I've been alright. Finished my social work degree, worked for a few years, decided I wanted something new, so I did night classes towards a paralegal degree. Now I'm working real estate from home as I quarantine, and checking out new series with my OT hours (still as geeky as ever... 🙂). I'm also looking at moving as soon as this whole pandemic thing passes. But that's about it for me. What's new with you? How have you been?
Btw, what should I call you now? Do you prefer Shrodinger, or is Kira fine?
Hey Schrodinger! Is this KDK? It's been awhile! 🙂
Hope you are also doing well and staying safe! Sorry I haven't been on regularly- work's been kinda crazy busy (par for the course for 2020). Hey, you'll have to catch me up on what good anime/manga you've been into lately! I just finished re-reading Vinland Saga and I'm looking for a new series to binge. Got any good recs?
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Btw, what should I call you now? Do you prefer Shrodinger, or is Kira fine?
Hope you are also doing well and staying safe! Sorry I haven't been on regularly- work's been kinda crazy busy (par for the course for 2020). Hey, you'll have to catch me up on what good anime/manga you've been into lately! I just finished re-reading Vinland Saga and I'm looking for a new series to binge. Got any good recs?