I'm done with MAL due to the recent issues + shitty API making it difficult for Taiga devs. You can now find me on Anilist:
I used to watch anime a couple years back, then life took over and I eventually completely stopped. I've since gotten back to watching anime and now aim to watch the most interesting anime of each new season.
My anime interests are pretty vast. I tend to enjoy anything, so long as it offers something refreshing;
I love a mix of intellectual/psychological/emotional drama.
Deep adventure stories like HxH or Made in Abyss are awesome.
I have my immature moments and can enjoy dumbed down funny shows like no other.
I'm totally okay with Ecchi, so long as it doesn't deter from the story (or lack thereof).
I can enjoy school life / slice of life, when it's well done and stands out.
Dystopian, post-apocalyptic universes can be absolutely fascinating.
Censorship sucks. I like anime that knows no restraint.
I crave stories centered around intelligent & charismatic characters.
Overall, congruence is key.
There are many anime in my list that I've watched prior to 2010. Some of them I can barely recall watching. The scores for those might be higher than if I were to watch them today.
I am not a completionist. I will gladly drop an anime before the end of the first episode if I don't feel I will enjoy it. Many of these were never added to my Dropped list. My Completed score will likely be in the upper range, simply because I like to watch anime I can truly enjoy.
I try to fully respect the 1-10 scale. If something is scored 7, then I mean just that. It's good, but then there's 8-9-10, and there's a lot of those. You probably shouldn't waste your time watching much of anything below 8. There are too many great anime to watch, and not nearly enough free time to be spent watching anime... ;)
Many people on MAL seem to stubbornly watch shows until the very end, as if their life depended on it. I don't personally think entertainment should be forced on one's self. If you don't enjoy something, go do something else! Something more productive, maybe. Entertainment as a whole is vastly overrated, after all.
I've been building the habit of writing my own little personal review of anime I watch under the *comments* section of my anime list. If you're weirded out by a score I give, then this might help understand my train of thought.
If you feel our interests are akin, be sure to recommend me something to watch! Or just come say hi :)
All Comments (7) Comments
So if you dont like eating dirt does that mean you hate eating at all?