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Gintama°: Umai-mono wa Atomawashi ni Suru to Yokodorisareru kara Yappari Saki ni Kue
Apr 8, 2018 7:05 AM
· Scored
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Days: 27.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries52
- Reread0
- Chapters4,945
- Volumes513
All Comments (1119) Comments
Idk man, i didn't pay that much attention to the game. The same rules can apply to Shogi or whatever im sure. Yeah basically. Don't you think that was going to probably be her thing anyway? im surprised you're not more disappointed that she just up and joined the main characters team like it was nothing instead of being an actual rival. I don't see a cooking show having one of those, it'd probably be too hot..
It is unfortunately :/ but it's something i guess. I'd wager you'll more than likely get a teaser showing off Samus's armor or something as she turns around and looks at the camera.
They work for me and i don't have Andre the Giant hands, but my hands aren't small. That's why you put them in the grip though. Haha. They have a guess, but this is the first time it increased in the same gen. The PS3 controllers were all $60. I'd assume the PS2's were $50 but i was too young to remember that and on;y had 2 controllers anyway. Yeah i agree on that. It's like when you went and tried playing with the SIXAXIS again after getting back into a dualshock. It just felt real cheap all of a sudden. Atleast they had those drivers ready, well someone made them anyway.
Dude i am always out of the loop on comics, i just picked a few that looked interesting and started reading. That is not real haha. Annihilation. Nova. I wonder about that. Well it is a Hardcover ( I prefer Paperback) and im sure it's 872 pages. Paper wise im sure the quality is great. Scrooge McDuck!? haha why? to find out if he can really swim in golden coins?
Nah, i read something yesterday that said they're still working on PS4 exclusives till 2021 sim im expecting it in 2020 atleast but it could be announced next year i guess. Not this year though. DMC can get buried underwater and die. Let it die. You can have DMC5 in MVC Infinite style though.
I hate taking everything back to tropes. Still true though.
Are you fucking kidding me!? is that really the same guy!? I was just looking at the dad jokes. The last one is a killer! so funny to me!
I suppose but i don't think the audience has to know the rules to follow or be interested. I watched both season of Chihayafuru and enjoyed them both, couldn't tell you how the game is played at all, but it was a very enjoyable show.I don't get any of the bogus made up nonsense that happens in Food Wars but it was also enjoyable. Idk if i'll ever get around to watching season 3 though because while it's good series, at the same time it's like meh, like i know it's good but the interest in it has faded to nothing ya know.
He must only enjoy COD or Battlefield im guessing. Its the in-game cards but only like 7 of them unfortunately. They are but i doubt there's anyone playing of either the PS3 or Vita at this point. Eh i wouldn't, tell the Switch to get some other games that aren't ports man. Still no announcement of W101. Im betting on a E3 announcement. Idk bout a release date but i expect an "in development" reveal.
Why even buy that pro controller man? it looks like ass. Do you not like having joycons in the grip? works perfectly fine for me. Yeah and somehow Nintendo gets away with it. That reminds me that over this generation, the prices of controllers has increased and no one really bothered to notice. Like the regular black color (PS4) stays at the standard $59.99 MSRP, but ALL of the other colors are $64.99 for some reason. On Xbone the black and white colors are $59.99 and the other colors are $64.99 or $74.99 for the Minecraft ones. Like wtf, it's just a different color, why the absurd increase people?
Lately i've been reading comics along with my manga. Just finished the first half volume of Annihilation and the second volume of Nova. I've always been interested in Nova for some reason. Nova is pretty enjoyable. Annihilation is pretty good too i suppose but since it's compilations of other connecting series, the art style keeps changing as i progress. When i finish that i'll probably buy Annihilation: Conquest which is apparently a follow up but shit man, that whole thing is like $125 bucks... idk if i can stomach that much for a book. I don't even buy Game CE's for that kind of money.
In Africa maybe, not in the US. No ones got time for that crazy shit but white people. Hahaha i guess that's true, was the AssCreed Syndicate? Hey we don't actually know shit about the medieval times so who actually knows? im sure there were slaves though but cameras were not a thing so we all just assume i mean right? history is written by the victors after all and those victors were the kings. Hahaha.
Looks like he went out peacefully.
All i can remember is that black dude with the gold thing in his head. Hated that fucker.
Yeah but its always gonna turn to hey, why don't we just have a match to see whos right? Yeah but that's not drama man. Mind games go a long way in anime but with some so simple as sports, where clear defined rules are involved, there's nothing to really surprise you in my opinion. Ah okay. He probably should have been. getting knocked around for that many volumes should have had that man fighting ghost by now. I feel like if i read the mangas now, all i'd heard in my mind everytime he got punched would be Street Fighter "OooooAHHHHHHH" KO sounds.
"Every character's body is disgustingly distended and mutated, beyond even the wildest dreams of anything" he must really hate anything animated, be it anime or cartoons man. Exactly and i've never even heard of this site. After i got home, i opened up the lovely packaging. It comes with some cool cards. What i didn't know, which is a little disappointing, is that it has the same trophy list. the thought popped in my head sometime later, i was like... hmm, i wonder if i pop it in and pull my cloud save, it'll pop everything and i'll get another plat. NOPE. they just added the PS4 version to the same trophy list. oh well. Love the devs anyway. I hope that Sentinel 13 game ends up being good, though i get the feeling it's gonna be a lot of reading.
He climbs stuff, okay, but it isn't on a daily basis man. Hey even if Drake has strength, it doesn't matter. If you can't fight and hit your target right? at 1:17, WTF is that face? and i completely agree with you there, but hey this is the reality we live in. Haha what?? What kind of headline is that?? wth. The guy has a point that there is no way that there are that many black people in Montana. Even more so, black people don't do that cult shit, that's a white thing. He seems to just go on complaining though for the most part. He's got to atleast acknowledge the fact that even though Ubisoft probably did some research, they are based in France or whatever, they don't really know what the population count and actual surroundings of diversity look like in Montana though it's very obviously a white state. Sure there are people of different color there but more than likely its 95% white people. Same way you'd think of West Virginia, Tennessee or Kentucky in my opinion.
Ah that's a good explanation. That just sounded bad. haha. Bench shot? so he's a dead man then?
Stargate SG1.... OMG no. i was forced to watch that terrible show as a kid, please no. i really am haha. came back from the chisel and went on side questing again. Well now that sounds like a story of endurance.
You should pass on it. I didn't even know about FMP4. After 12 years though? jeez man, how would you even remember what was happening? i know i wouldn't. If it turns out good, i may give that a shot i guess and finally watch a boxing show. I know Ippo is great and out there or whatever but that shit has like 10 seasons and i don't want to do all that catching up. Plus, it's just boxing... i need a little something more than that as the main selling point. I mean, where is the drama? its probably typical, someone was a criminal now they're changing their ways stuff or someone used to box but he got hit in the head too much now he's an idiot.
EDIT: Wait, do they have metal boxing arms? -__- wtf.
It is, but when it fits and looks so damn good, what's there to complain about right? Is that the Hobbit? shit looked real in that to me. Even if it is, the shit is B-U-Tifual! Tell me how you'd make a superhero movie in this day and age that looks cool ans shit and convincing with no CGI man. Im probably guaranteed to see some action figures hanging from strings with bad voiceovers.
Nah, i'd disagree, kids these days stay up WAY late. could be different in Japan due to it's strictness, but im sure other popular shows air around the same time as well. It just doesn't look like the way a human would cry, maybe he's a robot.
Oh you're funny haha. Yeah it's stupid. only mildly saving part is a couple stupidly catchy songs. That's exactly what would happen so they have the boys doing it because hey, that must be okay AND funny... gtfo with that shit. I will watch anime!! anime is fair XD
That's a totally reasonable thing that could happen i'd say. Not like Drake, Sully or Sam work out or anything and Nadine is a soldier so when she's not doing missions, she's probably working out and planning stuff for her militia. She also has actual fighting skills, Drake pretty much just swings like a wild man. Was the daughter a feminist symbol? she didn't have much shown about her really other than she wanted to be a pirate hunter like pops. Well you're probably right there, but there will be diversity, i mean you had 2 asian girls in the reveal trailer.. one of them being LGBT or something if not what's her names manly mom. I loved Crash like everyone else, Jak was only okay for me... even though i ran through them all twice. Once on PS2 and once on PS3. I could hope though and be surprised right? right? haha. I have learned that. BB has a Nendroid though which i assume was good quality since it was Good Smile i think.
Hahaha so true. Did you look the voices up or did you just recognize them? Yeah that seemed so pointless, it's like... okayyyy but it's not like he even gave his "dad" any advice or anything. He could've just watched from whatever shadows he was lurking from. For some reason i really thought the Black Knight rat would come back at some point during the story but he never did. I just figured since he was supposed to be so badass, he wouldn't be killed off in the first 5 minutes of the game and even more so because he was supposed to be Mausingers right hand man.. like wth. They also should've made it more obvious when you got new outfits.
Hey it's weird man and i didn't appreciate that shit. Also didn't like the fact that the shit didnt get shipped until a whole 10 days after i placed the order. Shit just came today. shipped from Kentucky.... a whole state next to my is a big beautiful art book though.
I'll take it though. Nah that Funko shit man, how do they get away scamming the shit out of the stupid? ugh.
I like the son, he's knowledgeable and asks good questions. Haha im glad too, though i haven't gotten that far yet. I just uhhh, hmmm, i just came back fro getting that Mimir's head off the mountain and bringing it back to life. I side quest and explore alot. Im going to need you to leave that bride disguise stuff in the past haha. I'm really enjoying it though man!
Been watching Violet Evergarden... it had a good review score so im watching it. SO far (3 episodes left), the shit is only decent, like the art and animation is fantastic but the story is bitches just crying every episode and mood seeming to make you pity this emotionless girl, like... meh. and it' hasn't gotten any better. At the end of every single episode too, someone always says her name, like.. shut up. It's been a long long time since a review score over 8 has let me down. Need to see what im gonna watch next. Oh shit Steins Gate 0 is airing now! hurry up and be over so i can watch them back to back!
And i second that sir, maximum capacity reached. Limit Breaker engaged.
I would figure, nothing else looked CGI and that CGI still looks good. Well i mean, we can do so much more now with CG to make things look real as shit. If they wanted people to fly around like Iron Man back in the day, they'd be on some obvious rope shit or making flying poses on a green screen like Superman or something. If it's actiony comic stuff where space and powers and crazy shit exist, i've got no problem with CGI. Now if they were sticking that into like kungfu movies or something it'd be weird. John Wick wa a pretty good movie, very actiony, not CGI even needed because it's really just real world based. There is one part though, that you'll notice when you watch the movie, is the rain effects are just bad, like it looks like it's just pouring on them from a hose or sprinkler. Other than that, good stuff. I'll watch part 2 eventually.
That's because the people that watch it are tools and don't know good stuff. They are easily impressed by endless parodies of nonsense and i can't respect that. My only assumption is that the fanbase is 98% kids. That is the ugliest cry i've seen, like it doesn't really even look authentic.
Seinfeld, aww yeah! Idk man, not many things cops can do differently. Playing Go? what is Go? no it's basically a less serious more stupidly drawn and bad humor ridden version of the Teen Titans split into 15 minute segments of nonsense. Usally consisting of Robin being a bitch and all the boys on the show shaking their asses and twerking and shit, like WTF. if you want that gender equality and such and want to do dumb shit like that, make all the characters do it. it's so annoying. Original Teen Titans was pretty good, it was story based and was just all around great, then it just was up and cancelled because Cartoon Network wanted stupid shit. I like Adventure Time though, and i'll never stop! CN practices with releases is annoying as hell though, like they released Adventure Time on Bluray up to season 5 or 6 or something then decided to just got DVD after that... like... Why??? side note, Nickelodeon has no Spongebob blurays, come on.
Seems like it.
They are, but they aren't in Santa Monica haha. I'm just gonna act surprised when they announce the bullshit multiplayer nonsense for LoU2. Here's a special edition of the game that cost 80 bucks, but hey, it has no season pass or anything, you can only get that with the digital download, not even if you buy the special edition ps4 pro because us at naughty dog as stupid assholes. Lets also continue the random loot box bullshit from Uncharted 4 yay. I read maybe a month or two ago that Drukmann is the VP now or something since Straley left soo... yeah.. That Chun-Li looks awful! I love statues man, but i want them to look good if im dropping 130 on a CE man. Even the Nier one wasn't all that good in quality from what i remember. I still want that Horizon CE, but it was online only and it was just the Thunderjaw, but it looked GOOD. Costs too much though.
I just platinumed it today, only because when i did beat it, i wasn't too far off on everything else, now i can finally move onto God of War. The Skirmishes are what seemed to take the most time, because they're tedious and you have to wait for a few to spawn.. i kept just going to the Inn's and "resting" over and over then checking the world map. He does in Japanese or English? I felt a little stupid though because i didn't even notice the villains name was an anagram of Evans right hand man till right before i got to the end, like as soon as you find him again in the beast and his name popped as he was talking i was like.. wait.... how did i miss that?
Haha if it gets localized, stop bitching.
I finally decided to pick this up for collection purposes. Good sale for it right now but damn, shipping and tax adds an extra 10 bucks, like damn.
I want this, BOY
They ported those? to what, the Wii U? We already know 101 is coming at some point. By that time, i'm likely to finally pick it up and play it.
Haha yeah. No, solid, like when Yoko walks in.
I don't think anyone would bat an eye at that either if it was called that. There would still be people wondering why Trolls didn't win an award there. Well those special effects were good man, especially in the 90's. It was magnificent.
Do people even really watch that show though? among the small times i hear people talk about anime, i never ever even hear anyone mention the show. Some how One Piece shit may pop up though. And that worked out for him. Maybe you're right. Haha.
I guess so. Idk what Finnish TV is like but like every other show on TV her for the last 30 years is cop drama shit. I got tired of it a long time ago. Especially since there's always an old fat guy wohs been on teh force forever. ugh. I did watch Bones for a bit though as it was kind of different, but it got boring as well and i stopped after watching 2 seasons or so. That crap is probably why i don't watch too much real people tv since cartoons are always so entertaining and different....except Teen Titans Go!... to hell with that show. Also, idk if you got your copy yet or if it's just a launch edition but the ones at work were like an artbook edition or whatever.
You may be right on it being Gundam but idk if i'd remember that from so long ago. It is a better song. That was a good show. Upon looking them up though, yeah Bleach. That 00 OP isn't that great. "Video removed by user".
Hey man, his life of loneliness and isolation finally got to him as he killed everyone around him. Im sure it wore him out. I definitely get that since that my biggest concern with kids in movies. It's looking like the kid will be fine though. I think that Santa Monica Studios is fine, you know they aren't even based in Santa Monica right? haha. Worry about SJW Dog and their manly women of Last of Us 2. I think you'll be pleasantly surpirsed. We got 1 copy of the collectors edtion at work, but my regular copy is coming on Friday. seeing CE's in person though is tempting, even though i know i wouldn't be doing much with anything else in the box. And the statue doesn't look awful.
I still need to finish Ni No Kuni... i've been slacking. Im 80 hours in or whatever, because of sidequests and waiting for Kingdom Guilders to flow in. Im pretty sure im a few steps away from finishing the story, but i've been doing other stuff for the last couple days. I had it set in mind to get the platinum for this , but idk if i'll still go for it at this moment.
Help get Hokuto localized with this survey by sega.
I don't see Nintendo remastering or even porting Gamecube games over. If it does come, it'll be whenever they have that virtual console nonsense figured out and it's not lame basic ass NES and SNES games they THINK people want.
God dammit!
I think Titan XP is the marginal one over and Titan V is a little more than that. Diamond Solid? Diamonds have cracks in them, so that performance is just almost perfect. It's at 144fps though on a 1080Ti, i would hope so.
Damn, yeah they've won almost every single year pretty much. I'm sure Ferdinand was some shit though, i mean come on right? Book of Life came out 2014.. wtf, didn't even make the nominees? How to Train Your Dragon did though? that stuff is shit.
Gintama can break forever. Main character of Konosuba is a smart guy though that doesn't play into the typical hero nonsense for the most part, he's in it for himself for his own selfishness. Hahaah while that IS true, idk where they would be when there's nothing but cheeks hanging out. You'd think, but she was never in the mortal world prior to the main character so maybe it's not something she's ever thought about.
That's the problem with crime dramas though, they are all the same man. I imagine having to play them again and again would annoy me.
I was going to ask why it sounded so familiar, but then i saw the artist is UVERworld, which is a name i know I've seen on some show I've watched but i know i don't remember. I definitely want to say Naruto and/or Bleach though. It wasn't so bad. The first one actually sounds very basic and typical.
Looks like God of War is turning out to be an amazing piece of collection material. Only 1 week left. Same day as Nintendo Ripoff cardboard i think. I am going to be laughing at the idiots that buy this crap. CANT WAIT for them to try and return it to the store.
I agree, especially since you only get half the game on the cartridge. Yeah it's Portside City in Switch land all year. Metroid hold no interest for me unfortunately.
NOOOOOOO! Don't bring that up! i want a second season man. WITH the same studio.
Really? not even with a 1080Ti? welp, better get that Titan.
Hey man, let him collect the awards he deserves. Book of Life was lovely, but i feel like it almost went under the radar. Then this ripoff Disney Coco shit came out.
Same here, he was just infatuated with here and she wasn't even interesting. I guess the zoned out hero girl thing is a type though. Agreed. Yeah i like Konosuba, well it's not amazing but it's alright. Bring on the Darkness. Speaking of that, whats up with the main girl in that and the main girl on Katangatari just blatantly strolling around the world with no underwear??? who's doing that?
I still wouldn't count on Isshin coming over but i think Hokuto will. Well, i mean it's the same story ever game isn't it? all they do is add more minigames with each iteration right? It came out though.
That's because he's got some much pride, he's blinded by it. When he has the advantage, he's like that. After the fact of getting his ass beat easy, i feel like he wouldn't act the same way, especially when the enemy can regenerate easy. Hahaha nah, true coward of DBZ. He stole the credit for everything all the way up to the end.
It wasn't a publisher sale. It was buy Rabbids, get 50% off either Splat2, Just Dance, Odyssey, Arms, WWE, Kirby, Bayo 2 and a few others. Well it looks like they've lost love for that. I loved Origins but those Time Trails killed me man. I got through all of them but they were frustrating. Didn't want to go through that again on Legends so i didn't get it.
Haha yeah kind of. Yeah that's exactly what they're doing but it's so unwarranted. I guess he has to make appearances then he's like, i can't believe i let this studio make my masterpiece look like shit, i should go. Really? dammit. I hope he's perfected and trained a protege by now. I don't want to feel like i did that time the original show ended and i was lost because i wanted more!
Hmmm, not something I've noticed as the lines aren't noticeably thick to me but i'll see if i spot that. Yeah that's true, but.... when the hlel and why did you ever get a 1080Ti? I thought that much power was pointless for you? and it's certainly overkill at 1440p wouldn't you say? Getting a 4K monitor in the near future?
Im sure it's just his name on the paper, i remember reading something along those lines when the sequel was first announced. Exactly what happened. He was busy making other movies. Shape of Water for one. Hahaha.
Yeah i didn't watch that spinoff movie as it looked like it was just a side story during the main show or something right? And that girls unsymmetrical armor slightly annoys me.
I meant Vegeta would finish the job while cell was in pieces or just extremely maimed after that Kamehameha blast. He can do that much atleast. I guess, but he knew the moment we knew. What? All Hercule wanted to do was kill and blow up Buu until being undercover had him befriending Buu for real.
Idk man. Tough times in Titan land, what are you supposed to do?
Even so, it's shitty on Nintendo/Ubisofts part. They have Just Dance of course and Rayman Legends again. I'm guessing after Rayman and Child of Light, that UbiArt isn't getting anymore attention, unfortunately.
They're both Dystopian based where mankind has gone down the shittier. Well the story of the Kabaneri show wasn't awful. the show was pretty good it's just that the main character was pretty boring. In my opinion anyway, plus i hate his stupid ass hair. Mumei is the nice. shit went straight for movie releases after it was over, like wtf? it wasn't that good. Yet it still airs... so sad!!
Haha just jump right in why don't you! not that it's connected or anything to the first really. Well last thing he remembers, he was old and died so first thing he does is figure he's dead, wouldn't you? I didn't even know it came out on PC. 1440p monitor man. It's gorgeous. im about 10 hours in now myself.
That's disappointing as hell :/ They're all teenagers...? ugh. you took a bullet for me on this one man. Well i don't like Ron Perlman at all, hate that guy in general. Also it's probably so bad because Del Toro didn't write and direct this one like the first. so sad.
More Hestia has been confirmed if you're into that.
Well it's not everyone thank goodness, but it is the majority. Hahaha i get your point now, it all makes sense! I started ignoring the show when i was like 14 because i had no cable channels and that's all that was on, every freaking day!
Yeah but when there's 2 people who have mini shootouts over and over and hide and the match takes forever, that or someones always camping in one spot that can't be gotten to because of traps and there's no way to get around the traps, it's a problem. Hahaha i guess so. Someone at work told me that in Fortnite, after you die, you can just quit and start a new game so i guess that's a really good thing since you don't have to watch.
I saw someone playing it on that 49" Samsung on YT. Jeez man, that's a lot of real estate and i kind of want one, seeing as i have 2 monitors next to each other with the same resolution anyway, but i don't really need that curve as i feel like it would mess with my colors if/when im making something in photoshop, i'd never know what shade of red im getting till i look directly at the middle of that section of screen. Really cool for gaming though and im sure it gets you and unfair advantage but the PC community will say oh well tough shit, go buy one too if you can afford it and if you can't you just suck ass and your garbage anyway.
Well i mean, who's just gonna sit there and take the L when they've got atleast 1 way to definitely defeat the opponent even if it means dying themselves? If he didn't have that ace up his sleeve he would've just gotten beaten to nothing by Vegeta because if Gohan didn't finish him off and he was in pieces and regenerating, Vegeta would be all over stomping the shit out of him. Cell didn't pull a new form out his ass though, it was his goal since birth. Buu was exploded or something, then evil Buu happened. Well when your training every single day as a Saiyan, there's not ceiling man and if there is, it's only temporary. Piccolo only succeeded because he became a good guy afterwards and Frieza's goal was just the be immortal with the Dragon Balls, he thought he was the most powerful person in the universe already.
Maybe she had reinforced blades, we don't know. Do the evaporate? i don't remember that.
True dat. Speaking of which, there's a Buy 1 Get 1 50% off promotion at work on all games and platforms. One caveat though. It only applies to the Switch games if you buy Mario Rabbids as one of the games.... like WTF Ubisoft.
Hmmm no idk if that's a good thing exactly. I mean the majority of their stuff isn't good. You can probably expect any vehicle to be in 3D too so idk if you're gonna be down with that. Attack on Titan is pretty good, Kabaneri on the other hand was a little above average, but nothing memorable. But yeah, better than that Berserk studio. My friend was showing me all these scenes from it earlier today.... it's just insulting to any fan, like WTF!!!! literally all the sounds in the 10 minute long fight scenes compilation were the sound of two metal poles hitting each other. It wa so awful and, the sound of Guts moving and the sound of his sword shouldn't be the same and if anything should be VERY varied and on top of that, it had a scene with Serpico slicing gators with his windsword..... WIND SWORD. WIND!!! and the shit had the same metal pole sound..... WTF!!!!! then it continuously just cut back to the same characters watching every battles when the same angle and expressions with the background's so insulting! I couldn't finish the whole video man.
Ni No Kuni this Friday! Finally!
Well we all know original Japanese dubbing is always solid because they are perfectionists but that doesn't mean the English dubs are automatically ass. Those are all bad but like wtf is that last one? who's coming up with that nonsense??? I would imagine that since FE is all in-house, it'd all be translated through Nintendo so wtf? That's probably only because they've got to sell those toys as it makes them the most money i think. I wasn't saying the entire Finnish population were anime fans, i was just saying only anime fans care enough to purposely watch something in another language with subs. Simpsons will never die, get used to it.
I mean i get the appeal, but at the same time 100 people is a bit much for me. I ALWAYS loved deathmatch in my shooting games which ranged from 6-12 or more people and that was fun in itself. What i still don't know though since i don't watch the games are, when you die, do you just have to wait and spectate till someone wins after 20 minutes? cause that would drive me up a wall. I never liked the 1 life only mode in Uncharted though, again its die and watch like.... why. I get it, but why? especially when you die off some nonsense.
Hmmm, well i mean if everyone after Frieza was stronger than him, sure they could've blown the world up and ended the show, but unlike the childish nature of Frieza, Cell was more of a grown man looking for a challenge and that generally how people are. Buu, well Buu was pretty similar, but he was looking more for fun.... until Kid Buu who didn't give a shit about anything and the first thing he wanted to do was, blow up everything. Also Cell didn't do that final form stuff, he didn't know what his next stages would be, he just knew he was programmed to evolve after absorbing the androids, that's it. Buu figured stuff out as he went on absorbing people. Yeah, but i mean.... it's called Dragon Ball, gotta have them for something right? Hahah okay.
Well she is the best and fastest fighter next to Levi it would seem so she tried her luck multiple times. Those fleshy parts can be hardened too though apparently. He'll be back.
That's a good hypothesis, but the girl from the second season woke up as a titan after some time then started eating people and it somehow turned her back into her human form so idk if it's a sanity thing because the dumb titans eat people up regularly. When they transform though their regular bodies are in the neck. Hmmmm, why aren't their regular size people in the dumb titans necks??? Haha that'd be terrible.
Indeed it is. Indeed it is. Good thing importing is still a thing.
Yeah that's true. I don't remember them being rough but then again i never really notice stuff like that unless it's frametime that messing up constantly i guess. it was obvious in FFXV when it launched.
You getting 'Merica Cry 5? After 4 had such a weak villain?
I couldn't care less, i want to hear games in the language I speak, it just makes sense man. No ones making games with Finnish voice track man so you might not get it, but you speak English so idk. Always hoping for a good dubbing for the games too man. I'm not saying take out the Japanese track, include it, why not, but that shouldn't be the only track. There's almost no one that purposely even watches movie in a different language other than anime fans, it's not smart to make it the only option for you game that you invested millions of dollars into to have it die on release because no one can understand it or be bother to read subtitles like it's a normal thing to do even when watching movies. Tell this Tom fella to jump off a bridge with that nonsense.
This is Catherine we're talking about, there is no chance that "Rin" doesn't have some kind of secret crazy of her own. She's probably a masochist or something. Kat killed Cat? man i really should play it again cause i remember nothing. I just remember rejecting Cat and she got all crazy. I don't remember how she was defeated.
I would hope that patch makes it look less like PUBG porridge. Speaking of which, Fortnite has really been shitting all over PUBG in the last months, it's really come into it's own m oney making popularity and in my point of view, may have saved EPIC somehow because they haven't really made shit in a while and they don't even get paid for the Engine use unless someone ships a game. That base building shit was dead on arrival and copying PUBG deathmatch has certainly saved that game too. Best part is the shit runs smooth as butter while PUBG, even on PC runs like a garbage disposal. I still have no interest in either of the games but it really is something to see, they even put out updates and modes faster. It's even passed Minecraft in popularity on Twitch. I expect PUBG to be a careless carcass by the end of the year and Microsoft looking stupid again. No ones gonna care of it comes to PS4 anyway as it'll be DOA.
Hahaha okay. HEY HEY post Frieza was still good! It would be stupid to end a show in a major transformation and then end the show... look at Bleach for a few bad examples. Super is shitballs and it'll finally be over at the end of the month. Goku has silver hair or soem shit not like those old ass Super Saiyan 5 fanarts we all used to see in middle school.
I was less enthused to getting around to watching it because the wait for it was so long but it turned out pretty good right? now the wait for the third stays looming overhead. I think that's the whole secret, but the people that are titans know they are titans as far as i can tell and come from somewhere outside of the main gated place they train and live. Yeah, idk either like WTF, if not by the end of season 1 i don't know, like they saw that girl turned into one, then they see Erin turn into one.... a duh right???? I was thinking the hairy one was his dad too as it looks just like his dad in human form. Well Levi was injured from what i recall and his arm was busted. Mikasa tried, broke her swords on the "smart" titans so what is she gonna do? My feeling is that that key that Erin has, that his dad gave him for some basement is where a lof of the research of turning into titans is located and that his dad probably worked for whatever outlander people in whatever kingdom far away. Wherever that titan girl is from where it looked like they turned you into a titan as a form of execution (which seems stupid) along with kicking you off a wall.
No Omega in your region. It looks like this wouldn't have happened at all without that subtitles, but still, wtf?
I got Shadow of the Colossus for free from this PlayStation partner site. I kind of want to plait it, but then i remembered i already did twice and i, again am not interested enough to want to beat it several times in different difficulties and modes just so i can get to the top of the castle and see whats up there and run across a bridge where i can't go back form.
Japanese wasn't always an option in the games was it? Looking forward to that as well. Taki was always my favorite girl, next to Xiangua or however you spell her name. What would be the point of calling it SC6 then? I remember Hilde! That would be stupid, but yeah not unexpected. Like i wouldn't bat an eye if Scooby Doo and Shaggy where guest characters. I like A2 more i think, but idk.
I don't remember that but yeah definitly the walk away opyion should have been used. WONT GET FOOLED AGAINNNN!!! you probably run into new Cat after she reveals that lie. I kind of miss the EDGE now.
It looks less appealing though. Wait for that optimization patch.
I was saying "dead", which i assumed was close. Yeah i may get it but idk. I still contemplate watching Ken 2 even though its like dragonball z apparently. For completion sake.
Calling the kettle black. Two shits talking nonsense shit.