All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 163.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries1,356
- Rewatched21
- Episodes10,185
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 31.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries200
- Reread14
- Chapters4,337
- Volumes538
All Comments (9) Comments
I'll definitely watch it next thanks for the suggestion
Megalo box 2 is very different imo. it's not about fighting and winning anymore, it's about the characters. Its not just a story about a kinda edgy teenager who is good at boxing anymore. It became a hard hitting show about humans (i know that sounds cliche but its true) dealing with human problems, these humans just happen to be megalo boxers. If you ask me, its a perfect sequel.
I'm trying to describe it without spoiling anything, but i dont know how that turned out lmao
Its very different. And i do think you should give it a chance.
I feel that the show gets better as it goes on. In the beginning I was thinking that it was pretty average, but a few episodes later I’m thinking that it’s pretty good. It wouldn’t hurt to watch it… I think.