"Did you ever Lose yourself to get what you want?
Did you ever Get on a ride and wanna get off?
Did you ever push away the ones You should've held close?
Did you ever let go?
Did you ever not know?"
"You're 90% of the reason I get up in the morning, The other 10% is because I have to pee!"
If there seems to be no bright side to your life, Polish up the Dark Side!
"I will Die to Win Because I'm Born To Lose"

All Comments (1006) Comments
IT FANTASTIC!! Thank you so much <3
Really? My friend also watched it and she thinks it's very good too, I think I might watch it too :D An AMV?? Great!! Can I see?? Did you put it on youtube or something? I'm a sucker for yaoi AMVs :P I always search for good yaoi amv's in youtube :)
Hehehe, actually in the first OVA of sex pistols they cut some of the story, so you need to read the manga before watching so you can understand what's going on *specially with the scientific explanation of the classification of humans and their soul appearance*
I agree about Kyo Kara Mao's summary, it's so stupid >< But it had a lot of hot bishies so I watched some clips from it, oh BTW Kyo Kara Mao is a slash anime (ie it has some shounen-ai elements in it) :P Still I couldn't watch it too.. It was too much for me..
Yes the cut that much and even more, the scary part is that they also cut if a girl is wearing a very short mini skirt, they paint her legs with a horrible color to hide them T_T
Kids or no kids, in here they think anime=cartoon=for children... But lately they opened a channel for teenagers and they didn't cut the violence or the blood scenes :)
Animax?? Luckyyyyyy.. I'm dying to watch an anime channel in my country, the channel that got opened recently (space power) doesn't only show anime, it shows sports most of the time *which means less anime for us to watch* >,<
Supernatural? I know it :) I used to watch it with my sis, it's really good ^^ Wait a minute, you watched Supernatural on Animax? That's sooo random!! Exactly like the channel we have, they bring Batman movies and superman O.o WTH??!!
You can find it in torrent or watch it online in youtube, I would like to help but I don't know any Spanish, aww you hate it that much :( At least you know another language so you can finally watch Tokimeki Tonight ;D lol I don't like Sabrina too, but the plot of Sabrina and Tokimeki Tonight is similar ^^'
Yes you need an E-card, ask one of your parents to get you one ^_^
im so happy to be your friend :D
Hoping we would still get along in the future ^^
Of course I will tell my opinion, I actually started watching it after reading a lot of positive reviews about it, and the first episode left me speechless, I just loved their pure relationship and the sceneries from ancient Japan <3
Ai no Kusabi, I didn't see the old version but I'm dying to watch the new one (the preview that they released left me drooling for a week on my laptop) :P Is the old one good? I didn't like the art very much so I didn't bother myself and download it..
Hehehe.. I think Sex Pistols is pretty awesome :P I couldn't watch the first OVA because I'm waiting for the second one to be out (I like watching complete OVAs) :D
lol.. You know Haruka Naru kinda reminded me of Kyo Kara Mao, the art style is kinda similar and the atmosphere too, I didn't like Kyo Kara Mao though (which explains why I didn't like Haruka Naru) ><
Yes, even now they still cut it, they say it's for public morals and blah blah (to protect children), and even if it was aimed for teens your age or older they would still cut it :(
Not only violence, they cut it when people wear indecent cloths, they cut love scenes and sometimes they change the plot to fool children (ex: if an anime character has a live in lover and the story revolves around their relationship they will probably make him her husband or brother so that children will not misunderstand) :(
Kinda crazy, that's why I try my best to buy my anime in it's original form, either dubbed in English or Japanese with English subtitles :)
Ohh they aired Ruruouni Kenshin in my country but the broadcaster was a VERY open minded channel that kept the violence and all the juicy action in it :DDDD I was so happy when I saw it without annoying cuts!
Tokimeki Tonight is very old, it was aired in 1982, the problem is it's not available in English subtitles, all I found was Italian/Spanish/Arabic dubs, and I found the original Japanese series in torrent, the art is very cute right? I like it a lot :) Kinda reminds me of Sabrina the teenage witch XDD
If you understand Italian or Spanish you might find it in youtube, I understand Arabic and I saw the whole anime in Arabic :)
You don't have to be rich or anything, just give it a try once and buy something small like a manga or a magazine and see their shipment rates :) If you like it then they'll give you some special offers and discounts ^_^
Don't worry dear, if you study and finish your homeworks fast then you'll have plenty of time to finish the animes that you like ^^'
Yes yaoi is very yummy *pervy thoughts* :P Winter Cicada? I'm currently watching it, I just watched the first episode, from the likes of it I think it's a very touching story <3
Hmmm... my favorite yaoi should definitely be Ikoku Irokoi romantan, I loved the story a lot and the art is just soooo gorgeous :D Plus the relationship is between a hot Japanese Yakuza and an Italian captin *drools on her laptop*.. If you didn't watch this anime yet then I highly recommend it to you ;)
What about you? What's your favorite yaoi anime/manga? I'm currently reading a yaoi manga called sex pistols, it's so weird @.@ But I love it ;D Kinda crazy in a funny way^^
No, In Haruka Naru the girl also travels to another world but not through a well.. she is pulled by a demon with her friends to another world, and in there she becomes a priestess and has to gather 8 men so she can summon the dragon God, it is SO similar to FY, the mangaka is probably a copycat who was a fan of FY.. :( I wish she was more creative in her stories, well I didn't really like it because I felt that there was something missing in the anime, it's probably the romance, because when I saw FY I immediately fell in love with the anime for it's deep plot, and of course for the romance between Miaka and Tamahome, but in Haruka Naru you can't even tell which one of the hot bishies she really likes X( It sucks so bad!!
You're welcome, don't worry the will release new episodes when they finish subbing them, ohh I remember that episode, I like the one when she met with her brother Abel :) It was so touching TvT Yes I had them all except for two tapes (the stupid guy at the store forgot to give them to me) and then they closed down the tapes store since it was too old (It only had rare VHS tapes in it)!! My problem is not with the dubs only, the real problem is that in my country they consider anime as cartoons, so if children are gonna watch it, the anime has to be clean, they cut all the romance parts (kissing and stuff) and they also cut the nudity, I can understand why if it was aimed for children but it really ruined the whole story for me >,< That's why I'm downloading it again..^.^
Btw to you know an old anime called Tokimeki Tonight? It's so kawaii <333
Yeah I agree, the original Japanese voices are so good :)
CdJapan is great, it is a little bit expensive but everything you buy will be totally worth it, me and my friends order from it all the time, and I'm just a university student with no job so I hold my allowance so I can buy from it :) And the shipment is pretty fast (my stuff arrived in 4 days only) ^0^
you also watched Junjou Romantica who are your favorite pairing? mine is Misaki and Usami^^
I loved Escaflowne too!! The first time I saw it I was about your age, I remember I had exams but I used to slack off and stay up all night watching escaflowne (don't do this! Studies are more important!!) :P
Awww you know Lady Georgie?? It's soo old!! My older sisters used to watch it (I wasn't born at the time!) XD I'm glad that young people know about such a classic :) You're looking for the episodes? Well you came to the right person, I have up until episode 19 ^^ And the link is here: http://nightvision-web.org/
This group releases new Lady Georgie episodes so check it frequently to get new updates.. I used to have Lady Georgie on VHS tapes but I lost them, plus it was dubbed in my language (which sucks so bad!!) :(
It's hard because they're rare, and some of them didn't sell very well at the time so they take them off the internet, but you know you can always buy them from Japanese websites (I know CDjapan has a lot of animes, and delivers to all over the world)
Me too, instead of everyone's typical first anime (like Sailor Moon or Card Capture Sakura)
Mine was FY :))) And I'm so happy that I got the chance to watch such a great anime, sure it's old and sometimes cliche but I still love it a lot ^^
Me too, I saw all the ova's and the episodes, it was so good..
Umm, what's your favorite anime or manga genres? Do you like animes similar to FY?
Ohh yes I love Fushigi Yuugi a lot :D It's my FIRST and FAVORITE anime of all time ;)
Actually It's in my "On hold" manga list, because it's still ongoing and I don't like waiting for scanlations, so as soon as Watase sensei finishes the whole thing I'll be waiting ^.^
What about you? Do you like it??