You are fucking awesome ilu.
And thanks bro. I hope you don't hate me for my P&S review though.
Uhm, after observing your animu list Imma say why not try outttttt
Ef - a tale of memories/(the superior) tale of melodies - shaft romance (beautiful visuals, awesome characters)
Ga-Rei Zero - action animu
Kara no Kyoukai - DEEP (but not LOLdeep) anime with some MANLY action sequences. If you watch the first one make sure you watch at least the next two consecutively or else your view of the anime will be distorted.
Princess Tutu - mahou shoujo only rivaled by Madoka (ps nanoha is weak)
and if you're feeling "hipster pretentious cool"
Yojou-han - artsy meaningful anime
Kuuchuu Buranko (Trapeze) - Artsy slice of life about head cases with Mononoke animation
Yeah, so like, watch animu and stuff.
As for Mango
20th cb
Oyasumi Punpun (daaaaa best, hidden gem etc)
I saw it at Sakuracon however I feel bad taking up a seat cause I can barely read Japanese let alone listen and understand it spoken. Even though it was in Japanese with no subs it was beautifully animated an nonetheless an amazing oppurtunity.
May i ask you a question what are you thoughts on the anime named Elemental Gelade
how did you like and why or why not no reason for asking this just curious about how you feel please respond if you want ok also if you want to ask me a question look at my anime list and ask about one i am watching or have already seen and ask about if i like one or not if you want.
All Comments (8) Comments
You are fucking awesome ilu.
And thanks bro. I hope you don't hate me for my P&S review though.
Uhm, after observing your animu list Imma say why not try outttttt
Ef - a tale of memories/(the superior) tale of melodies - shaft romance (beautiful visuals, awesome characters)
Ga-Rei Zero - action animu
Kara no Kyoukai - DEEP (but not LOLdeep) anime with some MANLY action sequences. If you watch the first one make sure you watch at least the next two consecutively or else your view of the anime will be distorted.
Princess Tutu - mahou shoujo only rivaled by Madoka (ps nanoha is weak)
and if you're feeling "hipster pretentious cool"
Yojou-han - artsy meaningful anime
Kuuchuu Buranko (Trapeze) - Artsy slice of life about head cases with Mononoke animation
Yeah, so like, watch animu and stuff.
As for Mango
20th cb
Oyasumi Punpun (daaaaa best, hidden gem etc)
... I kid, lol. Everybody knows it's just more glorified animation.
Panty and stocking ftw btw. :I Can it get anymore awesome?
Nice taste btw, I love me some gunbuster and trigun
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how did you like and why or why not no reason for asking this just curious about how you feel please respond if you want ok also if you want to ask me a question look at my anime list and ask about one i am watching or have already seen and ask about if i like one or not if you want.