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Days: 175.8
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- Watching39
- Completed568
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- Plan to Watch210
- Total Entries1,025
- Rewatched18
- Episodes11,409
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Days: 147.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries355
- Reread2
- Chapters14,154
- Volumes2,866
All Comments (9) Comments
Anyhow, thanks a lot for explaining in such detail. It is always good to see different perspectives.
The giant monsters attacking and nearly wiping out humanity,
and how the politics got involved in the making and maintaining of the weapons to fight them or push them away,
is what I found interesting... also the hints that perhaps it was a few evil people "at the top" that engineered the whole situation in the first place....
There was another one with a similar plot airing around the same time, but I could only commit enough time to watch one of them, and so based on the first episode, I think I choose this one because it seemed to be more action packed and explicit about the story, and it satisfied me in that way... I'm not sure if it is a modern satire for anything, like memes created to distract people from the fact the the future of humanity is being limited as the world turns into one large "life-as-a-service type open prison", but I would re-watch it and try to related it to modern things like that.
The loli stuff, if I thought about it so seriously I wouldn't like it either, but, I don't take it seriously at all... to me, animated characters are ageless and I don't even remember any of the characters for most anime, but I remember the plots and concepts which help me to think more creatively and see the world in multiple layers and systems.
Likely it was based on some ancient myth, like the other one was, but I haven't looked it up yet... but things like that are why I like anime, a fresh cover to an old story, I find it refreshing.
Thanks for explaining, though, your perspective, though very different from mine, was something I enjoyed hearing.
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