All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 87.2
Mean Score:
- Watching12
- Completed264
- On-Hold15
- Dropped23
- Plan to Watch75
- Total Entries389
- Rewatched10
- Episodes5,291
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 12.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries58
- Reread5
- Chapters1,161
- Volumes181
All Comments (13) Comments
Good that there are plp out there watchin' Starry Sky...
I don't I'v been tolled Soul Eater manga sucks><" Is it really that good? Then I'll but the first volume next week =P
Damn can't wait till July already to buy the licensed Kimi Ni Todoke T_T They're not scanlating it just because it's licensed TT"
The anime convention next week! X_X
I'm to get there early, cause the first lecture is about "The Yaoi Fandome in Israel" LOL
This is the official site.
It is not as good as the old AnimeCon, but Amai promised they'll get better...
I love Gravi T_T The story was great, and the anime...Well it's an old anime. And Ryuichi and Toma were worth it :O
But...After junjou, I'm in desparate need for a good shonen aii anime...
Are you coming to HaruCon? I'm going to cosplay Mello and my friend is going to cosplay Matt :D
Didn't you go to the field trip?OO"
And how can you say anything bad about Gravitation anime? It's a classis! It's pure awesomness!! =O
My first shonan-aii anime X3
We have 79.1% Anime compability with me ^^
BTW how could you rate Boku no Pico 5?T_T I'ts one of the worst peaces of art anyone dedicated their time to.