We won't be sending newsletters again, so please check our club often and be active! ^^ We are planning to make a lot of special events.
We're looking for new admins! Apply here!
Please write your ideas for the next card editions! Themes and Ideas
We're planning to add new forum games too.
LadyFujoshi, you've been inactive as a card maker, badge maker and a community member without announcing anyone in the club about your future abscence. Therefore, I hereby demote you as admin. Please continue being a member of MCA if possible and we'll gladly take on your apply again anytime when you think you'll have enough time. Thank you.
Hello ,minna-san. Those are the heads of MCA speaking. Please read the following notice carefully ,it is important.
Today,we will discuss a few different subjects...which are quite urgent.
First ,on our today's list ,is the problem of inactive staff ,which will be removed from our pals ,if they do not become active within a week. This refers to :
If you do not wish to continue making cards...just fucking inform us ,and stop wasting spots that could be used better.
Next on our list are the badges. MCA is in desperate need for new ones. Sadame-tan and samuraigirl ,being dears ,offer to do some. Anyone else willing to do some?
October is knocking at the door,and thus we have a lot of new themes for cards! Please have a look ,and join atleast two you like :
Lastly ,an idea which was suggested today by the crazy AngelicXI (yours truly!). The idea suggests that ,in order to celebrate their birthdays in MCA ,staff members can organize a card edition on the date of their birthday ,with a theme picked by them ,dedicated to them. Voting will soon be cast in the staff room ,as the idea requires a general opinion. (Note : AngelicXI will organize the voting)
Hello, minna^^
This is a short notice. Angel-chan will make new staff pictures because mine are out-dated so we need new pictures from you guys~ :D
Please give them to AngelicXI!~ :D Just a picture xD It can be a new one or the old one^^
~Sorry for disturbing~
~Have a good day~
Sorry for the lateness ;3;
First things first, the cards have changed. Why? Because I didn’t like them anymore and I found some time to mess with them xD
But here’s the deal, if you find you actually liked the old cards better, all you have to do is tell me and I’ll send it to you as well!
It was just much easier this way, then to ask and wait for so many replies to come back ;^;
In the end I hope you like them!
Please save & re-host, will probably only delete a month later xD
Let me know if anything is wrong so that I can fix it for you :3
Thank you guys so much for being a part of the club!
& Some News:
Chapter two of REPLY is out!!! & It turns out it finishes there, it's not 3 chapters after-all O_O and completely shounen-ai.
(Sorry to all the perverts who were waiting for some naughtiness, that includes myself of course xD)
It has finally happened guys! WE HIT 1000 MEMBERS!!!!! *throws streamers* I love all of you guys soooo much! Thank you for sticking with me all this time and making We Love Bishies the friendly, boy crazy club that it is. It would be nothing without you guys.
I have one more announcement. Starting next month I am not going to be sending out the newsletter to everyone. Only the people who sign up for it HERE will get one. With the club growing so much it’s becoming difficult to send it out. Thank you *bows*
Here are links to things you might like: LE 1000 card LE Bishie of the Month Cards Vote for Next Month’s Bishie Whip a Bishie Sign up for Newsletter
Hello, minna :D
This is a very important announcement so please read carefuly.
I want to announce that starting 1st September, I'll go on hiatus. I'm going on a family trip until 14/15 September. The first 3/4 days I won't have wi-fi, but the moment I arrive to the hotel we'll be staying at I'll 99% have internet so I'll come chat now and then xD Because of that, I need your help to keep to club active. Everyone has some chores to do so please, please do them.
Card Makers::.
I updated the Card Guide thread with editions that should last until I get back. There are a lot so I won't add links to all of them, just take a look yourself. Please everyone join at least 1 or 2 of them. If you see one that doesn't have anyone, please make an effort and make some cards for that edition. We need an edition everyday (usually, when nobody joins an edition, I'll make some cards) so if you see that that day we don't have an edition, just make a random one.
hisaki and angel-chan, now that the co-creator is on hiatus you two are the only ones I can count on with updating the front page (you two are the only ones who know how to) so please update it with every new edition that comes up. You don't need to bother with the card themes list, I can update that one when I come back^^
As for the ones on-hiatus, please come by and chat in the club even if you can't make cards now and then C:
Please keep the club active.
Game Makers::.
You weren't so active lately, please don't forget you took a responsability in MCA. Please visit the club regularly and keep the games you made active.
Since you're now also a card maker, I won't ask much from you, just please continue your hard work and keep the games active^^ oh, and don't forget about riddles.
Please look after the counting down game^^ Oh, and btw, what happened with the creative writing game? xD
Bebe-chan, I'll give you a goal until I come back so you have something to do. In the moment of writing of this newsletter there are 710 members in the club. Until I go, there will surely be 720. So, for when I come back, I wanna see at least 750 members in the club! :D
Animefreak56232, please be more active in the club^^
Czerah, since you've shown activeness and interest in the club, I'll make you an offer. In exchange of an admin rank, please update the newsletter sign-up thread and deliver newsletters to the members every time 2 editions are open at the same time or we have a new game or something like that. Of course, you can ask the other two postmen to help. Tell me if you want to do it or not^^
Everyone, please keep the club active and help the card makers with the deliveries xD
This is a once-in-a-lifetime request to all of you, please just keep the club active. If not for me, at least for the sake of the good old times. I delivered the newsletter early so if anyone has questions, I'm still here to answer them.
I hope I didn't forget to say anything. For any other updates, check the admins' club.
If this motivates you with even a little bit, I remember the time when you guys promised me that you won't let the club die. So if I come back to an empty space, it'll be on you xD
Have a nice day~
All Comments (279) Comments
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I will send you a friend request beacause you like Dmmd, Tiger & Bunny and Gintama *~*
*hugs fellow BL fan*
Kyaaa~! Happy birthday to youu~ Happy birthday to youuu~
happy birthday dear Lady-taan
Happy birthday to youu~ :D
LadyFujoshi, you've been inactive as a card maker, badge maker and a community member without announcing anyone in the club about your future abscence. Therefore, I hereby demote you as admin. Please continue being a member of MCA if possible and we'll gladly take on your apply again anytime when you think you'll have enough time. Thank you.
Hello ,minna-san. Those are the heads of MCA speaking. Please read the following notice carefully ,it is important.
Today,we will discuss a few different subjects...which are quite urgent.
- Angelicclow
- kawaii-mio
- LadyFujoshi
- Shiro-tan
- valuablev
If you do not wish to continue making cards...just fucking inform us ,and stop wasting spots that could be used better.
Calligraphy SE (September)
Nails LE (September)
Bakuman LE (September)
Naruto SE (September)
Crimson LE (September)
Pigtails LE (September)
Versus SE (September)
Doraemon LE (September)
Gintama LE (September)
Sky LE (September)
Serious LE (September)
Carnival Mask SE (October)
Sleeping Garments SE (October)
Music Notes SE (October)
Towel LE (October)
Color Spot RE (October)
Millitary Uniform SE (October)
Strapless Dress LE (October)
Danube SE (October)
Aquamarine LE (October)
For more information,contact either AngelicXI or HinoKahoko.