Anime Stats
Days: 54.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries173
- Rewatched7
- Episodes3,296
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Manga Stats
Days: 6.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries19
- Reread0
- Chapters1,112
- Volumes78
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All Comments (38) Comments
Yes, I saw negative reviews popping up (basically people acting salty coz it's now ranked number 1)
So I rushed to delete my preliminary review and turn up a new one xD
i have no idea why i got pretty attached to floch despite hating him for wanting to give erwin the serum, but after that i think i just realize that he's willing to do anything to free eldia from marley, unlike most characters who let their emotions play in their actions. he may be an asshole with no heart, at the end of the day he just wants eldians to be capable of beating marley.
you're right though, his haircut in the 3rd season was ugly as hell, and i'm not even going to mention the fact that his first appearance in the final season made him look like 2011 justin bieber
i dont know how to mark spoilers, but for the second part, i dont really agree with that. i mean, a lot of people couldve been blamed for that (gabi, eren, falco, marley as a whole, etc), i wouldnt put the blame on one character since he had no way of knowing what was going to happen.