Well, Hachi is my favorite character ever, but I love her too much to just put her on a stupid profile! ;D
If I can't have a bat at home, why not here? ^,..,^


How can it be so cute?! >3< Don't ya just wanna pet it???
So if anyone wants to go to a cemetery for a picknick or just a walk, give me a call, 'key? ;D
Hope I didn't scare ya! I don't wear all black! xDD
Though my Mom calls me "Walking Funeral Agency"...
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Hi there! I hope everyone is doing good? First of all, we have new Member cards and now we have 150member and there will be a Limited Edition soon.. And if u can add your friends in this club..
Long time no talk.
How you been?
Letting you know that 300+ LE is now open for requesting.
Get yours soon!
About Animeshin:
As our motto already states, we fromAnimeshin
take it further than just obsessions..!
Where most other clubs and groups stop we
rush the borders to expand our reach by including an online gaming branch, our own website and forums and an open IRL community.
And thats only the tip of the iceberg of what
you may expect.
The possibilities are open and endless.
From casual watcher to die-hard otaku or baka..
..everyone is welcome to join the club.
(Click here to go to the club)
(Membercards available now!)
~Jaruga (Baka Nation Admin)
Hey there everyone, just wanted to tell you all that the 100+ Members LE is finally open over at Animeland, so make sure to check them out here!And while you're at it, make sure to stop by and participate in all the fun games we have going on, or just chat with us.