Bem-vindo ao meu perfil!
Organização não é o meu forte, mas eu estou tentando deixar isso aqui bonitinho.
Sou eclético, mas prefiro obras mais tranquilas, sérias e pé-no-chão.
Meu gênero favorito é iyashikei! Afinal, a vida é boa, mas pode ser melhor.
Também gosto de obras de desgraça, drama e suspense, com dilemas humanos e psicológicos.
Traduzo mangás por hobby.
Avalio os animes como se avaliasse filmes, e os mangás como se avaliasse literatura.
Sinta-se livre para mandar uma solicitação.
Não sei lidar bem com recomendações, então desculpa!
Welcome to my profile!
I'm not too good at organizing things, but I'm doing my best to make a nice profile.
I'm eclectic, but I prefer more easy-going, serious and realist works.
My favorite genre is iyashikei! After all, life is good, but it can be better.
I also like tragic, dramatic and thrillers, with an approach to human condition, its dilemmas and psychological dimension.
I translate manga to Portuguese as hobby.
I score anime as scoring movies, and manga as literature.
Feel free to send a friend request.
And sorry, I can't deal well with recommendations!
Mangás traduzidos:
Stop!! Hibari-kun!(completo)
Blue Period (alguns capítulos)
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
- Total Entries73
- Reread0
- Chapters1,778
- Volumes184
All Comments (13) Comments
Oh and happy new year! I hope this year will be kinder to you. And happy valentines day too!
By the way it's been almost six months since we first talked. Time sure flies fast. MAL feels frozen because I feel like so much is happening in our personal lives but here it's as if our conversation goes so slow. Moreover I hope you're doing well!
I read like half of the first chapter of Yotsuba in japanese so I could practice my japanese too haha. That way I read at like a snail's pace but whatever right...
Yes Aku no Hana's ending is really really ambiguous, you need to read and make your own interpretation of it. Didactic...I don't particularly think so..? Maybe you could gain some moral insight on moving on and letting go of your past and all that from the second half, but I believe Aku no Hana at it's core is about a boy who is cringe, and we see his views on society and perversion and that's that. Maybe it could be didactic on the account of "what is perversion", but frankly I don't remember much about what he said about it anyway. Strangely when I think of or when someone mentions Aku no Hana my brain automatically thinks of Kasuga and Nakamura when they were working hand in hand on their 'perverted' pursuits and their reunion at the second half, I don't really think of what happens in between those two points, especially the suicide, even though it's quite possibly the most important element in the whole story. The suicide is practically the summary and zenith of Kasuga and Nakamura's journey.
I love it too, no matter how painful it is to read, how one can never run away from his past. I probably wouldn't love it as much as I do now if his art wasn't as good, for sure his art is my prime epitome, my creme de la creme when it comes to manga art. It's glorious to see his art evolve, and truly live up to its best potential.
If you say it like that then Nakamura is hella cute too :D And let's not talk about Saeki though, she's a model beauty in all the otaku universe but still. Tokiwa is beautiful though :D inside and outside.
Nice! I'm glad you loved it, I knew it'd come through for you. Unfortunately too many people drop the manga before reading the second half, so they don't know how beautiful this series is. It's debatable whether it's a wholesome or depressing ending, I don't really have any strong opinions on this matter though, I just loved how Oshimi stays true to his ambiguous style right up until the last chapter. When I read it I thought the same too, I was pretty apprehensive starting the second half, fearing Kasuga's going to do something freaky again, but that time never came. Now that you've read it what are your thoughts on it? This analysis is absolutely breathtaking: https://hanagasaitayo.wordpress.com/2019/02/15/analysis-aku-no-hana/, would be glad if you read it.
Oooh I just checked your profile out, you have lots on pins on comics, nice! My acc is @curdlesnow, just followed you. I'm not active in Pinterest at all in recent years, probably should squander more time there than on MAL anyway haha. I have lots of stupid pins there, hopefully none that you find exceedingly provocative.
Just noticed you have Tokiwa on your fav persons, great choice. I didn't really like her at first, because I was still rooting for Kasuga and Nakamura lmao. Tokiwa is said to be a more reserved, conformed-to-society version of Nakamura, meaning they're both pretty insane, Tokiwa just covers it up better. At any rate if I'm not mistaken Oshimi said this himself.
Are you finished by now?
Yup I think I’m pretty satisfied with how it turned out, it’s not the prettiest but hey at least I did something. I might start reblogging more stuff there or even post some of my own :) Yeah Pinterest is great for fanarts, I swear they have the best stuff. What’s your username on Pinterest? I’d love to see some of your favorite fanarts. A fav fanart of mine would be of Aomine from KnB, I’ll link it if you’re curious.
Nailed it?? I don't know about that, it's pretty much a mess and honestly tumblr is kinda dead isn't it. Oh well, I want to get started on Wordpress, I feel like it's a great platform for online diaries or analects and whatnot. But I already have a gsite for that though. As for Twitter I don't care much for it, it's just ehhh the only social media platform that I genuinely use daily is only Youtube and MAL, I don't use Instagram all that often anymore, a few months back I use it mainly for saving anime edits and whatnot. By the way do you have Pinterest? I don't follow my friends on Pinterest because they might see some of my saves are quite scandalous ngl.
So next...on to Wordpress I guess. I went from pinterest to google sites to myanimelist and to tumblr, now I just have to learn to nagivate and make my own wordpress. Social media is so tiring but it's worth it once you learn how to actually use it properly ya know.
Oh then no way. I don't particularly care for the aesthetics of my own blog but I want to be able to navigate my blog with ease. HTML sounds like an absolute pain.
I'm still altering things here and there, but here ya go https://valseromantique.tumblr.com/
Yeah Matsumoto's works all sound incredible, looking forward to reading Sunny as well.
I think Oyasumi Punpun is a bit psychedelic in a way, it gets super confusing at times though
Yeah I have tons of SCs too from the show because the art and cinematography are absolutely breathtaking. Oh you have tumblr? I have tumblr too but I'm not really active there because I have no idea still how to navigate the website, would appreciate it if you'd help me somehow haha. I want to edit my profile and blog too but I can't edit for shit and don't know how to! What's your acc?
You contacted the author? Did she respond? I think in a way it's easier to contact Japanese authors/musicians and whatnot through social media, maybe the want to talk with foreigners or are just really accommodating to their fandoms. Kana Shibue responds to replies on her Souncloud.
Oof I want to explore more psychedelic insane stuff. Do you have other recommendations of similar stuff like this? Recently I read this manga Gogo Monster, it's not entirely psychedelic but it certainly is pretty crazy, about a kid who can see "monsters" and experiences borderline supernatural stuff. It's pretty short too, maybe you should check it out.
Ah Showa is so exceptional, from the storytelling to the cinematography to the voice acting. I love the atmosphere it creates, though I liked the first season conversely to the second. What about you? I personally preferred the more dramatic first season rather than the second, more sentimental (??) season.
Yeah I'll definitely give Sonny Boy a try. Lmao you get high every week?
Anyway thanks for responding and for the friend request too! Great pfp too.
How is Sonny Boy? Everyone's been watching it lately