All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 382.5
Mean Score:
- Watching40
- Completed919
- On-Hold181
- Dropped80
- Plan to Watch133
- Total Entries1,353
- Rewatched52
- Episodes24,143
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 34.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries61
- Reread35
- Chapters2,228
- Volumes390
All Comments (20) Comments
GOOD DAY FALC MEMBERS! This may be too late already but let us still greet you a BELATED HAPPY NEW YEAR, at least. We’re having our very first newsletter to start the New Year. Hoooray~ We tried our best to shorten this as much as possible. And now, first things first:
FALC, as the name says, is a MAL club for Filipino anime lovers – pure or half – and for everyone who’s interested to know more about the Filipino culture. Visit once in a while and leave a comment here. Who knows, maybe you’ll be able to meet someone in your area who’s pretty much the same as you – one who loves anime. We would really be glad to see the club alive with your comments. Don’t forget to be friendly, ok? Also, in here, you could find different threads that may catch some of your attention.
Here's a quick guide! Just click the buttons above. Each number represents a topic in the FALC thread.
Click the picture below to visit the chat. See you there~
ATTENTION: January 21-22 (Otaku Expo 2012)
Visit this site for the schedule of activities and click #7 if you want to meet other con/expo goers!
PS. There's a longer and a more explained version for this newsletter here if you ever want to see it that is HAHAHA Thank you for reading this one, btw. Have a nice day and take care minna~
the voting for the next special theme has ended, and the winner is kimono/katanas.
remember, that special editions are for members too, so you can make the cards with the winner theme. also, you're earning points for each special edition cards that you made, if you have an opened bank account.
you're new in making cards? have a graphic-related questions, searching for any special font/pattern/texture or images? you can ask anything like this, just check this topic.
also, we're still searching for new helpers, so if you want to help us by making a limited edition cards, delivering the cards or inviting members, you can apply for it here.
and lastly, since May is an month of exams, the club creator, mc, is going on a hiatus, so all her cards should be delivered after the school ends. if you have any questions about club, ask co-creator, ladyAre.
have a good day
and see you again in the club;
Hello everybody! Our club is over 120 members!!! We also have a contest going on and i think you should join in. This is the contest that is the Spring Contest. We need some people to do the Request Thread and Badges badly. Request to be some of these job in the Admin Request thread
Current Card Makers:
I hope your day was full of sweets <3
Hmm... ok xP .
Hello Everyone! We have over 50 member and many, many admins and officers, 14 people to be exact. We may have a Valentines LE or SE or RE. Happy Valentines day!!!!
Currently open Post
Admin Needed
Official Card Number
Please Invite Member plz.
Creator of Just Card Club
We have new admins, Kballetbeauty who is now our co - creator, Amukid08 is our LE, SE, GE, RE, and WE, and help sometimes with the layout Kisa28 who is in charge of LE and affiliations, KRisrock who is charge of SE and LE,Miharo is in charge of our Badges, Hiinaaa who is charge of Mass Messaging and Inviting and ReenaMisaSisiterwho is in charge of Inviting.
Currently open Post
Admin Needed
Official Card Number
Please Invite Member plz.
Creator of Just Card Club
Uhm... that's for request, but why me ^^ ?