0/10- Intolerable
1/10- Tolerable. There are mild moments here.
2/10- Fine. Some parts are interesting.
3/10- Good. Enjoyable moments to be had here.
4/10- Very good. Something special for its animation; unique elements 'n' thee style done well.
5/10- Great. Shockingly original.
666- Number of thee BEAST.
7/10- Personal favorite. Everytime I return here I have a great watching experience or new influence
8/10- Wholeheartedly love
9/10- Changes me. Stays with me forever.
10/10- Part of my identity.
Benefits of positive rating scale:
Thee negativity of many rating systems (where 5/10 is "average") allows several stages of hate ("dislike", "really dislike", "TERRIBLE", "WORLD ENDINGLY BAD!!!!!!") that are ultimately useless. No one needs recommendations for terrible animes, so I choose to slap them all together 'n' forget. Every 1 point must be earned, not deducted. In this way, I can provide a more positive vibe toward thee animu I love 'n' reward/draw attention to thee things that actually affect my life. If I can't tell what's life-alterningly good about yr 10s, then I'm surely not clicking yr 9s. If you switch to a positive rating scale where every star is earned, then you could differentiate good anime much more clearly. Stop telling yr levels of suck. Some anime is special - Give it an uncluttered room to breathe! I want to delineate what I love, not what I hate.
''Only random friend request will be accepted, If you send me a non-random friend request: a kamehameha may come yr way''
Anime 'n' Evil:
Its not very clear at first but, It seems to me that if anime stays away from evil, it rapidly becomes boring. This might seem surprising. Nevertheless I think that soon it becomes very clear, that anime has to deal with anguish 'n' that anguish is based on something that is going thee wrong way, something that no doubt will turn into something very evil 'n' when you make thee audience see that, or at least in front of thee possiblity of a story with an evil ending for thee characters you're concerned about. 'n' when thee audience is in that unpleasant situation, thee result is a tension which makes anime non-boring.
''Nobody is a virgin, we all were inside our mummy for 9 months''
A guide to my tags:
? - I'm not sure what my rating is for this anime. Maybe a bit higher, maybe a bit lower, maybe thee same. Often its only a matter of needing one more revisit.
?!?! - For better or for worse, one of thee most fucked-up anime I've seen.
O - Obscurities. >2 stars, <500 ratings
T - Good, catchy 'n' fitting title
''1 point raised cuz I fapped"
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