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I'm shy. My favorite anime genres are horror and psychological, but I also love cute shojo.

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Feb 6, 3:35 PM
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Mononoke Movie: Karakasa
Mononoke Movie: Karakasa
Feb 2, 7:37 PM
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Sakamoto Days
Sakamoto Days
Jan 23, 9:31 PM
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Kimi ni Todoke
Kimi ni Todoke
Mar 17, 3:00 PM
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Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen
Mar 17, 3:00 PM
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Nekogurashi no Gamer-san
Nekogurashi no Gamer-san
Mar 17, 2:59 PM
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Veggiecide Oct 7, 2016 12:01 PM
Aww haha, everything takes practice, I'm sure if you dedicate some time to practicing you can get better :p

Oh man, I love iguanas, they're awesome, I had one but it died :( I was sad, I've always wanted one that got big and I could have just around the house walking. My aunt had one that if you made mad would whip you with its tail and hiss xD

Orange was a feels trip, but I liked it a lot, so stoked on the movie thats gonna be coming out haha. I like a little of everything really, and I rewatch a lot of things, usually if I don't like it I drop it, then give it a second or third try, then I can really decide if I like it or not lol (i.e. Soul Eater, SNK, Naruto) lol

Oh man I know! I wasn't gonna go, but I put in a bunch of overtime in the beginning of September so I was able to buy my ticket, then I'm going to Vegas the weekend after for my girlfriend's sister's wedding so there goes even more money, I hope I can gamble my way back out of debt xD, but yeah its actually the 14th & 15th so if you decide to go you should, it looks like a cool little con, much much smaller than AX and sunce it'll be the first one it looks like it will be chill, I'm cosplaying again so I hope it's not hot, I don't wanna suffocate again xD
Veggiecide Sep 29, 2016 12:23 PM
So did I sadly, watercolors can be very unforgiving and one mistake can be so hard to correct without messing everything up lol

Haha theres some mean creatures out there by the rain forest, we got to see a lot of spider monkeys around, and at night when its quiet you can hear jaguars or panthers, not sure which but they make some scary sounding growls lol same with howling monkeys, those sound crazy

Oh alright, for me it depends, I usually go read whats coming up and if something looks interesting I follow it, after a few episodes I decide whether or not 'll stick with it, I just finished Orange which I really liked, I have a thing for Shojo types haha

Are you going to AkibaFest in Little Tokyo on the 15th? It looks fun haha
Veggiecide Sep 13, 2016 1:42 PM
Oh really? Thats awesome, the theatre around here had a mini anime film event thingy, they had Kiki's Delivery Service, Totoro, Akira, Ghost in the Shell and other showing, but I got the month mixed up and mised it all I was so bummed xD, but thats soo cool haha

I bet though idk what effects are available, lately I been getting really into watercolors and the way they look so idk what digital art would have to offer on something similar to that, if that makes sense.

Oh man, in Oaxaca there are these giant tarantula things tat sometimes crawl out, I remember I saw one that got squished o the side of the road and at first I thought it was a rat since it was super furry, but when I got close I got a mini heart attack, I think I would've died if that thing suddenly moved hahaha

So are you watching any anime this season or you don't really follow seasons?
Veggiecide Aug 31, 2016 10:08 AM
It is, if you ever get the chance go to the Downtown Independent in Downtown LA, that's where I saw Boruto and it was very nice, the theater itself was really cool and people even showed up in cosplay and stuff, it had a very good vibe.

Got it, yeah digital art does seem pretty cool, I wanna try it out, but I don't have a computer, my laptop busted last year and just haven't bought another one, I heard digital art is pretty complicated to do despite looking so simple, so that's something I'd be interested in looking into myself haha. But yeah, drawing is definitely something very therapeutic, its really the only time of the day I get to sit alone with my thoughts and at the same time not thinking about anything and just focusing on what I draw, sometimes work is hell and it stays hell for days, so drawing really is among the few things I look forward everyday lol.

Damn it must've been so hot during the summer, even when you're near the beaches in Nayarit I bet it still gets crazy hot, like Acapulco, ugh its nice and all but that humid summer heat is suffocating af xD.

Sorry to hear about your grandparents though, I have my grandma on my mom's side still, I never got a chance to meet my grandpa since he died before I was born. Both my grandparents on my dad's side are still around, but they live in Mexico so we don't have much of a relationship.

Omg yes, Spongebob was so awkward to watch, that one I started watching here, then when I went back it was airing over there and couldn't get used to it, I find the name Calamardo and Patricio hilarious hahaha.
Veggiecide Aug 29, 2016 11:03 AM
Yeah I'm not sure what the release date is, but I mean anime movie events are fun, I went to the Dragonball Z and Naruto movies at theaters and they were both really fun haha.

Oh alright thats cool, do you prefer color or just straight pencil and paper?

Oh really? Nayarit is nice, I been there maybe twice haha, but yeah dubs over there are pretty strange, though most of the 90s cartoons from cartoon network and nick I find the spanish dub better since thats what I was used to, I actually like dexter's lab, johnny bravo and cow and chicken better in Spanish lol
Veggiecide Aug 16, 2016 11:02 AM
Nice haha, I was more into pokemon back then, I never really watched Digimon, I don't think I even gave it a try, I should the movie thats coming out looks interesting but I probably wont have any idea whats going on if I watch it haha.

Do you still draw? Or did you kinda put it aside eventually? I used to draw a lot, not anime, but just things in general, people would tell me I was good but I never thought so, then I stopped, and just until recently began drawing again, I kinda wish I wouldn't have stopped, I bet I'd be good at it by now xD

Well I grew up in Mexico City, oddly enough Mexico has always been very anime friendly, so i grew up watching a lot of Ranma 1/2, Samurai Pizza Cats, Dr. Slump, the Dragon Ball series, Saint Seiya, Medabots and like other random series I have no idea what they were called haha. Obviously back then I just saw them as cartoons and never really went in depth into what it really was. When I moved over here I just kinda forgot about it, I was busy doing other stuff up to the end of high school. After high school I kinda went underground, didn't go out much, I cut a lot of bridges and stopped talking to a lot of people, so I had a few pen pals, one happened to be from Japan, talking one day she mentioned something about Ranma, so then we started talking and she explained to me about anime and introduced me to Nana, Death Note and One Piece. I would watch a lot of it and checked the manga out at the library. Eventually I went out with a friend who I used to go to shows with and in talking about anime and art she told me she was a closet Bleach fan, she recommended it to me and now long after I got hooked on it and it all went down hill from there hahaha I guess anime really made up for being lonely and with nothing to do at home, and its kinda helping me talk to people more since I find more common ground and discussion topics haha xD
Veggiecide Aug 9, 2016 8:12 AM
I actually wasn't too bummed, my hair gets really curly when long and I hate it lol.
I tried wearing pants in this heat and its not gonna happen lol, so I usually stick to shorts all the time now haha

Oh I see, that's still cool though haha. I think i regret not talking or hanging out more with the anime people back in high school, I made friends during classes with a few to pass the time or just out of random lol, though I haven't ran into any of them haha.

So how did you first get into anime?
Veggiecide Aug 2, 2016 9:37 AM
Oh nice, I'm going in a few weeks, my mom came to visit and she will be leaving next month. Shes never been to San Francisco so I'm taking her and my grandma, it should be fun haha.

I actually cut my hair this week xD I mean I can't really have long hair here at work anyway but still, idk how I managed to walk around school in full black or with a leather jacket, long hair and 90 degrees out xD

I want to too, I just found out my dad threw the one I had since high school out, I was sooo pissed but whatever, I may go looking for one at the thrift store sometime soon haha
Oh alright, I love Halloween even though I don't even do anything anymore, everyone works and adults now lol I may just put on my kankuro cosplay again and walk around or something lol

haha nice, I kinda got my girlfriend and a couple of other friends into like death note, nana and naruto, but I don't think any of them are like serious about it, they're just like oh ok cool but I really doubt they would want to cosplay and go to cons and stuff. MAL has a meet up for AX but I swear I missed it twice already, next year for sure I want to meet people and have friends who don't think I'm weird or look at me blankly when I talk about anime xD
Veggiecide Jul 28, 2016 10:10 AM
yeah it is, not San Francisco expensive, but still pretty expensive, I love the weather in San Fran, you really do get your moneys worth for it, I been melting here these past few days xD

omg studs are murder to your fingers, my finger tips are all callousy because of that xD eventually I started using a can opener thingy and it helped a lot.

Thats so cool! I always wanted to make a costume for Halloween but got too lazy and just threw a mask on lol.

Its funny how you kinda change, we went the opposite way xD Maybe because I was younger back then and most people around were around my age, now I feel I'm into this but everyone is 18 or under lol
Veggiecide Jul 20, 2016 5:17 PM
Aw really? I love that place, I'd actually moved there if it was cheaper but damn are those luxury apartments and lofts expensive lol.

I did my first cosplay this year, and yeah you need SOOO much patience and commitment, I seriously thought it was gonna be easier. I've studded tons of vests and jackets, sewed and made my own patches back in high school (I used to be cool, sociable and punk rock way back when xD) but this was a whole new level lol, but I really enjoyed the experience, usually I'm kinda awkward and don't talk much, much less start up conversations with strangers and take pictures, but that helped me a lot, I don't think I've ever talked to and taken so many pictures with people I didn't even know lol
Veggiecide Jul 14, 2016 10:41 AM
thats very true haha, what I try to do is turn on the wifi on at public places (since my house is a dead zone for pokemon lol) and use that instead of my data, it works but it just eats soooo much battery life xD

yeah lol, do you ever go to little tokyo in LA? sometimes they have cosplay gatherings and stuff there which seem much more relaxed haha, and anime jugle too lol
Veggiecide Jul 13, 2016 11:20 AM
Oh nice haha.

Aww lame haha, but yeah thing eats up both data and battery life lol, with both ax and now this I barely made it to the end of the month with my data, but I'm too cheap to get the unlimited bundle lol.

Seriously, I know its not for everyone and being tired and overwhelmed with the crow isn't very fun, but its an overall nice experience, especially iif you're into anime. If anything wait till their black friday sale, that usually the cheapest you'll get badges for, next to buying them the day after con ends, but yeah otherwise they raise prices by a lot with each sale they have lol
Veggiecide Jul 8, 2016 12:15 PM
haha nice, plus living by the beach is nice, if anything I can just go and kinda hang around there since its much cooler, and there like crazy amounts of Pokemon there too! I love Pokemon go xD... I did, I was so sore, tired and beat by the last day but it was fun, next year its their 25th anniversary and they said it'll be the best one yet, and they extended it from 4 to 5 days so RIP my feet next year hahaha
Veggiecide Jul 6, 2016 11:31 AM
lol nice, good thing its been cooling down lately, at least here where I live haha... oh and AX wasn't that hot, at least not Sat-Mon, Friday was horrible, and I decided to Cosplay Umaru that day, not a smart move at all, walking around in the heat wearing a fleece blanket over my head almost gave me heat stroke xD
Veggiecide Jun 30, 2016 10:17 AM
lol is it the spiny kind? you know the one that moves, I just have a little one that doesn't move and it doesn't really do much other than consistently blow wind in one direction, so I have to be at the same spot if I want the air to hit otherwise I have to keep moving it xD
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