About me
Welcome to my profile. My name is Lily. I've been an anime fan since 2013 and oh boy, what a nice decision it was to start watching it. It all started in 2012 when a childhood friend (Yeah, it sounds like some anime thing) that always came to my house talked to me about Highschool of the Dead. I didn't really cared about it, it was like that moment when you get told something you don't understand and instead of answering you say "Yeah, hehehe". Then he talked about KissXsis and watched it with my brother. I refused to watch it because it was in japanese and I didn't wanted to read subtitles (Stupidest reason ever). Eventually Facebook's espionage acted and in the suggested groups I got Tokyo Otaku Mode's group and a group named "Anime", I just liked them to see what I would get, not really wanted to watch it.
A year passed. It was summer 2013, and I remembered that Highschool of the Dead existed. I didn't really had anything to do, and since my friend painted it so epically I decided to give it a go. Spoiler: No regrets. Everyday I think about Highschool of the Dead, it gives me an air of nostalgia, I remember exactly how I was sitting on the sofa with my laptop in my lap and how rainy the weather was outside (The weather really affects the feelings of my memories). Back then when life was easy, and it was like "You watching anime, it's 11:00PM, you have school tomorrow, life's good". After Highschool of the Dead, I started to watch "The Newbies anime series" (Made up term), and those are the ones I think every new anime fan will be into, and every experienced anime fan knows: Ao no Exorcist, School Days, Sword Art Online, Mirai Nikki... and it goes on.
Since then, I've always liked anime and wouldn't give it up for anything in the world. Over the years I've learned the importance of paying attention to detail, something I normally didn't did back when I was a newbie, but now I know that you enjoy an anime even more if you do that. Also it gives a confidence boost to know the effect of an action because you paid attention to the plot.
I'm also gamer, but I don't really play the newest of the newest. I'd rather stick to one single game. So currently I'm a League of Legends player in the Latin America North server (Don't worry, I'm pretty bad though). My gamer story is also a pretty long one, but that would take twice what this brief introduction took me in terms of space.
- Deep long conversations about life (Even more if they are around a glass table at 1 am).
- People that share ideals with me (Let's be honest, who doesn't likes that?).
- Romance in anime.
- Playing video games.
- Coffee with friends.
- You. (Were you expecting that? Darling).
- Zero Two x Hiro.
- Being judged.
- Being told to be normal (Not and Edgelord, by the way).
- People that try to fit in.
- Abuse of authority.
- Reviews that rate 1 and didn't even finished the anime.
- People that bully others just for being different.
- People that turn into fuckboys/fuckgirls when "the love of their life" is around.
All Comments (39) Comments
(should i watch the sub or dub)
The shounen tropes are obvious when watchin shounen, but I think the world-building, characters, plots etc makes it worth watchin. I think that Naruto, for example, uses symbolism very well.
I'll try to do my best, as frankly that's all I can manage.
And yus, I love it. One of my favorite wallpapers, and has been on my phone for a couple months now. Miss Kobayashi's Cosmic Dragons!
Happy New Year!
Naturally it is indeed hard to find time to sit down for periods at a time and watch a series, so I don't blame you. I'm hoping that you're able to fit some in though because there was a lot of good stuff recently! DxD's fourth season sounds like it'll be a hoo, lol. Hope the meeting with your mates goes well too. Be safe out there ;)
Nice to hear you're doing well in class, particularly in Calculus! Fuck that course, man, seriously. Seems exciting though that you'll be hitting up Programming pretty soon. I ended up with an A+ in my class, and I'm happy with that! Hope the Brick Breaker comes along; be sure to keep me updated.
I'm decent myself overall except for the aforementioned hearing problem. Also looking forward to this next season of anime!