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Days: 90.8
Mean Score:
- Reading0
- Completed236
- On-Hold29
- Dropped272
- Plan to Read51
- Total Entries588
- Reread0
- Chapters16,339
- Volumes53
All Comments (697) Comments
Probably but I guess I meant as opposed to how wacky it normally is. You'll see around 30-50 ish. I mean I guess Sailor Moon could be a bit wacky too, but that really only involved the MC. In this other than a few antagonists everyone's pretty wacky, which is probably why I like it so much.
Well I just meant it's a mostly wacky adventure show mainly, but when it's serious it's actually kind of heart warming at times. I feel like how the characters act is a somewhat similar style as well.
Akazukin Chacha is literally my favorite magical girl show lawl. I watched it as a kid on VHS constantly by old fansubbers. It helps that it's more like One Piece than it is a magical girl show.
Yeah on info dumps I started reading the overlord light novels as well. I haven't dropped them quite yet, but the first 100 pages are like just a massive infodump/exposition fest of barely anything happening.
Other than that been reading some light novels. I like Konosuba because it (somewhat) scratches the slayers itch, even if its a bit too haremy to be that.
Gaming wise I'm really looking forward to Resident Evil 2 and Smash. Also want to get Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze at some point.
How things been with you?
I don't think I'll be able to completely not spoil everything about the game at some point unfortunately. But I'd rather not miss anything too big.
Oh and I see. I figured they were the same, that's a bummer.
Been playing Mario Odyssey though. Quite like it but I appear to be almost done.
Kira Kira is only worth it for Kirari's route, the rest of the game is just a charage. That part of the game is worth reading, but the rest of it possibly not so much.
Though to be fair...Kira Kira was also like the 2nd visual novel I ever read.
This was unexpectedly pretty good for how short it was. Mainly for the last 4 chapters.