're you doing?
... huh. I was watching it on FUNimation's official website, and it only went up to 199... that's a bit weird...
But yeah, NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I tried watching it in subs once I got to the end, and realized that I was way too used to the english voices and actually being able to watch the action while understanding what they where saying... It annoys me greatly whenever anyone speaks. I keep shouting "THAT'S NOT HOW THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO SOUND!!!" in my mind. I was all like
happy thanksgiving!
...except perhaps Awesome... and according to some sources, Love... and according to others, Spirit... and others, Dreams... so... a few things last forever.
I'll have to see that some time; oh! And if you haven't heard of it, there's this awesome site I found for dubbed episodes called Pretty much all the videos are of high quality, and as far as I can tell they don't use dubs that people think are crappy.
How bad is it? Did you wear it down to the point that you couldn't remove it from the thing? Because if so... snrkt, heh, AHAHAHAHAHAHA eh heh... whew...
I feel your pain, man, I... I feel your pain... I have a mechanical pencil... and I cannot even replace the lead, because the eraser was worn away...