Legend? i guess?
I'm harsh on scoring.
Everything above or equal to a (score:5) is not a complete waste of time.
Anything below that is trash.
A (score:9) is actually the tip of the pyramid
(score:10) transends that, so basically, (score:10) is (score:11)
Some anime get better scores than they are worth due to them including certain elements like time travel or "I". They get a +1 on score sometimes.
Anime marked MC have good main characters with charisma that is not quantifiable. Unlike say if one has charisma through capability in combat. MC2 are good too but not that noteworthy.
che' are anime that is good but have an element that makes it taste sour. Think biting into a red apple and finding out it feels like cotton in your mouth and not crunchy or juicy at all
>.> =.= unsatisfactory development / unsatisfying in one aspect or the other
There are things i have come to value more than anything else is anime
1. Character development
2. World building
3. Charismatic/reliable MC
4. Side characters that are more than just there for the sake of plot progression. Depth of character is what im asking for. (a certain magical index does this very well)
5. Brother sister relationships (sucker for this shit)
6. Plot (the real one). Depth is what im asking for where watching the anime a second time actually makes you think, wow that makes more sense. Or the implication that there is more at play than the situation the mc and mob are dealing with at said moment. Or there being actually more than 2 parties in any conflict.
7. Progression (too many anime get stuck on "and even though half our family was killed everything returned back to normal")
And there are things I've come to despise
1. Over-reactions at every development ("ehhhh~~" screamed the mob is union for the umpteenth time in the last 10 seconds kill me)
1.1 Repeated reaction to the end of every situation (looking at you beelzebub)
2. Cuck MC's that don't deserve their MC status (mostly harem anime)
3. Animes that focus so hard around guns and killing they forget they are characters/people (some anime do it right, most don't, they become this dark mess that really isn't that dark if the characters just stop being emo and stop looking at the floor like fuck me, you kill people, so what, get over it)
4. Mecha anime
5. Sports anime
6. The blonde girl winning just because (strawberry 100% killed me)
I'm sure there is more but for the most part that covers it. I like blue. Lemons are delish and my favourite. I used to eat 6-8 of them in my prime every day. Even so, lime sounds cooler. Braveheart is where i took it from.
Flat is justice.
Tits or ass? Ass.
Traps are gay but understandable.
Griffith and Guts are both equally in the wrong.
Ballerina shinobu is best shinobu.
Elf girls deserve better respect in doujinshis.
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if you are wondering how i have reached you, i went to the statistics page of the manga and looked up the recent people who updated the manga's status. you were among the recent people who updated it.