Hello!! Sorry for the late response, Ive been soooo busy lately!! Anyways, the first video wouldn't work, but I searched it up and found a few versions! All I have to say is GOD DAMN IS HE FABULOUS!! XD!!! The second video was funny and cute at the same time XD!!! And before this I did not know what an MMD was, but now I know!!
Heeeeeeeeey! Howwwwwwwwdy! Yooooooo!
It's so nice to speak with you again too - the other day I was like: 'SAY WHAAA?! WHY SO LONG WITH THE SILENCE?!', so I had to message!
I apologise for the slow reply though, I have been bouncing off of the walls of craziness and ill-organised life events, haha!
Come here, you awesome humanoid, you!
Thank you so much! :D! I had a blast with added sugar, just to ramp up the insanity a little!
That's awesome to hear! On here I take it?! This site has been great for meeting amazing people for me also! I love it!
Your profile is so brilliant now! I am in awe! How do you even section off your favourite anime in those boxes?! Mine are all single pictures!
What else do you want to add?
How've ye been since last message? :D (Again, sorry! Whoopsy daisy!)
Thanks :3
He's from the new winter 17 anime called marginal 4 ;)
His name's Nomura R and he's an idol.He's so cute
Your Serinuma is cute as well, I can relate to her so much <3
I enjoyed "Stay Alive" as well!! But my favorite song has to be Theme of JJ, I listen to it every day XD. Idk why, I guess I find it inspirational!! And that duet!! I practically squeal whenever I listen to it XD!!!
IKR?!!? Ive been obsessed with a few songs in the soundtrack and the emotion in them is just beautiful!! Also, sorry for the late response, I've been a bit busy \(; - ;)/. Anyways, my favorite songs in the soundtrack have to be the opening, Theme of JJ, Shall We Skate, Minami's Boogie, etc!! I also found this version of the opening where its a duet with Victor and Yuuri!! I'm not sure if its the actual voices (probably not), but just the idea of it makes me really happy! \(^ O ^)/!!!!
Yes many, but they are new and they aren't complete yet, like: Text link (this one is complete, but it's not in eng yet),Text link, Text link(This one is very funny I laughed my butt of!) and others, but I can't remember the names.
All Comments (76) Comments
It's so nice to speak with you again too - the other day I was like: 'SAY WHAAA?! WHY SO LONG WITH THE SILENCE?!', so I had to message!
I apologise for the slow reply though, I have been bouncing off of the walls of craziness and ill-organised life events, haha!
Thank you so much! :D! I had a blast with added sugar, just to ramp up the insanity a little!
That's awesome to hear! On here I take it?! This site has been great for meeting amazing people for me also! I love it!
Your profile is so brilliant now! I am in awe! How do you even section off your favourite anime in those boxes?! Mine are all single pictures!
What else do you want to add?
How've ye been since last message? :D (Again, sorry! Whoopsy daisy!)
Yes he's a twin and they're both cute ;)
That girl is epic :3
Ok no problem. Can I ask you why?
He's from the new winter 17 anime called marginal 4 ;)
His name's Nomura R and he's an idol.He's so cute
Your Serinuma is cute as well, I can relate to her so much <3
Did you have a life outside internet?
I can relate to him sometimes too.Don't worry I had those periods too :3
I'm fine, you?
Long time no speak! :O! The horror!
How've ye been? :D
(Love your new profile design, by the way! *Gawks at screen*)
I tried to add the video, but it wouldn't work, so here is the link \(^-^)/
Nice to meet ya too :3
Ofc we'll get along.Omg I've forgotten his name>.< That gif is From beelzebub, right?
One day I will see you! I swear!
But until that time comes lets talk about something else.