Anime Stats
Days: 92.6
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- Total Entries257
- Rewatched36
- Episodes5,559
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Manga Stats
Days: 6.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries27
- Reread0
- Chapters1,072
- Volumes110
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All Comments (145) Comments
Oh, looks like the upcoming Vinland Saga anime looks promising
So what are the currently airing shows you're enjoying the most?
So you're watching Gintama that's great.
Well let me give you an advice.
Just for the information.
The first Episodes and the following first Episodes can be quite average.
I know that it can be for many people. So maybe for you as well.
But it will improve a lot afterwards.
So I hope you will keep on watching Gintama
Well I've been the same as always... watching anime, reading manga, being disappointed at the current state of the industry. The usual. You?
You may be seeing this card past Christmas but hope you are having a good December, Lattmucci.
Recently, I have been looking up a few long series besides LotGH during the time-off I had in Spring Break.
1) I have recently completed an anime series called Touch that has 101 episodes. Even though the anime is from the 1980's which makes the animation dated, it was still very nice to look up at. There has hardly been any scenes that threw me back in looking up animation. The biggest strengths Touch truly brought is its story and its characters.
From what the story brought, it provides great writing in its episodes that makes you realize that there never was a bad episode. It is for the most part a very well done sports/slice of life/romance story that provides great results along with a few unexpected surprises you cannot believe.
It is hard to believe that I find so many characters very well-developed in Touch, but ever since I finished it they truly were among that class. The story of Touch features three childhood friends growing up where an older brother (Tatsuya) wants to do nothing, an younger brother (Kazuya) who is a very talented pitcher in baseball, and the cute girl (Minami) who lives next door. I thought the developments of these characters were carried out very well throughout the story, especially with Tatsuya growing up and realizing that he has to overcome his younger brother's shadow. It is not just the main characters, some of the supporting characters brought alot towards making Touch even more enjoyable. Some characters would include Harada taking the role of supporting Tatsuya at times, Koutarou the catcher who somehow brings an important heart in supporting the baseball team, and the antagonist Kashiwaba Eijiro that seems to truly challenge the main characters in a agenda he hopes to gain.
-This is how I see it from Touch which certainly earns the title of classic and it is certainly no contest that I gave it a 10 along with putting it in my favorites list. The only main drawback is don't expect the series to be mostly baseball because the story provides so many other things that help make it very good to enjoy.
2) I have also recently caught up with the manga One Piece. The biggest reason on why I did that was I always wonder if One Piece was consider one of the very best Shounen series. When I have caught up to 538 chapters, giving it a 10 and putting it in my favorites list somehow made me realize that the hype from One Piece is a proven fact. It seems that every time I read a new arc in One Piece the manga can do no wrong but continue to get better in its results. In due honesty some of you are thinking, "Anime-Destiny, are you kidding me that One Piece is truly that great of a shounen series?" To you all, this is what I truly meant. For a shounen to continue bringing great arcs every time it makes me realize that the author Oda is truly a genius in his work. His work somehow does something that popular shounen series like Naruto or Bleach weren't able to accomplish and that is to continue bringing great story arcs one after another.
-The only drawbacks that you may have with One Piece and I can acknowledge them is that the artwork may take some time getting used to. However, I find the art style of Oda's work unique because it presents to you this different world compare to the real world. Also, the early arcs of One Piece will start out slow to you but once you get passed the Arlong arc I'm sure you will enjoy the fun and intense ride in what the arcs provide to you as an audience. ^^