I'm going to travel.
I'm going to see the world. I will swallow it with my steps, and find all there is to know about knowledge.
[size=150]I love to cry.[/size]
Real men cry. I love to feel. I want to ride this roller-coaster again and again.
[size=150]I am a Champion.[/size]
My strength stems from my immeasurable vulnerability. My shell is so soft that I'm invincible.
The world is beautiful.
We are so diverse and similar, so chaotic and structured, so petty and classy. We create greatness together.
I'm here to help you to remember.
You don't need to be here. We are enthralled with this planet's physicalness. We are ensnared, like a dream.
[quote=Zen]Before enlightenment, you chop wood and carry water. Afterward, you still chop wood and carry water.[/quote]
Drop me a comment! I love to talk.
All Comments (3) Comments
"I'll find a cool quote from an anime to put here. I'm not sure if I'll choose an anime that's really popular, not well known, loved, hated, ignored, boring, or obnoxious; but I'll get a damned quote here. Even if it's from a side character, like the turtle assassin from Gintama. And I'll only acknowledge his existence with his name in an effort to boost my interpretation of my self-image in your eyes because I know about something really cool that you don't.
Yeah, I might do that. Anything for originality."
Changed it this day.