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The First Thinker, The King Of Manga, The Greatest Reviewer As Well AS Person On This Site

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I Am A Magnificent And Legendary Being That Was Carved Out Of A Rock, My Form Was Chiseled Into That Of Adonis, And I Was Given The Flame Of Wisdom By Prometheus Himself. This Is The Source Of My Truly Amazing Taste, My Infallible Thoughts, And Dominion.

It Is My Destiny To Lead The World Into The Next Golden Age, It Is My Destiny To Live Up To The Legend.

All Of Your Attempts To Stop Me Are Futile For I Am An Immovable Wall, I Possess The Unstoppable Force Of A Raging Hurricane.

You Can Either Join Me Or Fall In Front Of The Rise Of My Glorious Empire


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To That I Say Do I Even Need To Bother?

Just Look Yourself In The Mirror If You Want To Know So Badly.


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Saiunkoku Monogatari
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Midori no Hibi
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Saiko Robot Kombock
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Undead Girl Murder Farce
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JustDefending Jan 17, 8:41 AM
Stp, dis-moi que tes reviews, c’est des trolls, parce que c’est pas possible autrement !
Lucianael Dec 31, 2024 5:48 PM
Hey there, I felt like talking about your Berserk review though I really can't be bothered to write a full on thesis covering the whole thing, so I'm just going to focus on a single part:

"You also have Miura failing to handle the topic of religious belief in the Conviction arc where every religious person is depicted as crusaders, nutjobs, and rapists who are intolerant of the slightest of opposing views or just straight up degenerate.

This is just straight up nonsensical to anyone who has read history or has interacted with people outside as people come from all walks of life, there have been countless positive contributions from these religious identities (Christianity, Hinduism, etc)."

The problem with this is twofold, firstly, you can critique something without having to frame its positives, this only turns into a problem when said framing leaves the subject distorted with or without the direct intention of swaying opinions away from matters of truth (basically the thing I am criticising you for right now, hey, isn't that fun). I can say right here and now that Osama bin Laden was a terrorist involved in the deaths of thousands, without having to say anything good about the man. Obviously there are positives to most things (though we will get to that in a second), but I fail to see why Miura would need to mention them, if he is trying to critique a singular part of religion. Religious fanaticism tends to lead people away from matters of truth, isolating them and leading to mass hysteria like witch hunts and inquisitions. We can critique this element of religion, without having to attempt a full on evaluation of religion as a whole, I simply do not understand why you believe the opposite to be the case.

Secondly, I know that we probably disagree on this, though that might also very well be part of my point, but religious identities do not have any clear positive contributions in the context of history. We view the past from a perspective of not knowing what else could have been, and thus we ascribe many of the deeds and innovations to singular institutions or people, even though these things would have happened with or without them. We simply do not know what role religion played in improving society, all we really know are the ways in which it did the opposite. Obviously we have to frame this argument both ways, if there had not been religion, maybe these problems would still have occurred all the same, just through other institutions, but when it comes to pure religious theory, there are problems that are so fundamental that they can not be excused through this. Religion sells us fantasy, it is a thing removed from matters of truth and logic and is firmly placed within the bounds of fiction and opinion. This can obviously be deeply hurtful in itself, something Miura actually capture quite well, showing the despair and agony that stems from a system that tries to shape the world into a fictitious construct, something it simply can not be. This is the same problem that fascist and nationalist regimes face; Nazi Germany decided to blame the Jew for all problems but even if they hunted down every last one of them, that would not have solved the problems that they claimed the Jews to cause. If we try to imprint fiction upon reality, we only fool ourselves, and all attempts to bind the two only further drags us away from reality. These are intrinsic problems to all religions, as they are separate from reality, they simply can never function as a world view, without generating conflict like the death of objective truth. You might disagree with what I am saying, though I don't think you could argue against most of the points I made, but that doesn't really change my point, because the mere fact that there is disagreement on this subject already shows that you are wrong, that there are no clearly definable "positive contributions from these religious identities".

I would love to hear if this was a genuine mistake on your part, or if you somehow believe all my criticism to be "false". Have a good one, I guess.
Feitan_exe Aug 18, 2024 9:45 AM
I read your Vinland manga review and I completely agree with u I mean his ideology is the biggest problem in the manga. That stops me from liking it, The prologue arc was pretty good and i think the whole redemption arc could have been done better overall a decent manga

Btw I noticed just now that u got red in your favourite manga and I gotta say it's fantastic some of the characters give me Gunmm vibes especially itou's character design looks like Ido from Gunmm

I like how it balances the comedic elements and the serious topics so well
MekusMekusInsan Aug 11, 2024 4:03 AM
Can you make a review of Fire Punch?
beam_mopanies Aug 1, 2024 11:36 PM
dont agree with your takes but your reviews fire anyways
munsonroe Jul 6, 2024 10:07 AM

how do you even type this sentence like it's not an advertisement for the series so glowing and radiant it could invoke new age sun worship
jaydenn_h Jul 6, 2024 2:39 AM
most obvious ragebait in the observable universe
Nox--- Jun 17, 2024 1:38 PM
C'est pas qu'ils perdent la tête... C'est que le seul truc qui passe entre leurs deux oreilles, c'est le mistral. Et ils sont trop ignorants pour comprendre qu'ils sont ignorants. Et ainsi parviennent à maintenir un ego très développé envers et contre tout. C'est pourquoi j'ai toujours considéré que les qualifier de "déchets" n'avait rien de condescendant. Appeler un chien un chien n'est pas insultant. :).
Nox--- May 31, 2024 8:22 AM
Je me marre. Tu sais, il y a vraiment des ploucs qui te disent de mourir dans les commentaires. Dur à croire. Mais j'ai reçu le même genre au fil du temps. Je mets ça sur le compte d'un choc culturel (ou anti culturel plutôt). Des débiles sans le moindre sens critique, qui défendent leur daube sans même être capable d'expliquer pourquoi. Je suis comme Néo moi, je prends la pilule qui m'évite de me mettre la tête dans le sable. Mieux vaut aller à l'école française que finir comme ces résidus. Bref.

Tu descends "Arslan Senki", et j'ai trouvé ça fun. J'avais bien aimé quand j'ai vu la série, il y a longtemps. Je me lance dans le manga. On va vite voir si je finis par être d'accord avec toi ou pas ^^. Bonne bourre.

PS: ton profil est vraiment tordant.
Ikelike12 May 19, 2024 3:20 PM
trash taste
OhNoHP Mar 22, 2024 5:33 PM
I have read your reviews and I was quite surprised at what I saw. I have to say in almost every aspect of your reviews and rankings I disagree. The only review I saw that I agreed with to some extent was the Demon Slayer one. On that note though, your reasons for why Demon Slayer is overrated are unfounded and misguided. To finalize this, I will say that everyone is entitled to their opinion, so even though I disagree, I respect your opinions and find it unfortunate that you were not able to find joy in the same literary works as I was.

One more thing
"I have no enemies"
- Thorfinn Karlsefni
Feitan_exe Feb 26, 2024 6:57 AM
I have seen a video about this one. It's a spin off to Slayers right? It kind of looks like a lost media
Feitan_exe Feb 24, 2024 8:52 PM
Glad to hear that. Slayers is a really fun comedy series. Btw have you watched the movies and OVA?
Feitan_exe Feb 24, 2024 10:58 AM
Slayers is such a fun series
KuroGFX Feb 10, 2024 2:13 AM
My main reason for including it in the review is due to the amount of people I see praising it and judging its quality solely for selling a lot and hype surrounding it despite it being irrelevant before the show started releasing.

I don't think sales are always the main factor when it comes to a work of artistic merit wether it's Paintings, Stories, or Movies because sales also have a lot to do with demographic data and appealing to large audiences so there are scenarios where a worse piece of media is more successful

Sales and Popularity poke at more different things than quality rather they also take into account social climate and trends which is why I think Demon Slayer was also so sucessful because of the Corona Virus and the isolation causing a lot of people to start binging media a lot more

take into account a lot of the lighthearted material of Demon Slayer and I can easily see why it became popular along with the Ufotable credit

anyone who argues using sales is just wrong in my book it's best to divorce that aspect and focus on the narrative talking points

I agree with you though
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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