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[Oshi no Ko] 2nd Season
[Oshi no Ko] 2nd Season
Jan 23, 11:56 PM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 9
Dec 29, 2024 5:40 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 9
Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Soukoku-tan
Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Soukoku-tan
Dec 29, 2024 5:40 PM
Completed 14/14 · Scored 10
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May 21, 2021 2:05 PM
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Apr 11, 2019 3:06 PM
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Boku wa Mari no Naka
Boku wa Mari no Naka
Mar 2, 2018 3:12 PM
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Kenpachi_Blood Jun 15, 2024 3:47 AM
Close, I'm from Australia. Yeh life's definitely different now from what it was back then (Pretty much 10 years ago now...). I had a little road bike back then which I was using to commute to and from University. That's pretty much were my racing journey began. I think I'm only going to do it for another 2 years though. Not sure what I'll move onto next but it's probably about time I put my focus into something more productive.

I forgot where you're from as well? And you're still working as a civil engineer right?

Ahh the App makes sense. I've been avoiding it because I like the classic web MAL for the nostalgia but its probably about time I checked it out.

I've been seeing Frieren everywhere! I'll have to check it out soon.

Kenpachi_Blood Jun 2, 2024 7:27 AM
Hey man, sorry for the late reply, I've been travelling in Greece with my family. Black desert online is an mmorpg right, I haven't played it but I think I've heard a bit about it. Are you playing any other games as well at the moment? Its awesome you have the courage to put yourself out there, I'd way to chicken to put out YouTube videos haha. Its actually motorcycles I race, so trust me my fitness could use some work as well. Going for a jog is always a good thing though, if you've got the time you should definitely get back into it.

I like natural photography and car / motorcycle photography. I don't really like posed photography, it just feels too fake for me. Also I'm just not good at it haha. As for what I've been watching, I went back and finished a bunch of shows that have been in my watching list for YEARS. The only notable mention among the shows I've seen lately would be 'The wrong way to use healing magic". I've been following the manga for a few years now and I think the anime adaptation was pretty good. If you haven't seen it yet it's a pretty good laugh and worth a watch.

How do you see these comments so fast? I only see them when I log once every couple of days.
Kenpachi_Blood May 6, 2024 2:34 AM
Wow! It sounds like you're life is pretty hectic at the moment! Is the live streaming and content creation anime related? I've been getting in and watching a bit more anime lately as well. Other than that I've just been racing bikes and working. I've also been getting into photography quite a bit the past year or so.
Kenpachi_Blood Apr 16, 2024 1:45 AM
Hey man, it's been a while! How have you been?
Quexa Dec 11, 2021 1:06 PM
bruh du har set meget anime. rewatcher du nogensinde noget af det?
Shuuka Mar 21, 2016 7:23 PM
on my ratings ive guven most things a 7 o-o and 6 is fine, 5 is average, while 4 is bad. and youll come across plenty of bad anime if you watch most seasonals
Shuuka Mar 21, 2016 5:55 PM
hmm i feel its better rating than just not scoring at all tbh. helps with your impression on things
of-bluenature Oct 19, 2015 1:43 PM
OH yes. Madhouse is by far one of my favourites, if not thee favourite. Of course its one of the bigger studios around, but the creative work that comes out of there is brilliant. They seem to find very talented people. Some talented guys leave like the producer who started MAPPA and the another who started Studio Chizu, which are small studios but have some good titles.

Good anime always comes out, not always dominating anime like Death Note but that doesn't need to come out every year. The industry is able to deliver some good anime year after year, something worth applauding. But, it is true that over the years more and more anime is made just to sell merchandise. Which is justifiable, a studio has to make money otherwise is goes bankrupt. Big studios seem to make like 20 generic moe, harem, and echii anime just to make revenue. Ironically, I think it is those anime that help fund more creative animes which producers have more freedom over.

>>I meant that they say there wont be money anymore at some point to even make anime at all.
I mean I'd have to agree. People who work in anime already get paid EXTREMELY low wages for the demanding work they do. A study by Japan Government and (JAniCA) Japan Animation Creators Association, said entry level animators, ages between 20-30 years old, get paid around $9,200 US Dollars a year. More established animators are only making around 26 to 30 thousand US Dollars a year. Pretty rough considering they work usually more than 10 hours a day.

Still large animation studios can cope with paying their employees and producing anime. Maybe not produce many good anime but they will be able to keep making it for sure. Of course for the majority this means the creative reigns are lost when producing anime. And many small studios are going out of business, even the bigger ones. Only established studios fare much of a chance going into the future, unless like you said something changes.

Anyways. I'm not very knowledgeable in this matter, predicting the future is an irrelevant thing for me. If I die tomorrow none of this matters >:D haha.

Ahhh. Nah man, I can remember basic things like characters, plot, some episodes, general story. But if you asked me to give you my opinion on something like a specific theme within Monogatari or Fate Series, I wouldn't be able too. I would need to re-watch so I can talk in depth. Still, I do choose to purposefully forget some anime parts, so that I can watch them again later. I own FMA: Brotherhood on Blu ray and I've seen the ending around 5 times this year, and last week I saw it again. Each time I find something new to admire and feel emotional about.

Q: I don't get mad, but I do ponder on what could have been done differently. This is almost any anime I watch, some have disappointed me though, while I still accept them as good I think they had more going for them: Tokyo ESP, Guilty Crown, No.6, and maybe Higashi no Eden - while its an anime I consider to be very good the plot needed more development they had substance to really make go for it, still though it was great.

What about you?
of-bluenature Oct 18, 2015 5:18 PM
There have been many IMPORTANT people within the anime industry, for example: Hayao Miyazaki and Yoshihiro Togashi, that have expressed their waning faith in the future of anime. Anime sales have been significantly dropping year after year. Anime production doesn't give the creative freedoms it did during the 80s and 90s. These days anime that sells a lot is moe or echii so they get preferable treatment and thus are produced far more often.

With the internet it has become so easy to stream anime. Even with efforts from Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu in the west and Daisuki in Japan, these services aren't enough to cover half of what DvD sales make; DvDs being significantly more expensive. License agreements are re-worked often on an annual basis because the money paid out is often low, so if the series isn't doing well in the website it will be removed by the company and the license agreement terminated.

Still Anime generally is for Otakus. And most true Otakus live in Japan. Thus anime is made for them, for them to buy, with few exceptions. So, I don't think anime is dying, but rather it is shifting to what true Otakus want. They want cute girls and mecha. I personally wished anime would spread to the west but a lot of attempts I have seen have failed, namely Afro Samurai was one made specifically for western fans. I'm not an Otaku, I'm just a regular guy who likes japanese anime. When I was younger I would rent DvDs from Blockbuster and occasionally buy it such as FMA. These days I only have a Crunchyroll Subscription because its cheap. Other than that I must rely on the brutal work of animators in japan for me to get my entertainment, which I thank them in my prayers, whenever I can remember.

Sorry that was so long. Well so far I'm only 3 Episodes in Space Brothers but I don't think its boring. The story resonated with me because I also feel like I deviated from what I wanted in life and ended up working in a job I don't like similar to Nanba-san. The comedy is not over the top like you like it, but they animate certain things for comedic effect which I find to be nice and appealing. Still I only completed 3 episodes, I'm sure at some point it may get boring, that will be the deciding factor whether to keep watching or put on hold. (hopefully I don't forget about it like half my anime on-hold)

Your comments made me remember I need to rewatch the Monogatari Series from starts again. And Fate Series. I watched them long ago but these days I can't remember enough about them. I have an issue with memory very few things actually stay in my head, most I discard or randomly remember years later. At the moment I can remember vague details of the Monogatari Series but not enough to be like "Oh yeah I remember that episode" which is rather disheartening considering the series popularity.
of-bluenature Oct 17, 2015 5:52 PM
HAHA! That's a testament of how gripping One Piece can be sometimes, it even makes people consider skipping school. I'm guilty of this. I would skip Friday's to have a long weekend to cram in as much anime as possible. However... even though I agree with you, watch as much anime as you like brother, don't let yourself slip up on your duties because of it. One thing I was also guilty of... not long ago.

Also, because of the weekend I picked up on some anime I've been wanting to watch and some I had on-hold. I added: NHK, Emma: A Victorian Romance, Blue Literature, and most notably Space Brothers. I have to say I am thoroughly satisfied so far especially with that last anime which I felt a connection too.

You definitely have a goldie with Aria, ESPECIALLY considering its overall length. Three full adaptations: The Animation, The Natural, and The Origination. Plus two specials and an OVA. So plenty to enjoy there. So far I only just started but I will take my time; I don't want its length to become a burden. A minor concern would be: me not liking the sequels, usually its not easy to pull off a sequel that's as good as the first. But with 3 of them I suppose the anime has a story to tell or a message to get across, so I will enjoy the ride. Whenever you get here feel free to chat me up. Heck I'm pretty slow so you might start this series before I finish, haha.

Q: Do you usually enjoy sequels to anime? And have you ever seen a sequel which surpassed the first?

Damn! Your right about School Days. That was one of those anime I used to like a lot because that ending tripped me up. I was also a horny brat when I saw the anime back in 2008. The sexual DRAMA kept me intrigued while the ending tripped me up. These days I don't find the anime that good, but back then I thought it was great. About FLCL, I only watched episode 1 but it was a very trippy episode, I put it on-hold for that very reason but certainly one to complete.

About Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu, Yes I noticed they added an alternative version listing here on MAL, but I didn't know it was confirmed? Its definitely not an easy project to take on, but I assume someone noticed how popular it is across the internet and has been really. If Production I.G takes over I don't doubt it will be visually appealing but I feel like their ability to story-tell isn't as clear. Which I feel is a MAJOR distinction in Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu, their ability to tell a cohesive story throughout, the visuals have never been paramount. If they get the original creator on board and possibly collaborate with other studios then I think they have a chance to successfully animate it. People will always complain no matter what, but it if holds up then for me its a success.

Q: what anime have you seen get an alternative adaptation?

PS: super late reply on my part. I ran into a bit of trouble of work so I had to take a slight break and focus on things. Also... I leave for a bit and MAL gets a new dress aka makeover.
of-bluenature Oct 11, 2015 5:32 PM
AH. Tough call man. Your missing out hardcore if you wait around especially with this upcoming arcs. The intense drama and superb story really picks up. Geeh! Tell your nakama to get a move on or your jumping ahead haha xD

Ohhh. Your of that opinion as-well huh. Hellsing OVA was the favourite anime of an online comrad I used to game with. I randomly remembered that detail so I gave it a chance. So, far the animation and characters blew me away. The story aspect looks so-so. One thing that concerns me is the production of the OVA expanded throughout 6-years, which may lead to inconsistency perhaps. I'll see at the end.

As for Aria, I've been holding off it for so long that I finally decided to give it a go. Today of all days I needed a little peace and the first episode did not dissapoint, I even felt like taking a nap after, that's how relaxed I was.

You know about Steins;Gate I didn't feel like the romance aspect was paramount. Heck, I know it plays an important motif for Okabe but I was so worry about understanding the time travel aspect and how Okabe can solve the problem that I didn't connect emotionally with his desire to save Mayuri or the love interest between the assistant. I certainly need to re-watch aspects of the series for sure, I was certainly being impressed far more by the thriller and sci-fi aspect of the anime. In the end it was adapted from a visual novel so the romance may be integral in there, somewhere, but I need to re-watch to really get it.

A: I don't think I've seen any weird anime. Or maybe I'm so used to some character tropes that they don't strike me as weird. Certainly if I see a sibling relationship in-real life I would find it strange but in anime, I'm like "meh" this again. The ending of the 3rd Berserk Movie left me like WTF, but as a whole its not a weird anime I suppose, its just a shocking ending. What about you?
of-bluenature Oct 11, 2015 2:39 PM
Your about to get into Water 7 Arc. Which was pretty good, very good at setting up Enies Lobby Arc which is one of my favourites from One Piece. Enjoy (: Tell me what you think when you get through to Enies Lobby Arc.

I agree, haha. Good anime always does get me emotional as-well. I'm glad you liked that anime so much, worth a visit one day. Ah, sorry to say but I haven't watched Steins;Gate movie or OVA over the weekend, I wasn't in the mood for it so I didn't want to force myself to watch it. Certainly will get it at some point though :)

I did watch Aria the Animation (WOW!) and Hellsing Ultimate, also another one that impressed me a lot. Aria has such nice tones and warm colours, the story is also very light-hearted so far and very calming, very suitable for a Sunday morning. Hellsing is quite the opposite very dark, violent, but the story seems very engaging. Heck, I feel like I chose two very impressive anime to watch.

A: OHHH INDEED. They are few but a few anime out there made me cry tears of sadness and other times tears of joy. The ending of Brotherhood made me cry tears of joy. The ending of Code Geass R2 also. Adversely, the ending of Death Note made me feel such a deep sadness, I felt like someone punched a hole in my heart. A same feeling when I watched the Nina Tucker episode in FMA. These are just a few. How about you?

What are your favourite romance anime and what about them do you like?
of-bluenature Oct 8, 2015 3:42 PM
No haha, I understand the name is just a Japanese word. I was speaking of my first impression, without even reading a synopsis about its plot. The name and art style of the first preview poster I saw gave me the sense they were imitating AoT style. Which I still think that was the point. This all being my first impression of course. I read a bit of one review and I stopped otherwise I felt like I would get spoiled but heck the story element seems fun. Worth a shot.

No doubt! Bleach and Naruto have some memorable battles I watch time to time. Rock Lee vs Gaara, Shikamaru vs Temari, Naruto vs Haku, Naruto vs Pain, Ichigo vs Grimmjow, Soi Fon v Yoruichi, Ichigo vs Byakuya... haha I think I got the point across. And I've never fully watched one piece otherwise the list would become never-ending.

The premise of Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches seems light-hearted. Don't tell me you've already completed it? ... monster you are sir! I started reading a manga yesterday called: Sakamoto desu ga? aka Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto. A few chapters in and the character of Sakamoto is such a badass, haha! He does a bunch of unconventional things, this is probably one of those over the top type of comedies. I haven't read manga in a while so I'll see how it goes.

Good to hear things are good irl man. Keep it light brao :)
of-bluenature Oct 7, 2015 6:16 PM
AH! I remember coming across that anime last year but I didn't watch it because the name is similar to shingeki no kyojin, so I thought they were just some copy version of it. But its by studio MAPPA it can be a hit or miss for me, I'll give it a chance though. Not before I finish your other recommendations first. I wanna get Steins;Gate OVA and Movie complete this weekend so I can think about it as a whole. So far the series alone was good, A few episodes that have re-watch quality.

Oh-man. Bleach brings back memories; it was one of the few anime I watched with a friend and the only one I watched with someone on a weekly basis. Their invasion arcs remain as some of my favorites based on entertainment value.

I can relate a bit. I try to watch most anime through, until the end, I've dropped few but haven't acknowledge them in my list because I know someday I'll think about it and probably go back to it. A lot of the anime I have "On-Hold" is from October of last year, I still hold some commitment to some of those to complete. Props for putting down your hentais, most people won't even acknowledge they've seen a few. I wouldn't put them on my list though, I never watch them for story or anything other than the deed so its obsolete. Its like watching the news, lol.

PS: Late reply alert! Haha. Work has been crap, I was falling behind on lab paperwork so I was staying overtime to get things done. Hope things are good on your end Lein'z.
of-bluenature Oct 4, 2015 4:39 PM
Agreed. And in contrast to Japanese dubs, I always feel like I'm listening to the same voice actors in english dubs, well most dubs come from Funimation anyhow. Much like you said I also think the Japanese VA's get more involved in the story and since they work with the original production staff that's a massive advantage to their performance. There are some exceptions when it comes to eng dubbed versions like: FMA: Brotherhood, Death Note, Code Geass, and Darker than Black are pretty great but are exceptions like I said.

LEIN! You must watch Avatar: The Last Airbender haha! Judging from the way you have spoken to me about anime; about being fair with judgement and easy-going, this series is one you will feel comfortable enjoying. Haha, to be honest for many years I didn't know Avatar wasn't an anime, the art is reminiscent of something I would expect out of anime back then.

"What was the anime that made you continue watching anime... The first anime that impressed you..."

Its pretty lengthy but I'll try to explain. I used to live in USA, I attended two-years of Elementary and all of Middle School. During this time I used to watch a lot of TV because it helped me learn more english. This is how I started watching anime like Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Rurouni Kenshin, this was around 2005. I watched Avatar back then as well while it was airing. When I finished Middle School I moved back to my country. Because I really liked watching "japanese cartoons" and I couldn't watch them anymore, I started to search for them online. FMA: Brotherhood was airing during this time, so it was one of the first anime I watched online. Because I was going to websites to watch anime I came across a bunch more... a lot more! In 2010 I had a first tough year of International School so I didn't watch any anime that year but when I started to get back into anime during 2011 I came across anime like: HxH 2011, Guilty Crown, Usagi Drop, which got me interested in anime again. And here I am now. Still very casual view but I enjoy the medium.

What about you? You have so many you have completed. You've never taken a break right? What do you find in anime that keeps you interested in watching year after year?
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