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Kimi no Na wa.
Kimi no Na wa.
Nov 27, 2016 6:47 AM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 8
Nov 27, 2016 6:46 AM
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Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 3 - Kagayaku Mono Ten yori Otsu
Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 3 - Kagayaku Mono Ten yori Otsu
Jun 1, 2016 2:25 PM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 7
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Kamisama no Iutoori 2
Kamisama no Iutoori 2
Jun 30, 2015 2:21 PM
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Obaka-chan, Koigatariki
Obaka-chan, Koigatariki
Mar 30, 2015 5:58 PM
Reading 25/49 · Scored 9
Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
Mar 30, 2015 5:39 PM
Reading 75/? · Scored 9

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shukku Dec 4, 2010 11:53 AM

Hello minna-sama!

Since the end of year is coming very fast, we would like you to choose your favorites of 2010 from previous monthly winners. The following categories are:

♔ Manga of the year 2010
♔ Anime of the year 2010
♔ Male Character of the year 2010
♔ Female Character of the year 2010

And remember to visit us often! We are planning a surprise for you all quite soon~

~Always loving,
Admins of ♔ The Old, Elegant Story
yuucchi Nov 28, 2010 3:44 AM

Ohayo minna-san~~
Właśnie rozpoczęliśmy nominacje na Parę Grudnia 2010! Potrwają one do 30 listopada, więc musicie sie pospieszyć! Nominować możecie tutaj!
Poza tym, ciągle można zamawiać karty z Parą Listopada 2010 oraz 300+!
Ponadto, zachęcam do wypowiadania się w temacie Yaoi - dlaczego to kochamy? na naszym forum!
Trzymajcie się ciepluchno w te zimowe dni.
-Yaoi team-
theESCAPIST Nov 12, 2010 7:55 PM
thats awesome. im gonna hate when its time to do my exams in january :(

takuto is very fine >:D but its kind of not far since he's the only guy with any real character developement. you cant even get into many other guys cuz they're only there for one ep :( besides the purple hair guy thats creepy and does nothing and sugata that also basicly does nothing. he was kinda disappointing. i wanted to see him a little more but all you really got was random minor parts. not to mention when they finally do start talking about sugata they do that to him D: i was so pissed!!!

indeed >////< afterwards i thought wait one minute we can watch the other guy but we dont get to see yakumo in the shower?!?! haha its extremly annoying. i was beginning to think it was a really weird romance just about them hooking up (which would make me so sad T_T) but im happy to see it's getting to the climax :D eventually.

im pretty sure there were two. perhaps the u.s. gets it before where ever you are XD ahh now im gonna have to read it to see what the difference is! i absolutely love character developement. sceens that show a characters past or like their home life aside from the main story is often my favorite :3 depending lol aww i thought it was decient. i would read it and i guess they have to start somewhere. cant wait to see the next one :]

so far i only read the first chap a couple months ago which i thought was hilarious! had no time to get into it either though haha and then after reading 13 and bankara a few weeks ago it got me thinking about it again. ohh yea and its getting an anime in the spring. im so excited :D it was also a speacial for it at this years jump festival but i havent found it subbed yet :(
Chey___ Nov 7, 2010 9:01 AM

MM z Polskiego FC Mangi Kuroshitsuji~
Nowości może nie ma zbyt wiele, ale to świadczy tylko o tym że Wasza aktywność również jest znikoma.
Nie przedłużając - od wczoraj można nominować bohatera października/listopada. We wrześniu zwycięzcą został Alois Trancy, jednakże z powodu śmiesznej ilości głosów, limitowanej edycji z nim nie będzie. Tym bardziej, że post z kartami z Cielem jest nadal otwarty i można zamawiać.
Po tym pozostaje nam jeszcze tylko zachęcić Was do uczestniczenia w grach ( popularnej w swoim czasie Kurowiedzy) oraz dyskusji w komentarzach.
Dziś krótko, nie mniej jednak za spam przeprosić wypada~
theESCAPIST Nov 4, 2010 8:29 AM
it's okay :) hope you do well on your exams!

i watched him transform like 3 times and i was dying from laughter XD star driver is absolutely ridiculous.

i think you mean MY yakumo hahaha jk and if they dont stop hinting to them liking eachother i might just punch someone >:/ why couldnt they come up with a better character then her DX

haha i see it updated every week and think should i do it ... nahh lol i went to the bookstore a few weeks ago and saw the first two volumes of bakuman. i debated buying it but ended up just skiming the pages. im pretty sure it was the exact same thing as the anime XD if anything the next long-ish manga i want to start is beelzebub :3

geez i'll make sure to avoid it at all cost haha
Kannei Oct 31, 2010 3:22 PM

Yo minna new votings are up

Couple of the Month~december

Main Pic~Togainu

so have Fun and Happy Halloween

Endcycle Oct 29, 2010 11:10 AM
So I started listening to dir en grey and now I can't stop o.o thanks lol ;]
theESCAPIST Oct 26, 2010 2:43 AM
hahaha okay maybe a little unplanned XDD well maybe very unplanned but its still far from over right? :3 now way does it?? haha i think he looks super cool >:D probably cuz im not taking this series seriously. i watch it just for laughs.

omg i was just wondering if she has any friends and then i remembered how they're always dying or getting taking over by spirts. either she really unlucky or has a terrible taste in friends :0

now i really wanna read bakuman XD but im so busy and lazy i'll probably just start where the anime ends lol no i didnt watch it. guess i should start it huh

pft never even heard of mars of destruction :P haha
Endcycle Oct 23, 2010 1:17 PM
There's no Halloween in Poland!? Oh my god haha, that's missing out on soo much free candy. Here in Canada when we were little we would go door to door with big black garbage bags to collect candy. The bags would fill up and when we got home we would dump everything on the ground haha, the floor was full of different candy, chips, chocolate, toys, etc. Halloween parties are fun too haha, you get to dress up :P I remember one year I had a real gas mask that I used to make a costume as a dead military soldier.

I am thinking of learning Japanese as well, I've been nagging my parents to buy me lessons at a local school that teaches it by making you listen to and speak it without any english. Good luck on the GCSE exams whatever that is though :] I'm sure you will do fine.

I got an 86 on my psychology midterm, only 5 people in the class got above an 85 on that midterm. Our class has like 100 students, so on the graph it shows me as 1.07% of the class to get that mark. The course average was a 67 :P I am so confused as to how I scored so high, the whole time I thought I was going to do really bad. I guess I overreacted and studied well.

That sucks haha, I used to walk a long distance to school too, It's really ridiculous in the winter, my shoes were always wet =\ And when I was in high school we had school uniforms, so I never wore a jacket, only a sweater. I'd freeze myself before I got to class, then when my blood warmed up it felt like I was on fire haha, the burning sensation. Thank god I live right next to university now :]

HoTD was good :] I just hope for a second season. Right now I'm watching Samurai 7 since like 6 guys in the club told me to watch it asap. Idk, I just started watching so I'll give it a chance, but I'm not a fan of the setting.

So are like these parties and conventions close to where you live? Cause here I always have to drive everywhere, it's so annoying haha. I wish I lived next to a convention or an otaku-ish store...
Endcycle Oct 21, 2010 8:05 AM
A hikikomori motivated another hikikomori haha omg >.< But it is a very nice lifestyle :P Not worrying about the outside world, being laaaaazy, and entertaining yourself everyday with games and videos. That's the perfect life, I wish it was possible without having money =\ Just become a leader of some ridiculous cult or gang and collect money from members :P It's ridiculous how you can manipulate some people so badly haha.

Halloween parties are awesome, I love Halloween :P

Really? I honestly don't think it should be weird talking to me cause even if I was a spy, I still am who I am :P It's not like I'm gonna turn into some hardcore crime stopper :P I would never turn a friend in.

I don't go back to sleep after I walk with my dog lol, I can't. I only sleep really long on the weekends. Yesterday I woke up at 5:45 after going to bed at like 2:00 o.o

I usually made it to school all the time, I can only think of two times when I was late and I rushed to school haha. I hate it!

I'm glad your enjoying Onizuka, I just finished high school of the dead. I don't know if I liked how it ended, there was no "ending"
I feel like there was no real story either, like you don't know why the government released the emp bombs, what the real source of the infection was, etc. It just felt like a random anime that involved surviving. Yeah, I think that's it, just a survival.

theESCAPIST Oct 20, 2010 1:37 PM
omg you had me laughing so hard XDDD i like the weird space :3 how weird would it be if they were flying around the sky doing that crap haha who knows. im pretty sure the glittering people were like they need to fill something up with glitter :P ohh well everything will be explained soon enough.... i hope >< i liked at first how random it is butnow im just like umm ... okay, about time we get some answers! at first i didnt like the character designs but it grew on me :D i love the art style. especially the opening and his transformation lol

yakumo alone is freaking awesome! but god do i wish that pink haired chick would get a life! she's all over the guy, she basicly camped out at his appartment in ep 3 lol i thought it was hilarious that when she tried to stand him up it back fired. thats what she gets :)

one thing that is bothering me though is that yakumo only gets 13 eps while star driver has 25 :/ something there seems a little backwards

bakuman really should get more episodes :( i would totally waste 2hrs of my life on complete nonsense and stupidity :D

no problem :] just hope you like it lol

i dont get why they're so popular either! last year i had two friends watching peach girl and whenever they talked about it the show sounded terrible.
theESCAPIST Oct 19, 2010 6:58 PM
i wish school was like that! half of my classes put me to sleep lol

nooo, how can you not like star driver?! its fabulous!! :D i havent read bakuman so i had no idea what to expect but i like the anime it so far. its so cute :3 arakawa was one of the ones i wished i watched. i thought it was supposed to be really funny. dont watch the other one.

lets see i think im watching... seven :P and i like all of them but most of them are just okay. faves so far are bakuman, psychic detective yakumo, and star driver haha its really stupid but for some reason i love it XD

i guess you werent completely wrong cuz it does show these news reporters trying to figure out what happened so thats probably why you thought that :) just to warn you it sjips around a lot so at first it might be hard to keep track of everything thats going on but trying to figure it out is one thing that made it so great. durarara was simply amazing ^^

hahaha i just talked to people that said peach girl and clannad were good XD just from looking at them i think i agree with you more.

btw thanks for the friend request :)
Endcycle Oct 19, 2010 5:30 AM
I'm finding it harder to reply lately myself, your the only one I'm still writing to, I guess I just got overwhelmed with the amount of writing I put in to these replies =\ I'm starting to narrow the amount of people I talk to cause this could get way out of hand :P There's no cold weather here yet, I think it's just that overall the lack of sleep, motivation, and being active is what makes me so lazy.

I'm definitely going to go to the conventions, I think the first one is at the end of October and theres another one in December :]

I don't think it's a dangerous job, It's mostly an office type job. Then again, I don't know yet for sure o.o

For some reason going to bed earlier to get more sleep makes things a lot worse. You'll wake up feeling twice as bad. Really? That must be so annoying haha. Usually I have to wake up to walk my dog first. It's so cold in the morning but it helps me "wake up" for an hour or two before I crash and try to sleep again :P

How's GTO so far? I'm currently watching High School of the Dead because a buddy of mine said I must watch, I think it's too "ecchi" but I do like the concept haha, survival in a zombie apocalypse. It's really short though 12 ep, I'm almost done watching it

theESCAPIST Oct 15, 2010 2:32 PM
perverted gangsta teacher? that sounds hilarious actually. i deffinately will when i get the time :)

neither did i! :D ahh how could you not watch dbz lol wow your watching everything! whats your favorite of the season so far? yea im mad i missed a few from last season too -_-

lol no baccano wasnt about detectives XD its mainly about the events of what happened on this train back in the 1930's but its so much more than that. i couldnt get enough of the story and i loved a lot of the characters. have you watched durarara? its by the same people.

i like most anime too except for romances. their not my thing lol one piece really is way to long to try watching. i dont think anyone should go through that XD
Endcycle Oct 15, 2010 8:27 AM
Wow, finally I have some time to write something back to you. The last few days were so hectic! I think I did alright on my midterms :] I also went to the anime club and had a great time. I've already made quite a few friends and they recommended so much anime for me to watch, it was ridiculous o.o

Awe, I hope everything works out with your mom, I hate it when there are arguments in the house, I grew up with my mom and dad constantly arguing and bringing me into it. What do you mean by MAL ignoring you? Do you mean on the forums? Or do you mean when it was being non-responsive that one day?

Well to be honest I think most Otaku's have some sort of experience with fanarts or artwork for commision. My guess is that they sell what they draw. My uncle used to be a 3-D artist and he made landscapes of different maps and sold them for quite a lot of money. I guess, you would need to find some sort of way to make money online.

Yeah my club is going to all the conventions that come up and the best part is that we get discounts! The school give us money to go to these conventions !!! I'm planning on going to each one, and being involved in all club activities. What we did on our first meeting at the club was introductions, then we started to watch anime on the big projector screen. I played a 1v1 match of Starcraft 2 with the person beside me so that was pretty fun too. We ended up having a lot of people standing behind us and watching our match. I won of course :P

Thanks for the support <3 ! Let's see how well I did :} At this point I'm happy with a 60% even :P

Yeah federal is pretty much tied in with the government. An intelligence officer is sort of like a spy? Well, they know all the secrets and are one of the main sources of national defense against terrorism and major crimes.

Hopefully you'll figure out what you want to do in the future, I'm sure you'll figure it out soon enough :]

I don't know why but I can never get enough sleep. It always feels like no matter how long I sleep, I still feel too tired to get out of bed =\ I end up waking up tired every morning now :(
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