what do you mean you're going to delete my comment because you "feel like it " ??! HOW DARE YOU! Also, I will have you know that my waifu is not shitty
Plz, you and your shitty Gaijin and SERN cannot even hope to touch me. I have survived thousands of worldlines, which have included the darkest days of WWIII. When MAL was fated to be destroyed by the salt caused by HF... When Cherry and Fai were spreading the most cancerous ideology, I still survived...
Plz, we are in Attractor Field Beta. Okabe-kun long left the Alpha world line, you piece of shit.
Now go back to rotting in the toilet like you should while the baiters make their dramatic return. We will destroy the Organization, including Fai and Cherry. I have outlined the mission: Operation Skuld.
All Comments (25) Comments
Drown in your ideals and die, LoNNoL-kun.
No need to be ashamed, LoNNoL-kun. The fact you got this far is truly admirable. You can take solace in the fact that SERN in fact was second best.
Now go back to rotting in the toilet like you should while the baiters make their dramatic return. We will destroy the Organization, including Fai and Cherry. I have outlined the mission: Operation Skuld.
Decive yourself. Deceive the forum.
Welcome back lool kun.. What was the reason of your absence for the past 2 weeks??