Well,nothing much in the club just try to stay active in the club and invite people.Our club is lacking activity WAY too much .THX
The Opening theme and Ending theme CD released!
As of the 25th of July 2012,The opening theme CD has been released.
The CD/Album named Reason Why XXX,will be sold at 1200¥(15,3$USD)will feature 4 track:
1.Reason why XXX
2.Ordinary day...
3.Reason why XXX(instrumental)
4.Ordinary day...(instrumental)
And as of the 8th of August 2012,the ending theme CD will be released (which is today XD)
The CD/Album named ,will also be sold at 1200¥(15,3$USD)and will also feature 4 track:
1.Platinum 17
3.Platinum 17(instrumental)
And as of now,the series has 8 chapters of the novel is released ,2 volumes of the manga and a spin-off novel that will be released the 10th of august 2012.
The covers for the BD,DVD and limited edition BD/DVD has been released.
Regular cover
Limited edition Sleeve
That's is all for the second issue,hope it didn't bore you too much and see you in the next issue of dakara boku wa H dekinai newsletter.
And if it did then here are some quite entertaining video to cheer you up.
Hey,guys we now have our own official newsletter,the first 2 issues will be sent to every member,If you wish to have later issue sent to you please leave your name and the delivery method to the post in the club.
We will be holding our 50+LE,well when we have 50+ member XD.And we will have game up when i have time.So look forward to it and please stay active in the club.=D
They will be starting to sell the Blu-Rays and DVD's of dakara boku wa dekinai ,on the 26th of september 2012.
Here is the chart of volume release date:
And each shop or webshop will be offering different gifts with the BD and DVDs
Granvania restaurant are also doing a Dakara boku wa H dekinai theme menu for it's release + the giving of printed macarons
That's is all for the first issue,hope it didn't bore you too much and see you in the next issue of dakara boku wa H dekinai newsletter.
Alex-1029 =D
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I saw you in AU.