- Last OnlineOct 12, 2018 8:55 AM
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- BirthdayFeb 10, 1996
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- JoinedFeb 15, 2013
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The front of your refrigerator. Get better taste in cheese, BTW.
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NOTICE: While this site's creator was super helpful in helping me recover my account, and I know that the rest of MAL's actual staff is just as upset over the current situation, I've primarily moved on to using AniList due to DeNA's terrible handling of the situation (thanks for dropping my support ticket after 2-3 weeks of no response BTW). I'll still be updating my list over here, but at this point I'm just waiting for clubs to be re-enabled so I can hand control of the RYM club over since I might be leaving MAL. :p
Huge-ass profile contained inside. You have been warned. A Selection of Non-Anime/Manga Favorites 98.12.28 Otokotachi no Wakare | After Hours | The Age of Adz | Arrested Development | Bath | Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons | Calvin and Hobbes | cLOUDDEAD | The Dark Side of the Moon | Ed, Edd n Eddy | Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind | Giant Steps | Gravity's Rainbow | Gutshot | Hark! A Vagrant | Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? | I Can Hear the Heart Beating As One | I'll Try Living Like This | Invisible Cites | Kingdom Hearts II | Loveless | Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty | The Moon & Antarctica | Nier | Nier: Automata | Ocean Machine: Biomech | Problem Sleuth | Star Wars [Episode IV: A New Hope] | Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 | Space Ghost Coast to Coast | Suspiria | Syndromes and a Century | To the Moon | Twin Peaks: The Return | Undertale | The Waves | Why Don't You Play in Hell? | The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle | Xeno Film | Literature | Music | Television | Video Games | Western Comics A Quick Rundown of My Rating Scale (since some people might somehow misinterpret it due to MAL's inflated ratings) 10 - Might not be perfect in every sense of the word (though, to be fair, nothing in any medium is), but it might as well be. 9 - Pretty fucking fantastic as a whole. Something about it prevents me from giving it a 10, though it's nothing close to major at all. 8 - Great stuff! By no means perfect, but still absolutely worth my time as a whole. 7 - Yeah, this was pretty damn good! Would pretty much recommend anything that I give this rating and above. 6 - Decent. I still kind of liked this in some ways, but I wouldn't call it flat-out "good". 5 - Some call this "average", I call it "mediocre". It's at least tolerable, but it's still not really worth going through IMO. This is the point where I start dropping things (though if I'm watching something that's only a few episodes long at the most or reading something that's just a volume long, I'll put up with it). 4 - Not bad enough for me to say that it was complete trash or anything like that, and there's likely at least a couple of things that I liked (or at least found tolerable enough), but yeah this was still kind of bad and I definitely wouldn't recommend it. 3 - Flat-out bad. There might be an element of it that I actually like, but for the most part it's kind of trash and that element isn't enough to even kind of save it. Anything that I've given this rating or below and dropped are series that I very much likely won't give another chance. 2 - Ugh. 1 - do I really even need to explain this tl;drforwhateverreason: My rating scale isn't like a school's grading scale. It's just a normal one. Also, series that I give ratings of 6-9 to will also have a more specific rating of 6.0-9.5 applied to them in my "tags". Some Extra Notes Your taste in everything is shit. -My ratings aren't some kind of ranking of the series I've watched and read. They're just what I think about a series. -I will not rate OVAs or specials that are basically just normal episodes of a television series. I will rate those kind of things if they're still a part of a series but aren't really normal episodes, though (such as Panty & Stocking in Sanitarybox). -I tend to consume media at my own pace rather than focus on a couple of things at a time, and that extends to anime and manga. So if I watch a couple of episodes of something and the finally continue it a few months later, only to take a break and watch the second half of it after another six months? That's why. I'm trying to get better at this, though. -If you ask me whether I prefer anime or manga, they're somewhat equal IMO, though maybe a slight preference towards manga as a medium. Anime can be incredibly satisfying when done right (and the added elements like voice acting and music is always welcome), but I find that manga tends to have a hell of a lot more diversity within it (most likely due to it not costing a whole lot to make in comparison and not being quite as otaku-centric). -For anime, I follow the Auteur Theory (which I do for all film-based mediums), so I don't give really give that much of a shit as to what studio's making a series. The director behind it matters far more to me, especially since anime has more auteur directors than western animation and live-action television do. I also don't really care about which VAs are in series either. -I do rate things that I drop, but my ratings for those are just my opinions on series at the points that I dropped them. Also, just because I dropped something doesn't mean that I won't give it another chance, though I'm far more likely to do so with series that I didn't think were complete shit (if I rated it a 3 or below, you better give me an incredible reason to give it another shot). -I'm a sucker for surrealism. That's not to say that I'll give anything with elements of it at least a 9/10 by any means (I mean, some of my least favorite works are surrealist as well), but it's just a slight preference I personally have. -Outside of that, though, I don't really have any huge genre preferences. I do have an aversion to ecchi and harem series, though, so if you're going to recommend one to me, please give me an actual good reason to try it out. -When I talk about visuals, I don't mean animation (unless I specifically bring it up). I mean things like art direction, which matters more to me personally. -I don't inherently focus on plot or characters when forming an opinion on a series. In fact, to me, plot is one of the least important things in art/entertainment. And I feel that art direction and atmosphere can carry a work far more than most people give it credit for. -Subjectivity >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Objectivity, all day every day. Yes, there are certainly some objective factors (that are entirely technical bullshit such as quality of animation), but whether or not those factors are even... well, factored into my opinion is entirely subjective. -If you say that JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is literally just memes, I will try my hardest to physically slap you through the internet. -Fuck the idea that I'll magically enjoy some of my least favorite series as much as some of my actual favorites by "turning my brain off". To me there's a clear difference between something like Big Trouble in Little China and something like... well, any Michael Bay film, and there's also a clear difference between something like Symphogear and something like Shingeki no Kyojin. There's absolutely nothing wrong with dumb fun, and it can be just as worthwhile as things such as incredibly psychological series, legitimately moving dramas, or whatnot. It all has to do with execution. Being entertaining and being quality are not mutually exclusive IMO. -I do think that it's best to be as open-minded as possible towards media: Be open towards more challenging works, but don't dismiss other things just because they aren't #highart. -If I ever seem like an intelligent person: Drop those thoughts. I'm just some nerd who lives near his mother's attic who thinks that he knows things about art/entertainment. And who also might be working at McDonalds. -I beat the Lingering Will in Kingdom Hearts II FInal Mix on Critical and all I got to show for it was a useless gold crown. Worth it. -"whoa there man you have too many 9s and 10s why don't you tone down your ratings instead of, you know, be honest you're the reason as to why MALs ratings are so inflated" At least I have more than five ratings that are below a 6. Also I don't like going after things that I'm expecting to not enjoy in some way in general, because life's too short for that. (most of my negative ratings are from stuff I saw via a brief experience with my university's anime club, morbid curiosity that died after an episode, or just stuff that I checked out out of normal curiosity and ended up not liking) -Personal opinion on the whole "is Avatar/RWBY/Teen Titans an anime?" shitshow: No. This isn't out of any kind of elitism or bullshit like that (and I think that Avatar's fucking great FWIW), but if you're going to refer to one country's animation by a specific term (while not doing the same in regards to literally any other country's animation) then just stick with it. And if something's anime just because of an artstyle, then by that logic nothing from Yuasa is anime because he doesn't go by that style. Nor is Astro Boy. Or any old anime for that matter. -With that being said, Cory in the House is definitely anime, and so is Atlanta (one of the gems of slice-of-life anime IMO). -I'll just be blunt here: I have no intention of checking out Sword Art Online. Even when ignoring some of the more glaring problems people have brought up that turn me off of it (*coughrapeforthesakeofitcough*), it just looks bland as hell from what I've seen of it (out of context, mind you, but it's enough to make me not want to see it). -Don't ask me what my deal with the number 4822 is about. -I will rate manga that I'm currently reading it if I started it while it was being published and wasn't obviously wrapping up soon (if it does end at some point, I'll keep my rating around unless there's a drastic change in my opinion when I decide to finish reading it). As manga tends to take a lot longer to finish its publication than anime takes to finish airing, I feel like this makes more sense than rating anime as it's airing. The exception to this will be Sora ga Haiiro dakara (go read this, BTW), since scanlations for that are stupidly slow so it might as well be currently publishing. Re-Watch/Re-Read Count Digimon Frontier = 2 FLCL = 2 Lucky Star = 2 Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica = 2 Neon Genesis Evangelion = 2 Nichijou = 2 Yuyushiki = 2 Chimoguri Ringo to Kingyobachi Otoko = 2 Daidai wa, Hantoumei ni Nidone suru = 2 Nickelodeon = 2 Best Girls & Guys (basically my favorite characters for both genders done in those 3x3 things that the kids like these days) (and no this is not a fucking waifu list, Natsumi is, like, 12) [Anime] [Manga Edition Coming Whenever I Can Be Bothered to Make One] ♥Also check out my ships! I've got the best ships!♥ jk shipping is for nerds who live in their parents' basement Ringo x Kanye is best ship though Anime #150 - Owarimonogatari [Monogatari Series S4] #200 - Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou: Quiet Country Cafe #250 - Plastic Nee-san Manga #100 - Dragon Ball "It makes me uncomfortable to talk about meanings and things. It's better not to know so much about what things mean. Because the meaning, it's a very personal thing, and the meaning for me is different than the meaning for somebody else. -David Lynch Prezbo you did this to me also if you want some free entertainment watch Somecallmejohnny's Sonic Hacking Contest streams. They're a hoot! also fuck body pillows (not literally) they're cringeworthy as hell also Deadly Premonition is legit one of the greatest games ever fuck Jim Sterling's ironic 10/10 "so bad it's good" review also sometimes manga > anime also hiding this kind of shit in here is fun because, like, two people at most MIGHT stumble across it also if I ever do blog posts I'll probably hide shit in there too also I somehow don't like porn I feel so alone also MAL's taste is kind of shit overall but you probably already know that also hi Prezbo also Fishmans are the best band ever and nobody can fucking tell me otherwise stop rewatching things you hate and go listen to them you'll thank me later also once you go the repainted route for Rhythm Heaven Fever you can't go back to vanilla also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDtDthXyCqY also ranch goes good with buffalo wings a.k.a. the greatest food in the world also fuck Donald Trump but you probably already know that also I've spent too much time typing out this rambling bullshit also Breath of the Wild is probably just pretty good at best I bet that most of the praise is actually just "it's open-world and it's Zelda 60/10" also no seriously subjectivity >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>objectivity also Bisky is 4th best JoJo the others in my Top 5 from "worst" to best are Joseph, Jolyne, Joseph, and Polnareff also the first couple of seasons of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic are legitimately good fuck bronies for tending to be almost as bad as the worst anime fans also I wish Egoraptor would leave Game Grumps Dan is by far the better of the main two also I wish the latter would stop making Starbomb shit with the former and go make another Skyhill album damnit also I actually do eat sushi IRL I'm not a poser also I bet that you're getting sick of this bullshit but fuck you I'm not stopping it's only going to get worse from here also Doug Walker and Linkara were never good to begin with also go listen to the RebelTaxi Pizza Party Podcast instead also ecchi really is that bad of a genre and is actually actively harming anime and the people who complain about people complaining about it should honestly kind of be quiet and jack off to real porn also so are lolis shut up you fucking pedos stop defending them also fuck memes they're the reason why We Are Number One is not appreciated as a legit good and fun ska song also... really, how did you find this? You have to be a REAL FUCKING LOSER to find this thing hidden in one tiny line of text. also I'm sorry also also also also also also that's a fun word isn't it also if anyone from ZeBunker is reading this GO BACK TO SPAMMING THE KEVIN EMOTICON LIKE MADMEN also anime does actually have more interesting content than western animation in terms of TV stuff and that's not even me being a weeb also Saber is mediocre fight me nerds also Led Zeppelin are pretty mediocre as well also so are The Doors also why are you still reading this also Rem isn't mediocre she's just a shit character why do people love her OH WAIT THEY DON'T THEY FORGOT SO HA also even if you're not special you're probably a pretty cool person nonetheless also that is unless you're a true weeb then please fuck off Japan would hate you and they don't even like anime THAT much also eggnog is the best drink and I hate that stores only sell it during the holiday season also I'm too lazy to cook it myself also mint chocolate chip is the best ice cream flavor also the reason why I held off on starting Game of Thrones for so long was the "hey let's kill off all of our characters! THAT'S GOOD WRITING, RIGHT?" mindset that it inadvertently spawned also I personally don't particularly care for Game of Thrones all that much right now also I need to re-iterate that the "best girl" list up there is not a waifu list Natsumi is like 12 she just happens to be hilarious also speaking of best girls have a secret 3x3 it's for best girls from the superior medium I made it while listening to Lil Ugly Mane because that's relevant http://i.imgur.com/qXsij88.jpg also A E S T H E T I C S are stupid also vaporwave can be a pretty good genre despite that though also did the man who invented college ever go to college also Sonic's games at their best > Mario's games at their best this is a cold hard FACT OF LIFE also harsh noise can be cool sometimes also Chic-Fil-A is a pretty damn good restaurant I could eat their spicy chicken sandwiches every day also Undertale actually is an amazing game that absolutely deserves to be canon and considered to be more important than Ocarina of Time, FFVII and Super Mario 64 even if the fanbase is insufferable also THAT'S MY HOUSE I'LL DISCONNECT THE CABLES AND TURN THE LIGHTS OUT AND LET HER KNOW HER GRANDCHILD IS A BABY AND NOT A PAYCHECK PRIVATE SCHOOL DAYCARE SHIT MEDICAL BILLS I PAY THAT I'M SORRY MS. JACKSON OOOOOOOOOOO I AM FOR REAL NEVER MEANT TO MAKE YOUR DAUGHTER CRY I APOLOGIZE A TRILLION TIMES also damn son Shizuo Heiwajima is a stupidly entertaining character IIIIIZAAAAAYAAAAAAAA also destroy your radio it's not worth it also you look beautiful today also as much as I love Chic-Fil-A I fucking hate how their lines are always the longEST AND IT TAKES FUCKING FOREVER TO GET WAFFLE FRIES AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA also you're probably literally too cool for school stay in your house bundled up in a blanket also Fall (or Autumn if you're a nerd) is the best season Winter is too damn cold Summer is too damn hot and during Spring there are bees and wasps all over the fucking place despite the fact that the weather is quite nice also nice weather we're having also while you're here could you give me $20 I need to go to Five Guys for a burger and cajun fries just send it by air-mail If you, for whatever reason, want to chat with me, I'm most active on RateYourMusic/Sonemic (link to my profile there is in my Also Available At section). That's not saying that I only talk to people on there, I'm just less active on here than on there. Also, for the time being, my anime-watching has slowed down to a crawl. This is mostly due to my attention being captured by other things, but for now I'm probably going to stick with a few seasonal things (since they're easier to manage week-by-week) and the occasional older series. |
All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 62.8
Mean Score:
- Watching9
- Completed283
- On-Hold32
- Dropped56
- Plan to Watch281
- Total Entries661
- Rewatched7
- Episodes3,894
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 54.5
Mean Score:
- Reading52
- Completed110
- On-Hold71
- Dropped56
- Plan to Read378
- Total Entries667
- Reread3
- Chapters9,727
- Volumes558
All Favorites Favorites
Anime (10)
Manga (10)
Voynich Hotel
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Kirihito Sanka
Sora ga Haiiro dakara
Yotsuba to!
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean
Daidai wa, Hantoumei ni Nidone suru
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa Kudakenai
Character (10)
Ikari, Shinji
Shinseiki Evangelion
Mizunashi, Akari
Aria the Animation
Akiyama, Mio
Miyamori, Aoi
Ninomiya, Rui
Gatchaman Crowds
Harvent, Miria
Dian, Isaac
Joestar, Joseph
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Adventure
Oshino, Ougi
Monogatari Series: Second Season
Kuujou, Jolyne
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean
All Comments (52) Comments
A heads-up regarding LingoDeer: it's a pretty excellent app, but it's not suited for properly learning kanji (beyond the simplest ones) and thus how to read Japanese. It doesn't teach you about radicals or the different readings of kanji, and it doesn't feature any built-in services tailored for remembering kanji (beyond brute-force memorization by staring).
If you primarily use LingoDeer and maybe a bunch of other stuff on the side (I always recommend multiple sources), then learning how to understand and speak Japanese is a tangible goal and not actually that hard. Meaning you can look forward to watching anime without subs!!! I'm nowhere near at that level yet, but I pick up more and more individual bits when watching anime, which is quite stimulating. And even though I have no one to talk to in Japanese, it's still loads of fun just to practice for myself (and occasionally impress friends and relatives hohoho :p).
Being able to read, however, is a different beast entirely, since you properly need to learn kanji. An app like LingoDeer is only indirectly helpful, since it builds up your vocabulary and teaches you the grammar etc., which is a necessary but completely insufficient condition for being able to read Japanese. At the end of the day, you really need something like Kanji Study and, of course, a lot of commitment to learn how to read!
And while we're at it: writing in Japanese on a digital device is only marginally harder than being able to talk (since you just type shit out in rōmaji and then select the appropriate kanji from a list), whereas handwriting is maybe the hardest of all disciplines (but who still does that amirite).
Anyway, I hope I have not discouraged you. It's really fun, trust me! Especially for people who consume a lot of Japanese media. It opens up countless little possibilities all over the place. Apparently it also has health benefits. Et cetera. SUGOI DESU NE?? aka 凄いですね??????
Also, I ended up starting a Lvl. 1 run in Kingdom Hearts II yesterday because I was curious. In the Land of Dragons at the moment, and as much as I dislike the "Dark Souls of [x]" meme, whoever called this the Dark Souls of Kingdom Hearts actually isn't way too far off TBH.
Next step on my "things I should actually do" list is opening up LingoDeer and start committing to learning Japanese (mostly been putting it off because I'm usually really exhausted after work and not in the right mindset to start actively learning things), especially since it's likely that scanlators most likely won't finish up Sora ga Haiiro dakara and Termina or start the other two manga by panpanya and I really want to finish the former two and read the latter two.
TBH I'm not expecting to get through half of this because of other things but this is just my medium-to-high-priority list ATM.
...I need to take a break from this and just watch a bunch of anime instead of falling into the "I'll do it tomorrow" trap for the thousandth time.
(why the hell is it that every power outage in my neighborhood in the past few years has been during bright sunny days with clear skies and never during actual incredibly heavy storms?)
Time flies and I'm going to hop back on the anime train.
The Jerk - I was genuinely surprised by how much I liked this. Incredibly silly comedies are the best when they know that they're silly, embrace it and run with it like the wind. While naked.
Wheels on Meals - First 2/3rds are fairly enjoyable if standard Sammo/Chan fare, but if there's one thing about Sammo Hung that's been consistent in what I've watched of his is that he certainly knows how to end a film because the castle sequence is fucking great.
The Thing - Not my favorite Carpenter film, but certainly in my Top 3 (followed by Big Trouble and In the Mouth of Madness) and this might have the best damn practical effects ever. And the transformation during the blood test scene actually made me audibly say "what the fuck" out loud (and I'm usually pretty quiet while watching films).
Fuck the NRA. Seriously. The whole Trump administration in general is making me ashamed to be living in this godforsaken country.
(and now back to my usual media-focused ramblings)
What Remains of Edith Finch was a great two hours and I really need to get back into the swing of things in regards to games.
(also I just watched Antiporno and what the fuck even is Sion Sono?)