Thanks for your interest in joining the "Critics and Connoisseurs" club. As mentioned on the main page of the club one of the entry requirements is for you to have 100 + anime or manga entries on your completed list. Currently you do not meet the requirements so I'm afraid we can not accept your request at the moment.
I see. Well, I've had to deal with many trolls on this site. If I have misunderstood, I apologise. In any case, he's most likely a troll since he goes on about people being selfish and horrible, yet he just detailed to you all the volunteering and charity he does-- which, if I am not to be mistaken, is only worthwhile when you do it and take no credit.
As for iEthan, I don't know how he's got it stuck in his head that I think I'm a good or compassionate person. I'm all right, but not that great. Someone died, I felt bad. Apparently that makes me a hypocrite. You seem to agree with him. I'll tell you the same thing I told him-- don't message me again after this.
I'm generally don't like to think of myself, either way, as being any more significant than anyone else. Besides, there are better reviewers here than me. I just do this as a hobby.
Just a word of warning-- the movie has terrible development and it's plain old ugly. But it has an ending you might prefer just slightly more.
I don't think very highly of myself, but I also don't think the hundreds-- not thousands-- of people I've encountered here really think much of me outside the handful of very close friends and loyal readers I have.
It's funny, I don't know. I am disliked as much as I am liked, so perhaps that in itself suggests something too? Until I become the Roger Ebert of anime, I wouldn't consider myself significant as a reviewer.
I know many people disliked what the ending undid, but for me, I quite didn't mind it at all. There's always the movie, if you're not satisfied with the TV series' ending.
I personally don't think I have any influence; the ones with the influence are loud and you see them everywhere. I would say forum stars and admins have the most influence.
First off, I am not "entitled" to anything because of any "status". Were I just another user on MAL, my answer would be the same. And that's the thing too-- I'm just another user on MAL. If people assume I have some kind of importance here beyond that, well, that's their prerogative.
All I can tell you to do is read my review for Clannad. It explains better than I can now why I scored it what I did. It wasn't even the ending that made me subtract a mark; it was that I thought Nagisa didn't nearly get enough screen time and that the last episode was pointless especially after everything. As for the bubble gum ending-- I don't care. It's not Air or Grave of the Fireflies.
All Comments (37) Comments
jokes aside you have pretty good taste, and I quite enjoyed your other reviews too
Thanks for your interest in joining the "Critics and Connoisseurs" club. As mentioned on the main page of the club one of the entry requirements is for you to have 100 + anime or manga entries on your completed list. Currently you do not meet the requirements so I'm afraid we can not accept your request at the moment.
C tellement un gros bloc de n'importe quoi et de non sense.
I don't think very highly of myself, but I also don't think the hundreds-- not thousands-- of people I've encountered here really think much of me outside the handful of very close friends and loyal readers I have.
It's funny, I don't know. I am disliked as much as I am liked, so perhaps that in itself suggests something too? Until I become the Roger Ebert of anime, I wouldn't consider myself significant as a reviewer.
I personally don't think I have any influence; the ones with the influence are loud and you see them everywhere. I would say forum stars and admins have the most influence.
All I can tell you to do is read my review for Clannad. It explains better than I can now why I scored it what I did. It wasn't even the ending that made me subtract a mark; it was that I thought Nagisa didn't nearly get enough screen time and that the last episode was pointless especially after everything. As for the bubble gum ending-- I don't care. It's not Air or Grave of the Fireflies.