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Ore dake Level Up na Ken
Ore dake Level Up na Ken
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Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken
Jul 12, 2024 10:21 PM
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Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season
Jul 12, 2024 10:21 PM
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Eden: It's an Endless World!
Eden: It's an Endless World!
Sep 10, 2015 3:09 PM
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_LilDubbleVla_ Dec 17, 2020 10:24 AM
Thanks for the reply. And yes our anime taste is pretty similar (I've probably seen more ecchi trash tho😈). I myself like different kind of hiphop as well, for example some experimental stuff (like deathgrips, dalek, billywoods but also someone like jpegmaffia) but some of the classics (Da La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest, Outkast) are some I like as well.

About Parasyte.. That is a show I've had in my watchlist for the longest time (and I should probably watch it asap). I really want to try and expand my anime knowledge by watching weird and obscure shows but I haven't seen much of those yet ( I'm gonna look at your list for more recommendations I think ;D ).

Thnx for the message btw I like to talk ✌🏼
_LilDubbleVla_ Jul 11, 2020 5:08 PM
That name 😈😈 I actually like your anime taste tho ✌🏼
Btw what kind of rap/hiphop do you like ? ( I'm quite a hiphop fan myself so I'm interested🤔 )

PS: Not having the yuyu hakusho op in you top 10 is such a shame 😢
Recynon Apr 10, 2020 7:23 PM
Lmao I love everything about your profile. You know Lebron puts on fake hair before games right
Liking Lolis/Shota is borderline pedophilia and you should be ashamed." Thank you! Looks like someone has some dignity!
kuroren Feb 7, 2020 3:58 PM
thanks for reviewing ZnK!!
Naman97 Mar 14, 2018 8:45 AM
Naman97 Jan 30, 2018 10:54 PM
Naman97 Jan 29, 2018 9:17 AM
Nice,that you are still watching DC.
ves_per_tine Jan 16, 2018 4:31 AM
Ragdoll cats? From what I've read those seem like they have a fairly affectionate personality. No point getting a pet if you just let it cuck you and shit all over your place, ya feel? (Tho maybe the pet owners I personally know are just shit at training their pets...) Although I'd enjoy a cuddly cat I wouldn't like it if it was too energetic either. I mean bouncing off the walls energetic. Man I barely have the energy to get up in the morning. A lazy yet friendly/loyal pet would be great, I think.

Eh not quite high school but I'm in my last year of junior college, afterwards is A levels then off to uni, if I can even fucking make it in. Oh really, South Asian? Which part in particular?

My friend bought me Civ V with DLCs, I spent a good amount of time on it but got bored eventually unfortunately. I really like Heroes of Might and Magic V but, I hear the newer ones (6 and 7) are utter garbage and they may or may not be killing the franchise with 7. Always sad when that happens. I dunno. I should really stop gaming, school started again lately.
ves_per_tine Dec 26, 2017 7:17 PM
Yeah AssClass can be a bit infantile at times but for me the main draw were the characters, their interactions with each other, and how Koro-sensei helped them become better people. The actual plot is nothing amazing but overall I still found it a heartwarming and enjoyable enough show. The music gradually gets more serious too, opening 1 is really cringy and cheesy but by opening 4 it's basically a song about saying farewell to their teacher. If you can stick it through to the end you'll probably like the ending, I thought it wrapped up rather well.

I don't...get some people's pet preferences. Hamsters and similar I can kinda understand, they're cute enough, but wouldn't you get bored after 20 mins of watching them just do nothing? One of my ex-friends was obsessed with them, kept replacing them after each one died. And they died in like 2 weeks. Once she picked one of them up from the floor and it was shitting out pellets all the way from the floor to her hand. I was kind of horrified. And they're so stupid dude. Oh and cats. I don't understand cat owners who go "Oh my cat scratches me all the time and basically avoids me and likes knocking shit over haha what an asshole" What's the point of having a pet who acts like it hates you??? Fuck that, I'd rather get a dog (one of the bigger kinds, not the small ones that look and sound like rats on steroids) And then there are people who buy baby animals because they're cute, end up not having money to cover their living + medical fees, and/or end up abandoning the critter after it's grown up and is no longer fat-cheeked and squishy.

I read a lot of the Greek myths as a kid, would be interesting if we actually did that in history, or see how it ties into Greek culture in general. I live in Singapore, will likely be doing history in uni, and currently we've covered a lot about Southeast Asian history as well as going into detail about the Cold War (basically going all the way from Roosevelt to Reagan and covering a lot of the events in between). Plus some shit I did in previous years I can't really remember. It's mostly a lot of local history.

Primarily play GW2, a f2p MMORPG, also play smaller games on the side when one catches my eye, currently playing Crypt of the Necrodancer on Steam. Will probably try other titles in the future when I have a more stable income and can actually build myself a decent PC. For starters I want to play the HoMM titles again, those made up my childhood. Unfortunately I hear the newer titles are shit.
ves_per_tine Dec 22, 2017 8:56 PM
Tbh I don't really understand the mentality of some anime watchers nowadays. The shows they recommend are just so...nothing. But they praise it like it's a masterpiece. Just because you enjoyed something doesn't make it good. I watched Symphogear lately cause people said it was hype but it's actually pretty shit with just the slightest hint of being enjoyable. I would never have guessed that though from the way people were exalting it. I get that people have different tastes though, maybe my standards are just different. And man some people are borderline pedophilic. Why's a 30 y/o dude getting excited over what looks like 9 year old girls making out? (Prisma Ilya - never watched it but seen it being passed around)

Otaku pandering, that's a nice description. I hope you enjoy those shows =) AssClass can be a bit cringy at times I feel. Oh, and also, you watched Gankutsuou? Man that was quite the ride, I was especially taken with one particular scene at the end of an episode where Haidee makes her decision to attend the General Assembly, the buildup to that scene - jumping between Mondego preparing and Haidee sitting serenely yet we know what she's thinking - was quite good and the episode ended on a lovely still showing her making her decision. Well it felt more awesome to watch than my dryly describing it lol.

Yeah, I've always grown up reading, thought it would be good to expand a bit. What did you cover in your history courses/what books did you read? I'm taking history as well, always interesting seeing what people on the other side of the world learn about, since here one component of the overall paper is about local history. I suppose my choice of subjects - literature and history - is good for someone who likes reading. Nahh, she's the one who wanted to hit up the books. I got somewhat distracted by a pet shop on the way there and we spent some time observing hamsters in their cage too, good shit. (God hamsters are so fucking dumb why do people even get them as pets? All they did was shit themselves and try to run in opposite directions on the wheel. Actually I know some people irl that match that description) Wasn't really a date but y'know. I was chilling on the floor reading while she went through the entire poetry shelf.

GL on your exams mate. Uni?

You play games by any chance?
ves_per_tine Dec 10, 2017 3:15 AM
What stood out to me about Spice&Wolf was how witty the dialogue was. And I like that Holo, despite being in the form of a pretty girl, doesn't just act cute for the sake of acting cute. She even lampshades it in her teasing of Lawrence. But you can still tell that she's indeed an intelligent and long-lived wolf spirit.

Well, that's true. I don't think I can name a single CGDCT show that is actually unique and meaningful. Though that's probably because I don't watch many of them in the first place. And besides, aren't CGDCT and other similar shows, just meant to be fluff? Makes sense that they'd turn out to just be mindless entertainment. Though yes, it annoys me when I see people excessively praising shows like Gabriel DropOut and even KonoSuba (let's face it. 80% of the "appeal" are the girls) ... maybe that's just me being judgemental though. At least many of these shows try to incorporate comedy, their sole saving grace - even if it falls flat most of the time. And anyway, though my watches skew towards the modern, I bet there were just as many of these brainless shows back in the days, that have now been forgotten because they're actually pretty bad. Trash transcends time.

Hahaha, so, there's a reason I dropped Toradora on the episode where the glasses dude starts dyeing his hair and emoing the fuck out in class for no reason. Oh please... >_> Also I don't know how Taiga manages to come off as a spoiled brat even though she really does have a shitty dad. Like idk if I'm supposed to feel sorry for these characters or what.

If you like mystery, Kubikiri Cycle. It's an underwatched OVA apparently written by the Bakemonogatari guy. I was quite into the mystery, and there's one particular action scene, during which I just went holy shit, cuz it was straight-up gorgeous. My favourite comedy to date is Saiki Kusuo, mostly cause the MC is snarkily deadpan about everything in his life, and the anime pokes fun at some stereotypes like the generic pretty girl and the overblown sporty guy. And hmm, Assassination Classroom. It's a bit childish at times :/ but it's one of the most heartwarming shows I've ever watched. Literally halfway through the second season I was like "Wait... isn't this kind of a SoL?" and I realised I didn't care because I love the characters and happily watched an entire episode about them setting up a restaurant for their school festival. Like seriously, Koro-sensei is an awesome dude.

You read much by any chance? I should take a break from anime by continuing with my reading list. Currently it's filled with mostly the fantasy genre but I kind of want to read some classics too. Figure it's a given for a literature student. Like, I dunno, Inferno or some shit. I went out with a girl the other day and spending time with her at the bookstore made me realise I'm kind of underread compared to my peers. lol
ves_per_tine Dec 7, 2017 6:31 PM
I didn't...really dislike the school festival arc as much as I thought I would? SoL segments are so character-driven, and by that point I was pretty ok (just not overly fond of) most of the characters. Ya, Satoshi seemed like a pushover at first but you sorta see some repressed bitterness coming out and how he has to deal with that, interesting stuff. I hated the stuff after that arc, probably because there was a larger focus on Chitanda. My god I detested her in the school fest arc. Okay, so someone asks her to ask for extra space for the Classics club. Then what does the airhead do? Spend half the day getting distracted by shiny stuff... and watching her trying to use the Empress' tips for negotiation just made me cringe. I'm a practical person irl who likes to get shit done, so seeing that just really irked me. She's not very bright, and the worst part is, she gets a free pass on everything cause she's pretty. I mean, if she was fat and ugly, her constant invasion of personal space, being clingy, thrusting her face into Oreki's, etc, would not have been so accepted as it is. Not just in-universe either.

I constantly see Toradora plugged as one of the best romcoms ever and I honestly don't get it. Even trying to be objective I don't see what's good about it. I don't see ANYTHING special about it. And I think the characters are mediocre but that's just my opinion and I guess their antics are endearing to some.

What can I say, shit happens. But ya, as long as I deal with it, that's all that matters. Since Aoi Bungaku covers 6 tales and spans 12 episodes I'd assume I start from episode 3 if I want to skip the first story? =)
ves_per_tine Nov 25, 2017 9:23 PM
Hm, I suppose I'm just recently getting back into anime, though I do lurk on /r/anime and /a/ (that's where I usually see the pedo discussions) a lot. Not gonna lie, I was actually looking for a negative review of Hyouka because it seems reception was mostly positive, especially towards Chitanda. I liked that you described her as an airhead, I feel the exact same way - I know a couple of rich but sheltered people irl that act a lot like her. Oh, and I see you disliked Toradora as well... there are literally, like, dozens of us :P

I'm not gonna watch Maid-sama because it looks like generic romcom shoujo, but Aoi Bungaku looks interesting. Though, the first story mentioned in the synopsis makes me wary - pretty much sounds like I'd be watching my own life story (minus the drugs), especially after reading your thoughts on it. I'll add it to my list, thanks.

I'm about halfway through Hyouka right now and probably won't drop it, although I AM coming up on what you described as 4 episodes of essentially fluff, and this coming from someone who hates meaningless fluff aka the Slice of Life genre. It's otherwise a very pretty show with interesting mystery elements (yeah, the filmsoc arc was good), just bogged down by its other half of SoL-y garbage and inadequate attempt at a character-driven show, imho.

But yknow, to each his own.
ves_per_tine Nov 24, 2017 5:13 AM
Just dropped by to say I thoroughly enjoyed your Hyouka review and I completely agree with it. As well as the first line in your biography - man, some people act like loli worship (as well as waifuism) is something to be proud of, but often they take it to an extreme. Shows like Prisma Ilya just seem like pedobait.
Naman97 Nov 10, 2017 7:02 AM
B-gata H-kei,Bakuman.,Beck,Beelzebub,Black Jack,Colorful (Movie),Cowboy Bebop,Gangsta.,Gin no Saji,Golden Boy,Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu,Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor,InuYasha,Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai,Kamisama Hajimemashita,Kemono no Souja Erin,Kimi no Na wa.,Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu,Kokoro Connect,Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?,Maburaho,Maison Ikkoku,Mirai Nikki (TV),Mob Psycho 100,Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo?(you might find this one fun),Natsume Yuujinchou,Nazo no Kanojo X,Nodame Cantabile,Noragami,One Outs(sports but this is psychological..try),Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji,Ouran Koukou Host Club,Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai!,Psycho-Pass,Rosario to Vampire,Sakamichi no Apollon,Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo,Samurai Champloo,Sankarea,Seirei no Moribito,Shuffle!,Sora no Otoshimono,Stranger: Mukou Hadan,Sukitte Ii na yo.,Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo,Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun,Toradora!,Usagi Drop,Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!,Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru.,Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho and Zetsuen no Tempest.
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