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Days: 62.0
Mean Score:
- Watching11
- Completed217
- On-Hold4
- Dropped31
- Plan to Watch112
- Total Entries375
- Rewatched24
- Episodes3,547
All Comments (55) Comments
And yea Taro games are such a trip. Played Automata years ago and last year finally Nier, but it was so great I had to play the three Drakengard games and even played the Nier mobile game (which storywise was absolutely great and I am saddened that it's gone and got a bad reputation because it being a gacha). Taro for me is a dude that tries to look beyond what we think a video game should be and I respect that a lot. I can tell you that Automata is probably the most ehhhh... polished? "normal"? of his. So much fun in experimenting with games as a medium and so much heartbreaking stories lol.
Oh and yea your taste is great too!! I have to steal stuff from you. Have to go back to GOAT Yuasa (only watched Devilman Crybaby of his and it was soooo fun (and so heartbreaking). It amazed me how different and experimental it felt from most anime (And I heard it's one of his tamer ones so yea). And I have to look into Shinbo's stuff too. I only watched Madoka Magica of his, resulted in me plundering Urobuchi's works but I have to do a nosedive into Shinbo's works too at some point. And I definitely plan to play Ueda's stuff too. His stuff looks right down my alley. Short: Yea still a little bit of stuff to see and play hah
The design of Motoko is the only major criticism I have (and maybe the two butt shots in the first two episodes or so lol). Makes it sometimes hard to sell the show to people, even though everything else is shown and treated maturely. Though of course I can cope and think of Motoko's outfit as a comment on how she still wants to be seen as sexy and feminine even though she is a full-body-cyborg now. So I will just do that lul. Interesting thing about SAC is, that Kamiyama is a big fan of Oshii and learned a lot of things from him. He was not impressed by GITS 1995 though and thought Oshii should talk more about sociological and political topics (like in Patlabor 2, which he loved) rather than body philosophy heh. This resulted in Kamiyama trying to do with SAC what he wanted to see from Oshii. And I think he succeeded greatly with the story of Aoi and the Laughing Man. Such an interesting phenomenon. But, I think one can feel that Kamiyama was still figuring stuff out while making the first season. The first episodes can be rough and he admitted to not having figured out Motoko as a character just yet.
But gladly there exists 2nd GIG and my god, yea I wouldn't feel bad calling it my favorite (anime) show. Oshii helped in planning and gave ideas and some themes (but it's still primarily Kamiyama's thing). Kamiyama I think really found himself here and basically every episode is a banger. And the story is so great and ugh. 2nd GIG has some interesting thematic connections to some other works of Oshii, but I will let you find them yourself. :) Also Motoko finally wears more appropriate stuff, that's a good bonus too heh. To the Taxi Driver episode. Yeah it's absolutely great. Taxi Driver is one of Kamiyama's favorite movies, so there are here and there some nods to it in his works.
Also sidenote that will surely not derail the topic, but based for having in top games Nier: Automata. I am a massive DrakeNier fan. Went to the Nier concert this year too lol. And Journey made me cry the first time I played it. Good one
Ohhhhh please give SAC a second chance! SAC is one of the most intelligent things anime as a medium has brought to the table. Yes, some of the stand alone episodes aren't a 10/10, but all of them build the world of GITS, giving some forshadowing and ideas that then are used in the Laughing Man case. And what a case it is! Giving GITS the political and sociological component the two movies hadn't (them having more inner philosophical struggles about identity as its main point, as you know).
But hard agree on Motokos costume lol. Undermines how clever the show is. But she drops it in season 2 and I mean... Shirows manga was also horny lol. As for me: I tried to see some sort of commentary on gender in the future in this costume, especially in contrast to the opinion on this topic from the two Oshii movies, which heavily relied on Haraways Cyborg Manifesto. So seeing a future where gender Identity is still a thing that is important to the individual, is another aproach to this topic. But maybe I'm just coping hehe.
Aaaaaand I've finally watched Talking Head. You gave me the final blow to watch it then and I loved it soooo much. Literally everything. Especially now that I've basically consumed everything Oshii. Having his whole career in mind enhanced it in some way. Made it really personal.
And yeah Sky Crawlers is a masterpiece. I want to convince two of my friends to watch it with me, hopefully they do it hihi. Sad that the english translations of the books seem to be so bad. Want to read them but not in this quality. Time to learn Japanese, I guess? Still need to play the game too. Also love your analysis of Sky Crawlers in the context of Oshii's career. Never thought about it in this way. Would like to here more about that!
Ok last thingy: Broooo why has SAC a fiiiive :,( Kamiyama is literally Oshii's student. Love his anime to death. I can say that Oshii worked at 2nd GIG in some ways. The season has similar themes to Patlabor 2 and was like an answer from Kamiyama to Oshii. So maybe you are interested in that LOL. Esse é o link
A tradução não é perfeita, mas é bem competente
Ahhhhhh, eu "já vi por ai" Onanie Master Kurosawa, mas nunca cheguei a pesquisar mais sobre...agora eu fiquei curioso rs Valeu pela recomendação =D
Opa, encontrou alguma leitura interessante que vale uma recomendação? =D
Ultimamente ando meio ocupado (com o canal e a idade rs) mas li The Horizon e acabei jogando a Novel de Steins;Gate 0, e devo dizer que gostei bastante!