Ja właśnie na odwrót, prawie wszystko czytam po angielsku, więc czasem aż ciężko mi się zabrać za książkę po polsku. A "Pachnidło" bardzo dobre, taki horror/kryminał. Już drugi raz czytam, tylko wcześniej miałam tłumaczenie :P
A czytasz czasem książki po japońsku? Bo widziałam na Twoim profilu, że jesteś po japonistyce (sama prawie tam skończyłam btw haha).
I taaak, serio polecam Muratę, jest bardzo oryginalna. Tym bardziej, że "Dziewczyna z konbini" jest dosyć krótka i przyjemnie się czyta. Jak kiedyś się za nią zabierzesz to daj znać. Ale rozumiem kompletnie z tą kolejką, też ostatnio ledwo mam czas na czytanie czegokolwiek
Ooo nigdy o nim nie słyszałam. Polecasz?
Jasnee, chętnie pogadam <3 Jeśli pytasz o książki to aktualnie próbuję przebrnąć przez "Pachnidło" Süskinda po niemiecku. Dopiero od półtora roku się uczę języka, więc ciężko idzie :P Ale niedawno zrobiłam maraton kilku książek Sayaki Muraty i bardzo mi się podobały, chyba najlepsze co ostatnio przeczytałam. Znasz ją może? I co aktualnie czytasz? :>
Hello my sexy candies \( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)/ How was Halloween for you all? Enjoyed
dressing up and getting high on sugar rush? Thankfully, November is here
& we reached 2222 members ;w; As always we are now hiring exclusively Card Makers/Claim Makers & new position, Chefs. Continue being awesome
and remember to have fun. We have some great card editions for you this
month + more. Tune in for a special surprise. *sips coffee* See you at the
club + discord, Lovelies ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) oh btw as you've noticed we're not having
Illustration Invitationals & Project Recognize this month but fear not! We're bringing it back next month so stay tune!! See ya <3
Congratulations to these amazing people who were nominated
in our Project: Recognize BBCODE & GFX Profile Contest ♥
🥇 1st Place goes to: pure 🥈 2nd Place goes to: Sweet 🥉 3rd Place goes to: arderine
🥇 1st Place goes to: Maze 🥈 2nd Place goes to: Nate 🥉 3rd Place goes to: Airenee
Time for your all fave card editions, look out for surprise ones ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) November 1st - CK Let it Rain Edition
November 3rd - League of Legends K/DA Skins November 6th - CK Staff Fav: Summer Anime 2018
November 11th - CK Goblin Slayer Edition November 16th - CK Suppressed Love Edition
November 21st - CK's Sexy Maid Edition November 26th - CK Fairy Tail Finale Edition
November 30th - CK Staff Fav Anime: Chihayafuru Edition
Important etcetera you never thought you'd need (*ゝω・)ノ Welcome, dear lumplings, to where your story begins!
What story you ask? Well listen, dear friends! CK has
launched a Mistletoe Massacre Anime Challenge! ;)
Join us to find out more!
Hey! time for you favorite waifu to shine! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
This challenge is only for the month of October and and will
be ending on November 15th, 2018. What are u waiting for?
Okay now since October is CK's Waifu month ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
we will be having another mini tournament like last month
but this time it will be all about our precious waifufus ;3;
& Gordon Ramsay level FUCKEN RAW conversation that
will leave you all MINDBLOWN or not. IDGAF ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Our Sexy Anime Challenges will always be open ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
If you like joining anime challenges, this is perf for you!
*whispers* Sign up to win amazing prizes people!! ;)
Members of Candy Kingdom on MAL are always welcome
in our official discord server! Join us now and hang out ♥
Stay tuned for more happenings on CK! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Newsletter by: Maze & Darth
Delivered by: Teaaa
Hey candies! Are you having a good start for October 'cause we are! CK just
reached our 2k members! Thank you for joining and staying with us ♥ Our
club is still hiring card/claim makers & bakers! Come and join us now! ;w;
Halloween is approaching, what are your plans this month? Just remember
to have fun on whatever you're up to! See you in the club ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Congratulations to these amazing people who were nominated
in our Project: Recognize BBCODE & GFX Profile Contest ♥
staresque - 1st Place (51.1% votes) sunako199 - 2nd Place (40.0% votes) Shinah - 3rd Place (37.8% votes)
_Ayase - 1st Place (44.4% votes) Sereshay - 2nd Place (28.9% votes) AngelHana - 3rd Place (24.3% votes) qeesa - 3rd Place (24.3% votes)
Waifu + Halloween theme Editions you say? We have it here ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) October 1st - CK Jailbait Edition
October 7th - Which Witch or Wiz Edition October 13th - Scare Me Shitless Edition
October 15th - Super Junior Solo Edition October 18th - CK 2k+ Edition - Cakes
October 19th - CK Staff Fav Waifu Edition October 25th - CK AOTM Edition: To LOVE-Ru
October 31st - CK Sluts of Halloween Edition
Important etcetera you never thought you'd need (*ゝω・)ノ
Hey fellas! Since it's Halloween month, our GFX
Invitationals' theme will be "Blood"! Come and join if
you're into gfx or just into bloods idk ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Hey! time for you favorite waifu to shine! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
This challenge is only for the month of October and and will
be ending on November 15th, 2018. What are u waiting for?
Okay now since October is CK's Waifu month ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
we will be having another mini tournament like last month
but this time it will be all about our precious waifufus ;3;
& Gordon Ramsay level FUCKEN RAW conversation that
will leave you all MINDBLOWN or not. IDGAF ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Our Sexy Anime Challenges will always be open ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
If you like joining anime challenges, this is perf for you!
*whispers* Sign up to win amazing prizes people!! ;)
Members of Candy Kingdom on MAL are always welcome
in our official discord server! Join us now and hang out ♥
Stay tuned for more happenings on CK! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Newsletter by: Maze
Delivered by: Juni
Hello lovely candies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Yay we're back and ready to sweeten your life! So how was everyone's summer? Kind
of uneventful bc of mal being dedo wouldn't you say? Oh
well, we'll just make autumn more amazing and festive!
We hope you enjoyed the "a little tiny bit late" Summer
event though. Hopefully MAL won't get attacced anytime
soon so we can present more exciting surprises for CK ;)
AlsooOO... Our Discord Server is now fresher and hotter
than ever! Come and join now to experience it ohoho...
Congratulations to these amazing people who entered in our
Illustration Invitationals! 1st Bunnyama, 2nd Maze, and
3rd to Qeesa ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
The theme this month is hawt bois (´┓`*) September 6th - Bishounen Edition
September 11th - Anime of Month: Kuroko no Basket September 16th - Bromance Edition
September 21st - Staff Favorite Husbando
These claims won't help quench ur
thirst but they still hot ( ̄ε ̄〃)b September 1st - Husbando Tinder Date
Important etcetera you never thought you'd need (*ゝω・)ノ
Profile nominations in Candy Kingdom? Sounds familiar.
IN MAL! Because bbcodes and gfx profiles are held
separately so now both have a chance at winning!
Cmon and join the fun & friendly competition!
& Gordon Ramsay level FUCKEN RAW conversation that
will leave you all MINDBLOWN or not. IDGAF ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Our Sexy Anime Challenges will always be open ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
If you like joining anime challenges, this is perf for you!
*whispers* Sign up to win amazing prizes people!! ;)
Stay tuned for more happenings on CK! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Newsletter by: Juni & Taiyaki
Delivered by: Vegetto1997
☆ BANNERS ☆ ---
Thank you for requesting ! Ctrl+Fto find your cards.
Please, save and rehost within 14 days.
No need to thank me, you're welcome in advance.
If there are any problems, please PM me.
All Comments (2897) Comments
A czytasz czasem książki po japońsku? Bo widziałam na Twoim profilu, że jesteś po japonistyce (sama prawie tam skończyłam btw haha).
I taaak, serio polecam Muratę, jest bardzo oryginalna. Tym bardziej, że "Dziewczyna z konbini" jest dosyć krótka i przyjemnie się czyta. Jak kiedyś się za nią zabierzesz to daj znać. Ale rozumiem kompletnie z tą kolejką, też ostatnio ledwo mam czas na czytanie czegokolwiek
Ooo nigdy o nim nie słyszałam. Polecasz?
Jak leci?
Have a nice week :))