All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 119.6
Mean Score:
- Watching24
- Completed270
- On-Hold12
- Dropped13
- Plan to Watch154
- Total Entries473
- Rewatched0
- Episodes7,082
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 82.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries91
- Reread0
- Chapters11,807
- Volumes542
All Comments (15) Comments
Just two things:
1.Uiharu actually is the best super-hacker ever to walk in Academy City,which automatically makes her the best in the world.Actually they downplayed her abilities here.
2.The random scientist that made STUDY become the darkness(place sarcasm here) is Kihara Gensei who can be considered the head of the Kihara family.
I was amazed how almost every fight that occurred was interesting and engaging. It's pretty tough for a shounen to pull that off. The seven homunculus were damn awesome (except sloth, who was also weird in the original anime). My favorite scene was in episode 44 where the new Greed kills old Greed's comrade and he starts getting bursts of memories, then Lin starts screaming at him. Pride from Brotherhood was awesome, much cooler than Wrath from the original. Though I feel like Pride and Wrath should have switched names.
Man it's been a loooong while since I watched an anime straight like that. For a little over two days, I was doing nothing but eating, sleeping, and watching FMA Brotherhood. It definitely deserves the #1 spot on MAL, and somewhere in my top ten anime.
Though I do agree that the protagonist was totally whack. He's a high school dropout NEET that spends all day playing Btooom yet throughout the anime he shows great acrobatic skill and stamina. He should be just as slow as the actual fat guy in the show. And then he pulls the protagonist immortality card when he clearly should have died from the doctor's trap. Overall I liked the show though and if they make a season two I'll definitely watch it.
I've been wanting to rewatch Cowboy Bebop for some time now, maybe I'll tie you to a chair and watch with you. I agree that it gets too much love, but nevertheless, it's quite good. CB is episodic, so I can't remember what happens in the beginning versus the middle. It has a high density of good episodes. I'm pulling this out of my ass, but I'd wager 18/24 of the episodes are fantastic.
Lol you've watched all of Digimon seasons 1 and 2? I never watched season 2 (at least past episode 3), but I know lots about it thanks to a reviewer Jesuotaku. She did an incredibly thorough analysis of both seasons. Her videos for them are around five hours.